Her Choice
AN: Wow. Inspiration actually hit. I'm currently stuck on my other story, an Utena/SM crossover. However, I AM going to finish it. I've gotten farther on it since starting this story. I've also gotten pretty far on this story. I'm really happy with the idea of this story, even if I can't write it as well as I'd like. Hopefully everyone will enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. And, if you do, leave a review to let me know. I appreciate all feedback.
About the story: I don't know exactly what happens at the end of the series, so, this is how it goes in my mind. Everyone survives, including Kikyou. It's been about 2 weeks since Naraku's death, and Inu-Yasha's been acting unusually nice to Kagome.
Prologue- The wish
"Oi! Kagome!"
The girl turned her head and smiled at the hanyou dashing towards her.
"Hi Inu-Yasha!" She called, waving to him. He stopped easily a step away from her.
"What the hell are you doing out here?" He demanded, glaring at her while crossing his arms over his chest.
"Just felt like going for a walk, why? Is something wrong back at the village?" Kagome asked concerned, not even flinching under his glare.
"I've been looking for ya. I need to ask ya something," he said, his voice growing a bit softer. He turned away from her, looking around the woods.
"What is it, Inu-Yasha?" Kagome asked, placing a hand on his arm,
"You goin back to your world? To stay?" His voice was quiet, as he glanced at her hand on his arm.
"And leave everyone? Never. You guys are as important to me as my family back home. I may have to stay in my time more, but I'll always come back." Kagome smiled brightly, shaking her head.
"Good." Inu-Yasha nodded. Kagome giggled.
"What's so damn funny?" He growled.
"The way you said that, it just seemed like you had planned on getting me to say that all along," She said, walking towards a rock, and sitting down.
"I did," Inu-Yasha said, plopping down next to her.
"And why is that?" Kagome asked in a sweet sing-song voice.
"Cause I want you to be with me," He said, a slight blush on his face.
"I want to be with you too Inu-Yasha. I want to be with Sango and Shippou and Miroku and all my friends here," She said, leaning towards him a little.
Inu-Yasha growled.
"I don't mean like that, stupid. I want to be with you tonight!" He almost shouted, jumping to his feet.
Kagome's face instantly turned bright red.
"You mean… Like sleeping together?" She asked meekly.
Inu-Yasha turned, and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her up, and kissing her roughly. Kagome felt a fire burn through her veins as his lips crushed hers. She cautiously wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes.
All too soon, he pulled away from her. "I love you Kagome. I love all of you."
"Does that mean you choose me?" She asked quietly, looking away. Afraid of what she'd see in his eyes.
"Kagome… You promised…" He said, slightly hurt.
"I just wanted to know. I'm not asking you too, I just wasn't sure what this meant…" She pulled away a bit.
"I love all of you, but part of you is in Kikyou. Just as part of her is in you. I can't love one without loving the other… You have to understand… I don't want to hurt either of you," Inu-Yasha said, sighing.
"I know… I need some time to think, Inu-Yasha. I'll come back to the village later. Wait for me there, please?" She almost whispered. She hugged herself, as she stepped further from him.
"Just remember… I love you… and I need you…" With that, he leapt away from her towards the village.
Kagome sighed, and leaned against a tree. She fought back the pain and doubt his words brought her.
"Why can't you understand that she and I aren't the same… Not at all…"
"He does, but why would he settle for one love, when he could have two? You are foolish, Miko," A deep voice remarked from the shadows.
"Sesshoumaru! How long have you been listening?" Kagome questioned, startled.
"Long enough for my stomach to be turned by his crude proposal, and even cruder actions," the Tai-youkai stated, glanced disdainfully at the rock they had been sitting on.
Kagome gulped. "Why are you here?"
"To find out if the rumors were true. And, indeed, they seem to be," he stood next to her, looking deeper into the forest.
"What rumors…?" She asked curiously. He glanced down at her, raising an eyebrow.
"I must live with the disgrace of my father rutting with human filth, but I see no reason to allow my brother to further degrade our family by rutting with the dead. If you do not tear him from her, I shall destroy them both," Sesshoumaru turned away from her, to glance up at the darkening sky.
"I promised him… I wouldn't make him choose…" Kagome sighed.
"Because you fear he would choose her?" Sesshoumaru closed his eyes.
"No… Yes… He said he loved us both, and I would rather have part of his love then…"
"Finish that sentence and I will kill you now," Sesshoumaru snarled. "You are the one who destroyed Naraku, an impressive feat for a human. Do not degrade yourself to sharing a filthy hanyou with a corpse. Either take him for your own, or leave him." Sesshoumaru turned his icy gaze upon the human beside him.
"I can't change how I feel…"
"Nor can you change what is in his heart. He is my father's son. He wishes for his first love, but only you can give him and his corpse what they desire most." Sesshoumaru turned to walk away from the broken miko.
"What do you mean?" She pleaded, desperately grabbing onto Sesshoumaru's sleeve. He pulled his sleeve from her grasp, but stayed.
