![]() Author has written 10 stories for Inuyasha, Kingdom Hearts, and K-ON!/けいおん!. FEAR MY NINJA MONKEYS MWHAHAHAHAAAA!!...hehehe How long have i been on FF?...can't really remember, it's been a while though. I haven't writtin anything in sooooo long sigh oh well. I'm 18...wow I HAVE been on here a long time lol I'm no longer a minor and can read M rated stuff legally!...ahem...like that stopped me b4? Ssshhh! Let's keep that b/w us k? xP I'm kinda on the short side compared to my sister and others (just like Ed andAlphonse! from FMA) If you haven't figured it out already I am a girl. I draw and put some stuff up on my Deviant account, here's the link if you wanna see (which i know you do): I also have a fictionpress account it's mostly original poetry: http://www.fictionpress.info/~artisticrelevance I love JPop/Rock, Japanese music, whatever ya wanna call it. Faves now: FLOW(OMG! Remember and GO!!), Maximum the Hormone (yes, theirsongs i get "high" off of lol), Last Alliance(YES!!), Asain KungfuGeneration(OH YEAH!), Do As Infinity(probably the best FEMALE Japanese singer I've heard), BoA hrmmmm... still into Utada Hikaru and Namie Amuro(not as much as i used to be though)...Fall Out Boy, Luda, T.I yah I listen to ALL kinds of music even country(on occasion) hey, as long as it sounds good. Just recently got into Disturbed(thank you Rock Band II) I like the HighschoolMusical Movies, Demi Lovato(have to get her CD) Hannah Montana, and the Jonas Brothers(they're awsome, IDC what u say!) XP ...Anyway... (Wierd) Facts: It's practically impossible for me to play a major action/adventure(Final Fantasy series horror games, ect), RPGgame for consols(i can play them on handheldsthough). I just can't stand having things pop out at me and having to fight huge freakybosses i get overly excited and can't control myself from just pushing random buttons at the wrong time and then i end up dieing. So i usually stick to sport, fighting, rythm and racing games It's a known fact that I'm sooooo blasted fluffy sometimes... it's sickening (sometimes) I do act pretty wild n crazy sometimes, especially during thunder storms and when i used to play floor hockey after school(middle skool)(i don't know why), but I'm mostly quiet. OH! and i play Lacrosse for my HS (goalie and defense) i sucked at basketball so i went for that ha. Favorites: Anime: Inuyasha(of course), Fullmetal Alchemist(FMA), Naruto,Host Club, Shin Chan(does that count??) .Hack/Ledgends, Fooly Cooly(lol),Read or Die, Fruits Basket,LoveHina,Azumanga Diaoh,Pokemon(like everything before Chronicles..i think),Zatch Bell, Abenobashi( lol like a longer version of FLCL), Air Gear(Agaito's such a potty mouth LMAO) and any other good anime or manga. I own FF 7 Advent Children, ok it's technically not anime but that movie's da JAWN! XD--I saw the FMA movie and it wasn't as good as i thought'dbe, but it was aiight... The Avatar movie was absolutely AMAZING!! Imma get it DVD HA! MangaI collect: Fruits Basket(I'm waaay behind though) some of Case Closed,FMA and my Tsubasa collection has distracted me from my FB collection, CardCaptorSakura and Read Or Dream_ My lil sis got me hooked on Kagetora and Absolute Boyfriend and (but i don't collect those, i read her's) Favorite couple(s): TenJi, ShikaTem, Inu&Kag, Mir&San, Roy&Riza(can't really choose between them and M&S; they're so similar to me)Koh&Rin, and Sora&Kairi, and NaruHina is pretty good too, oh and Haru&Tama (Host Club) Types of fics: Romance, comedy, action, adventure, and drama. Fluff is always a favorite with me, I live off fluff. Fluff fluff fluff, unbelievable amounts of fluff x-p Things I hate: MATH!! CHEMISTRY!! SAT'S!! Copy cats (ex: my sister), bad anime, talkin on the phone(ok I don't HATE it, but i'd rather text or talk in person) ...this LDR thing i got goin on... and some other crap I can't think of at the moment I liked this quiz so i put it up one here, it's actually pretty true -nod- 17 signs you like someone SEVENTEEN: |