This is the mandatory disclaimer.

Part One: Here we go. For all of the morons out there who need this. This is a complete work of fiction, any and all similarities between any and all persons, living and or dead and the characters depicted in the pages of this story are completely and totally coincidental!

Part Two: In the second section of the disclaimer is where I tell you that there is mild language and descriptive death here, originally there was going to be no sex… but you know… stories kind of take a life of their own. . so… there is!. That is it for the warnings. Part Three: I DON'T OWN INUYASHA! I am sorry to this fact, and more so if it bursts any bubbles.

For those of you who have read this same BS on a million stories today, I apologize, but it is the mandatory disclaimer, and now we can return to our regularly scheduled fan fiction just beginning. Introduction (Prologue)
What is it really

That's going on here?

You've got the system

For Total Control

-Powerman 5000 When Worlds Collide

The calm of the night air was shattered! The blackness of the serine scene of twilight blues exploded in a sea of orange flame. Through the burst of light a dark figure was thrown to the ground, rolling a few hundred yards before a large tree broke the inertia of his moving mass and he came to an abrupt stop, knocking the wind out of him, leaving him gasping for air. Rolling! Gasping! He didn't roll, he didn't fall, he certainly didn't gasp for air, and he never lost! It was just some things that he Did Not Do.

His chest felt as though it had been collapsed, his kimono torn, his armor shattered. Slowly he gathered those graceful limbs under his body and pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, the mane of silvery white hair veiling around his slender and delicate features. He lifted a eloquent arm and brushed the white locks from his eyes, the enemy was nowhere to be seen, and this did little to ease his dread. Dread! Another thing that he simply Did Not Do. The list was growing, and tonight it seemed he was hell bent to break his own personal rules that he had so carefully and with precise calculations laid out for himself so many years back!

After fighting Naraku he never thought that he would find anyone that could do more damage to him in a single blow, but this new villain had taken everything that he cared for, and believed and destroyed it, and now his only choice was to fight him or become his dog, that was another thing that he Did Not Do, he never, never ever played lap dog to any being! EVER! Long legs unfolded, bringing his body back to the pose of stature that he always kept, regaining the dignity that hitting the ground in such a graceless way had cost him, his golden eyes glancing about the clearing in which he stood, but there was nothing.

"Sesshomaru!" He heard, the annoying voice of his brother call out to him, he could hear the hanyou's footsteps advancing on him from behind, he knew that he had the Tetsusiga drawn, but InuYasha was the least of his worries right now, they were after all, tentative allies at the moment. That was when he heard it, felt it, the buzz that Rimiku's body released before he attacked.

"Stop." The stoic and calm tones of Sesshomaru cut the air as he spun to face InuYasha, that white hair flaring out and then settling, without hesitation the hanyou ceased his advance and remained stationary, those twin white ears, flexing slightly, twitching in the wind to strain, listening, to see why he was ordered to stop. "Rimiku is here!"

They had been fighting him together, or as close to together as the two of them could be, since the beginning. Kagome was gone, and the bone eater well was closed to her forever. Rimiku surfaced only a year after Naraku's defeat. Sesshomaru had first seen him, the small boy, standing only to Sesshomaru's hip, no bigger than Rin, with wide mismatched eyes, one green, one blue, with fair colored hair, and pale skin, in his court. He thought the boy was human…

"I want to talk to the great ruler of the Western Lands!" The boy had said stomping his foot like a child in the throws of a tantrum. Sesshomaru watched from a distance with mild disgust as his guards resisted. But at this last command, they jolted as if hit by something and turned, telling the boy to follow them. Sesshomaru growled as his guards brought the boy closer, he didn't fully understand why it was happening.

"What is it you want mortal?" Sesshomaru said coldly at him, his poise and stoic natured never changing, but inside he wondered if the boy was actually a mortal at all, seeing as he had dominated his guards into compliance. The king took a deep breath inhaling his scent, he smelled human, the rotting stench of the human body emanating from every pore of his being.

"I want your help." The boy said, his enchanting mismatched eyes locking on the icy golden eyes of the demon king. Sesshomaru had already decided that he would deny this request, for one, he forced his way into his court, took forceful control of his guards, and he was not on his knees with his face to the floor as was proper when you wanted something from someone. "I want you."