"Do not be foolish, Miko. You are still alive, and able to bear children. He wishes to be what he never had. You are fertile now, and if you rut with him, there will be a child," Sesshoumaru glanced behind him as he heard Kagome gasp.
"That's why… It can't be…" She whispered, fighting back tears.
"I suggest you think carefully over what I have told you. Look for a mark on the corpse's lip, a scar. It is the mark of a mate. If it is there, you know she is his mate. If you lie with him, your life is forfeit after his child is born."
"He would never hurt me. He's nearly given his life to save mine!" Kagome insisted.
"He may not wish you dead, but the corpse is full of hatred and malice. One so innocent cannot understand her ways. She does wish to have all of her soul back, does she not? And perhaps she wishes the Tama to herself as well," Sesshoumaru turned towards and shaking girl. He gently wiped a tear, and glanced at the drop on his finger.
"Why? Why are you telling me this?" Kagome asked, her voice broken and hurt.
"As I said, I will not live with the disgrace of my brother mating a corpse," Sesshoumaru turned his back on her again. "Despite the fact that you are merely human, I do not believe my filthy brother is worthy of you, Kagome."
With that, he disappeared into the trees. Kagome fell to her knees and let the tears flow freely.
"Then I only have one choice…"
"Hey, Kagome, we've missed you!" Miroku chirped happily, opening his arms wide, walking quickly towards the miko. However, his walk was interrupted by hiraikotsu upon his skull.
"Welcome back. Kagome-chan," Sango greeted cheerfully, removing her weapon from Miroku.
"Thanks guys. I hate to cut it short, but I need some rest. I'm gonna go to sleep early tonight, alright?" She said, looking off in the distance, at Inu-Yasha.
Her two friends grinned knowingly.
"You know Kagome, if Inu-Yasha would like a… ahem, private ceremony, I could arrange it…" Miroku said mirthfully.
Kagome winced from his words. "That's not necessary, Miroku, but thanks for the thought.
"Kagome, did something happen between you two?" Sango asked, worried.
"No, Sango. And nothing will…" With that, Kagome entered Kaede's hut.
"He must have done something really stupid this time…" Miroku sighed.
"Whatever it is, he'd better fix it if he wants Kagome to stay around," Sango shook her head, and headed back towards the new hut Miroku and Inu-Yasha and built for her and Miroku.
"Oi, Kagome, wake up," Inu-Yasha whispered, poking the sleeping miko.
"Mmmm?" she groaned.
"Well? What's your answer, wench?" he demanded quietly.
"It's just too soon. What if I got pregnant? It's too risky right now," she whispered back.
"I told ya, I'll take care of you. Don't you want a family?" he retorted, snorting.
"I do, but I'm too young for that in my world. I wouldn't be able to finish school, or anything. I can't risk it right now," she sighed.
"Doesn't how I feel matter at all?" he growled.
"Yes, and so does my future. I can't give it all up for one moment of passion. I love you Inu-Yasha, you know that. But I can't do that, I'm sorry, Inu-Yasha…" Kagome said, pleaded with her eyes for him to understand.
"Keh, whatever, wench…" he snorted and left the hut.
"You made the right choice, child," Kaede said softly.
Kagome gasped. "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have discussed that here!"
"Nay, child. It is alright. I have heard far worse things discussed in my presence," she laughed lightly. "Besides, I wanted to warn you he was with Kikyou today."
Kagome winced, but said nothing.
"She came by to see me, and they left together into the woods…" she said gently, hoping to ease the girl's pain.
"Sesshoumaru told me I'm fertile right now. I would definitely have a baby if I agreed…" She said quietly.
"Lord Sesshoumaru? Inu-Yasha's half-brother? Why were ye speaking with him, child?" Kaede asked.
"Because he heard rumors Inu-Yasha was, as he said, 'rutting with the dead.'" Kagome laughed bitterly. "He said he would kill him if I couldn't keep him from Kikyou…"
"I see… So what will ye do, child?" Kaede asked, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder.
"I'm going to make my wish. Tell me, what has to be done?" Kagome asked, her eyes bright with determination.
"Alright child, but be careful. A selfish wish would only turn on you," Kaede warned.
"I know," Kagome sighed, and closed her eyes. "I have to do this. It's what's best."
"Alright then, this is what ye must do…"
Kagome stood on the hill, smiling sadly as she stood in the center of her friends.
"You sure you're ready, Kagome?" Miroku asked, worried.
Kagome nodded. "I've been ready, Miroku. I know what I need to do."
"Alright then, child, begin," Kaede instructed.
Kagome closed her eyes and relaxed. She felt her power flowing out of her, into the crystal before her.
'Midoriko, take my strength, and give me that which I wish. Please, grant Kikyou a living body.'
AN: God I am evil. Sorry to leave it like this, but… Wait, I'm not sorry! Let me know what everyone thinks! That way I know whether to post it, or just keep it hidden on my hard drive for my own personal enjoyment. :-)