"Excuse me?" The words had shocked him, but he didn't show it. Inside he contemplated the meaning of the boy's words, what could he possibly mean that he wanted Sesshomaru. Certainly he was too young to understand the sexual implications of those words, and yet, he was far old enough to know that was something you just did not demand of a king in his court.

"I want you to serve me like the dog that you are." A sadistic smile had coiled over the boy's lips, that was the first time he had ever heard the hum, it was annoying, more so than the high toned whistles that man used to train their canines!

"How dare you!" The squeaky voice of Jakken came as Sesshomaru simply stared on as if unaffected. "Sesshomaru-sama serves no man!"

"I am not a man." The boy said. "Don't you know what I am? I am a god."

"A god." Sesshomaru said rising now to his feet, gesturing that Jakken should back down. He had many times before defeated enemies that thought themselves gods, but most were little more than power crazed youkai and mortals that had gotten hold of a jewel shard. "I have killed that which thought itself a god before. Jakken, take Rin and go."

"Hai Sesshomaru-sama!" Jakan said as the little girl with the dark hair ran up to Jakan. She appeared no older than the child that now stood before Sesshomaru claiming to be a god. Impossible, the boy had some power, but a god? There was no way!

"No one leaves until I get the ruler of the Western Lands as my pet!" The boy called out, there was a pulse and the buzzing got loader as the room rumbled, several of the guards grabbed their heads and screamed as the swelling in their brains caused their eyes to burst from their sockets. Sesshomaru simply looked on unaffected and untouched as those who had served him loyally bled from the eye sockets, mouth, nose and ears, falling dead. The huge doors, which took four youkai to open, were slammed closed as if made of paper. "Now Sesshomaru-sama, have you reconsidered my proposal?"

Sesshomaru said nothing, but inside there was turmoil. He didn't know what to do; he had never seen so much power in such a small shell. He glanced down as the figure of Rin clung to his leg, hiding behind the large fluffy boa of fur that was wrapped around his body. If he did not accept, it would put Rin in danger, if he did, he would become this boy's pet? Unheard of! He wouldn't have it! He could move fast enough to stop this boy from harming Rin, and if that was the case, he could have it all. Sesshomaru always got what he wanted, and what he wanted now was the body of this insolent brat impaled upon his poisonous claws.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" She gasped. "I'm scared."

She had never admitted being scared before, and he had never seen such fear in her eyes, it seemed to will him into action in a way he could never explain. It was the effect that Rin had on him, that was, from what he was told, the same effect that Kagome, the human miko from the future had on his half brother InuYasha..

"I see…" The boy said thoughtfully as Sesshomaru drew his Tokijin. "I can not have you because you belong to another. If you are this girl's pet, than I simply must kill her and take you from her, no mortal child deserves a pet like that great king Sesshomaru!"

"I belong to no one." Sesshomaru finally said as he swung the blade, the energy burst that came from it disintegrating everything in it's path, including a few of his own men.

"Good shot Sesshomaru-sama! You showed that little upstart, a god indeed, nothing but a child, and how could a child dare hope to stand up to the great king Sesshomaru-sama…" And on and on Jakan was droning, but Sesshomaru never did listen to him much. He watched coldly as the smoke cleared, and his eyes widened only very slightly as the figure of the child remained, just as he had been, untouched.

"I expected more." The child said, he sounded a bit disappointed. "I thought for sure the was more to the great Sesshomaru than that."

The boy raised his hand and the buzzing grew again.

"NO!" He heard Rin's voice call out. His eyes looked down at the little girl that put herself between him and the boy. "Don't! Don't hurt him!"

"And why?" The boy asked, canting his head, the buzzing slowed for a moment as he held back his attack.

"Because…" She cried. "Because I love him!"

The words echoed through Sesshomaru's head. Love? She loved him? She had never said that before. He looked down at her now, not taking those words in stride as he had so many other redeeming things that she had said about him. Usually he said nothing, did nothing when she preached about how good he was to her, but love… love?

"Love?" The boy said. "You love a pet enough to put yourself in harms way?"

"He is not my pet!" She said glaring at the fair skinned boy. "He is my… well… he is like my father!"

Father? Sesshomaru this time looked at the other boy. She thought of him like a father, his golden eyes seemed untouched as the girl spoke of him, but she was saying things that he had never heard her say before, even when eavesdropping on her conversations with Jakan.

"You are pathetic. Like the children raised by wolves that call their wolves family. He is not your father, he is your dog, and now he cowers behind you." The boy said. "Yet still you to not desirve his protection, you are only human, and like the rest of them, you are vile and corrupt, and I will kill you, and take your dog, or father, or whatever you call him from you!"

Sesshomaru moved forward, grabbing Rin as that humming spiked and pulsed. He turned his back and took the brunt of the blow, or so he thought. But it was a sonic attack, the air around him vibrated, he could feel his blood within his body vibrating it was excruciatingly painful, his golden eyes watched in horror, his ears barely registering the sounds of her screams as the blood started to pool around her eyes, looking up at him in horror!

"Rin." He said softly, he covered her ears, her body with his own, but the vibrations were coursing through the very air itself and there was nothing that he could do to stop them. He felt her body give its final jerk as the last of the life escaped it. Sesshomaru stared at her dead form in horror. The heat building behind his eyes he felt his body struggle to remain in control of his emotions, he couldn't shift now, he would be too unstable on three legs to be any good… so those glowing red eyes just stared at the dead child… his child…

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Jakan screamed out and the second wave was launched at him, Sesshomaru never really liked Jakan, but he had served him well, so Sesshomaru lurched himself forward, again in an attempt to protect his servants from the death his hesitation had brought them, but like with Rin he couldn't save him from the sonic vibrations of the air. He could feel the warmth of his own blood pooling around and trickling from his eyes, but he was too strong for this attack to kill him.

"Rimiku?" InuYasha asked, snapping Sesshomaru back from his memory. "Where?"

"I don't know, listen you mongrel, can't you hear it." Sesshomaru said coldly. "Can't you hear the buzzing?"

"Yeah, you pampered poodle, I can hear it! But where is it coming from?" InuYasha growled back. The comment was a definite blow to Sesshomaru's already wounded pride, but again he did one of the things that he Did Not Do. He ignored the blow, because there was a more dire situation at hand than InuYasha's perception of him. Everything was still, other than the wind, as the brothers stood side by side. The only movement would be the red and white of the fabric that they wore, and the silvery white brushing of their hair in the breeze. Suddenly InuYasha's ears twisted on his head and lurched forward, tackling Sesshomaru to the ground, again, he found himself falling, again it was something that he Did Not Do. But the ground exploded where InuYasha and himself had been standing only moments before and he was, for the first time in his memories, relieved that InuYasha had been there.

The hanyou was on his feet, the Tetsusiga drawn, and Sesshomaru again, gracefully gathered himself to his feet, drawing the Tokijin.

"If we combine the attack, at the same time, like Kagome and I used to do…" InuYasha said drawing the blade back. Sesshomaru nodded in agreement, working with the hanyou this once would be worth it if this boy were to die in the process.

That was when he showed himself. Sitting on the ground at the base of the tree that Sesshomaru had met intimately earlier. He was laughing at them as if they were great amusement. It annoyed Sesshomaru, but unlike the rage twisting onto InuYasha's face, it didn't show on the Demon Kings delicate features. InuYasha unleashed the Wind Scar and Sesshomaru unleashed his own attack, leaving a crater in the earth where the boy had been. Tree, ground, rocks and everything was gone… everything but Rimiku, who floated there, still seated and still giggling insanely. He was insane, most certainly, that wouldn't surprise Sesshomaru in the least if the boy were insane, surely the amount of power that he had pulsing through his body would cause insanity in a creature that still, even as he readied himself for a powerful attack, the hum coming from him almost deafening, smelled human!

The boy seemed to come to his feet, even though he was floating, so he technically just uncurled, his feet spread out, as if bracing himself on something, his hands coming up over his head. A purple glow would come from his hands and suddenly the world started to shake, the ground under their feet cracking, giant fissures opening. The demon cloud appeared around Sesshomaru's feet, and he grabbed his half brother by the nape of the neck before the hanyou could fall to his doom, something that three weeks ago he never would have done, but it didn't matter now, he knew he could not fight Rimiku on his own, and so he needed his hanyou brother alive for now. Compromise… still another thing he Did Not Do… but he had. Damn Rimiku!

"That was close!" InuYasha gasped looking down at the ground opening below him. He didn't even seem to notice, or care to notice at the moment that Sesshomaru had him like a mere puppy by the nape of the neck.

"Too close." The stoic voice of Sesshomaru answered, he pulled InuYasha up onto the demon cloud and placed his clawed fingers to his lips, blowing through the thumb and forefinger, a sharp whistle pierced the air, which was when the two headed dragon like demon horse Ah and Un, appeared before them. Sesshomaru pulled himself onto the steed's back, and his brother behind him.

"Oh, you escaped the opening of the earth!" Rimiku laughed. For the first time Sesshomaru noticed that the boy was bleeding, he had not come out of the duel attack unharmed, there was blood on the side of his face, and dripping off his fingertips, and for the first time, Sesshomaru found a glimmer of hope. He had almost started to believe that the boy might in fact be the god that he claimed to be.

"Oh shaddup you rat brat bastard!" InuYasha growled at him. "Shaddup and die already!"

With that the Tetsusiga was swung once more and the Wind Scar again unleashed, a perfect hit to the boy, but it did little other than splatter his blood against the tree and cause him to stop talking for a moment.

"No. You die InuYasha! I call to and beg of you, the four gods that aid my cries, the turmoil of the water, the rage of war! Come to me!" He growled back again his hands came up; clapping over his head and a blue light filled the clearing and then faded. Sesshomaru looked back, but InuYasha was still sitting there, unharmed by the light, as was he…

"Oh yeah… that hur…" But InuYasha stopped in his taunting as a large blue-scaled foot came from one of the fissures, it's claws digging into the soil, and then a second, something was coming from the hole. "Oh god…"

"A dragon." Sesshomaru growled. "How droll."

"Droll?" InuYasha asked glaring at his half brother. "Droll? How in the hell can a fucking dragon be droll! After this Sesshomaru, we need to sit down and talk about the meaning of the word droll!"

The serpentine head of the dragon pushed up now, it's long body next, without wings the creature coiled into the air. It was huge, even Sesshomaru had never seen a dragon alive that had ever in his life, grown to be that large.

The four gods? Was that what the boy said, so he himself was only human, and these four gods were what kept him alive? Odd. Well be that the case than this must be the spiritual representation of the Water God, the God of the West, and the God of War, Sariyu, this should have been his god, as the Ruler of the Western Lands, the god of Sariyu stood over the House of the Moon, it was infuriating that this whelp would use the god of Sesshomaru's own lands against him. The roar that the dragon emitted was deafening, and the two Inu's with sensitive hearing would clasp their hands to their ears.

"Kirara!" InuYasha growled, the duel tailed horse sized cat took to air, fire surrounded her clawed feet and the tips of her tails as she rain through the air coming up next to the demon horses side. InuYasha slipped onto Kirara's back and they moved one way, as Sesshomaru moved the other, flanking the creature. InuYasha unleashed another powerful attack, but the dragon survived it, not unharmed. It's attention seemed to be drawn to InuYasha, as he was who the boy had summoned it on.

Sesshomaru was never one to leave a good opening untaken, unless it came to killing his brother. He would come around, his one hand began to glow as he pushed himself off of the horse and onto the dragon's face, as he slipped across the air he could feel his claws slip through the massive beasts scales, feel them melting and rotting beneath the poisoned, acidic claws of his hand. By the time Sesshomaru landed he was in his dog form, his one forefoot centered under his body for support, back legs spread for stability. He had been practicing moving on three legs. He had seen a three-legged wolf take down a springbuck, and it had given him hope. He had found himself able to move almost as well as before even with the missing forelimb.

The dragon was distracted, leaving InuYasha to go after Rimiku. He pulled on Kirara's main and she turned toward the boy, a threatening roar coming from between her dangerous maw of teeth as she charged him, InuYasha's blade pulled back. Yet the boy simply smiled at him, as if he welcomed another round with the Tetsusiga.

The dragon rounded, those teeth coming down to meet with the ground as Sesshomaru jumped up and out of the way at the last moment, he would lurch his head forward, his teeth, dripping with the same poisonous acid that came from his claws would bare down into the dragon's eye, the claws of his front foot digging into the already decaying scale on his nose as those back feet, kicked and clawed with a rapid furry. The dragon rose again, shaking its head to dislodge the giant dog with some difficulty.

"Wind Scar!" Again InuYasha used his famous move, but again it did little more than irritate the boy, again the hum started around his body as he himself flew forward, Kirara however was a master in the air, and dodged the boy, not without some difficulty, cutting it close enough that InuYasha found himself praying before he realized that the boy was now above him. He grabbed Kirara's mane and moved her again right before the boy darted down on them, and again unleashed another of his attacks toward the descending boy.

Sesshomaru hit the ground and slid, his single forefoot dug into the ground as he pulled himself to stop, his white head rising to look at the dragon, red eyes narrowed, lips drawn back, the mane of fur that surrounded his body where the air loom lay was spiked as was the fur along the base of his neck and tail. He leapt again, this time those teeth and claws mauling the soft underbelly of the dragon, it tossed its head back and roared.

The buzz spiked again and InuYasha couldn't hear, he couldn't think. He felt Kirara drop from under him, returning to the adorable little two-tailed kitten that she was when she wasn't needed; the throbbing that was causing InuYasha's pain must have disrupted her concentration. Now he was falling. It is all over now InuYasha, the last thing that Sesshomaru has will die now, and then he will be mine! InuYasha heard in the buzzing. He heard a distant scream, wondering whom it was that was screaming. As his clawed hands came up to his ears he realized that it was his own voice he was trying to block out. He never felt himself hit the ground; the pressure behind his eyes was too great. You are stronger than most, but not as strong as Sesshomaru. You will die… it will just hurt more.

Sesshomaru was again thrown clear of the dragon, but it was direly wounded now. He saw the large fiery cat vanish and his brother falling, clutching his ears, screaming. He knew what it was, it had killed Rin, and Jakken! He lurched forward, in an attempt to get to his brother, or to the boy to stop him but he was suddenly caught in the cage of teeth of the dragon, a pained yowl escaped him, he couldn't remember the last time, even in dog form he had yipped in pain. He rounded his head, digging those poisoned teeth into the dragon's gums, forcing it to release him, and moved to where his brother lay writhing on the ground.

InuYasha had been in many places, and many times the pain had over come him, but never like this, it was like every nerve, every blood cell was betraying him. He couldn't quell his own screaming. It seemed like forever as the world turned first red and finally black.

"Take it!" InuYasha growled as he heard the three feet of his brother land over him, then the energy burst as he became small again. "Take Tetsusiga!"

Sesshomaru knew he knew he was dying, there was nothing that Sesshomaru could do to stop it, the wounds of the dragon's bite were festering like the bite of a Komodo Dragon, he knew it wouldn't kill him, he was a demon, but the pain was unbelievable. He knew that before it cleared from his system he would wish he were dead. Sesshomaru reached over grabbing the Tetsusiga and recoiled as it burned his hand.

InuYasha felt the last of himself leaving the body that had caged him for so long.

Come on InuYasha a sweet voice called to him. Come to me.

He looked up to see his mother and Kikyo standing side by side with open hands beckoning him, and then looked back, his brother was stripping the fire rat hiori off of him, and wrapping it around Tetsusiga so that he could hold it.

Will he be all right? InuYasha asked, looking into the awaiting eyes of his mother.

Only time will tell InuYasha, now come with us, you do not belong here any longer. With that he retreated into the loving embrace of his mother, and taking Kikyo's hand, InuYasha was gone.

Sesshomaru grabbed Tetsusiga in the robe and leapt away from his brother's corpse as the ground exploded, as Rimiku had burned his fathers home to keep him from resurrecting Rin and Jakken, he now burned his brother as well, mid flight he was grabbed in the teeth of the rotting dragon, it was almost dead, the poison he delivered killing it slowly, and he was shaken and thrown, again the pain wracked his body as he hit something and then fell down a shaft… it took him a moment, to realize that this was the fabled Bone Eater's well. He struck the bottom of the well… and all faded to black.