Disclaimer: ok throughout this story I have said that I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA… what makes u think that I own it now?
Ok last chapter! DUN DUN DUN! Haha well cause I'm still making my sequel…. And yea I have no time at school…. Except the fact that I work on it at lunch... THANK YOU TO MONICA AND AILEEN! Haha cause u guys helped me… sorta … so my excuses for not updating for like… EVER is cause of this…
2. At school during p.e. I SACKED a guy… I MEAN LIKE TOTALLY HEAD ON COLLISION! Hahah yea so I got sore from that… oh yea we were playing handball too :)
Friends…. Ok Marissa, Michelle, Mika, Tram, Sarah, and yea…. KEPT ON DISTURBING ME WHILE I WAS WORKING ON MY STORY AT SCHOOL... which was at lunch
Ok so there you go :D haha yea im so kewl…. Haha ok REVIEWERS ARE AWSOME:
MeiNyoko: yea it better be! Haha JK :D
Dark Paper Wind: haha yea im so mean haha oh no! ahhh! Dark papers :P
Mushin: DAMN LUCKY! Haha oh well I taped it any way hehe
inulover7: updating? Yea I am Haha well this is the last chapter
mirsanforever: why thank you…yea Jeremy will pay that… ARGG!hehe.. aww im too lazy.. I promise in my Sequel haha
sangosiena: I KNOW RIGHT! Haha
Serene: o ok :D haha of course I'll write a sequel! Hhehe o dang hunt me down? O great another stalker haha JK
butthead24: yea the movie is kewl :) I already talk to you haha
Miko123: haha its fine... getting threats is fun :P OMG! I was like HOLY CRAP when I saw it on the news YAY thank god ur safe… right!
Magick Moon: haha ok… my friends from school said that too when I showed it to them im so special
MirokuHoushi471: YAY! Haha yea :P
Anna: hahah nice when I first saw it I was like "WTF! HOLY CRAAAAP HAHA"
O.oCharmedAnimeGirlo.O: haha yes I have ridden the rides before! THAT'S HOW I KNOW WHICH RIDES ARE THE BEST
demonmiroku: hey don't be messing with my story! Haha
mirsanforever745: I know it's the best huh? Hahaha ok I might…
Satsu-Death's Messanger: BWUAHAHAH now you know how smart I am… I read it wrong ahhaha SORRY AGAIN! And thanks for the review hahaha!
An Adventure in Disneyland
Chapter 8: Downtown Disney and the Ride Home
The gang finally got out of Disneyland and started walking towards the shops. Then, Fred suddenly out of nowhere bit Jeremy on the neck.
"What the HELL was that for!" yelled our Jeremy. Before he could say anything else his legs gave out and he fell over unconscious.
"Don't worry," said Fred, "he'll be back after a few days,"
"Alright," everyone said.
"That's fine with me," Felicia replied.
They left Jeremy where he was and walked to their previous destination.
All of them walked into the Disney tore and separated in to smaller groups. Sango and Miroku were looking through some items, when she got an evil idea.
Quickly and quietly Sango crept away from Miroku. After a few moments Miroku had lost Sango.
"Sango?" asked Miroku, "Where did you go?"
"Shit… where did she go?" Miroku asked himself.
He heard some giggling behind him. The monk turned to look but saw no one.
Sango was trying to sneak up on Miroku.
"haha, this is gonna be sweet" she thought to herself while smirking.
Sango jumped out in front of Miroku and shot him with a toy gun. Miroku was wide-eyed with shock, then tackled the demon slayer to the ground. She laughed hysterically as Miroku was tickling her until she was on the verge of tears.
"Had enough yet my lovely Sango?" Miroku questioned her smiling.
"Mi-Miroku!" Sango sputtered in her laughter, "y-ye-yea! ... hahahah st-STOP!"
For a few more seconds he didn't stop… but then he ceased to stare into a pair of chocolate brown eyes. That's same pair of brown eyes were looking directly into violet crystals both were peering deep into each others souls.
"I Love You," the two said at the same time. Sango blushed and turned away. Miroku smiled and lifted the both of them up.
With Kagome and Inuyasha…
"Awww, look Inuyasha!" Kagome exclaimed. She showed the half- demon a small plushy doll of a dog that looked exactly like him.
"It probably has the same brain size too" retorted Shippo as he started to laugh at his own comment.
"Why you little…!" Inuyasha said. He hit the young fox demon on the head and earned a "SIT!" from Kagome.
"You better watch it you little twerp," he grumbled as he struggled to stand up.
Shippo just stuck his tongue out at him. Inuyasha just glared at the small demon.
"Inuyasha! Calm down, Shippo is still young," Kagome reasoned with him.
"Feh, whatever, I'll just get him later," Inuyasha replied. Kagome's temper was rising, but she let it slide.
"Inuyasha you need to grow up," Shippo said, "And you shouldn't be angry all the time,"
"What did you say! YOU RUNT! Come back here!" Inuyasha demanded.
"Oh boy, out of all the guys to choose from I had to pick the half demon… ahh o well I still love him," Kagome thought while smiling to herself.
"What are you grinning at?" Inuyasha asked her roughly after he was done beating up Shippo.
"Nothing, just you" she replied.
At this Inuyasha turned red and said, "hmph… really?"
"Hahaha, Inuyasha, of course,"
"Oh, ok… I love you Kagome,"
"I love you too Inuyasha,"
They both forgot about Shippo who was still dazed out by what Inuyasha did to him, and held each other.
Everyone met up in the front of the store about 10 minutes later.
"O.K then," announced Felicia, "ready to leave?"
"Yeah," they all said.
"Alrighty then let's get moving"
At The Car…
Koga decided to just run back to the house cause he thought that it would take too long to drive. So together he and Fred left in a second leaving behind a small gust of wind.
"See ya later!" yelled out Fred.
"Shippo, are you sure you want to stay up?" asked Jun.
"Yeah, I'll be fine,"
"Are you sure?" Lexi said.
"O.K." Jun replied.
"Just checking," Lexi agreed.
"YAY!" exclaimed Shippo.
During the ride home…
Sango immediately fell asleep. Miroku was up, thinking of the day that they just had.
"Wow, I must be the luckiest guy in the world," he reflected as he gazed upon Sango's sleeping form. He sighed and decided to go to sleep also…
Inuyasha and Kagome were both sleeping with Shippo along with them.
"Poor Shippo," said Lexi, "he's going to be very disappointed when he wakes up,"
"Yeah, oh well, are you going to be fine Felicia?" asked Jun.
"Yup, I'm wide awake," she replied………
At Home!
"Finally, wow now I'm tired," Felicia said yawning. Slowly Miroku and Inuyasha were the first ones to wake up. After stretching out their limbs they woke up Kagome and Sango.
"Huh! Oh we're back," Kagome started.
"O.K time for more sleep," Sango replied. Koga and Fred were already inside, both already asleep on the couch. Sarah, Tram, Cassie, Anna Marie, Michelle, Andrea, and Nicole we still awake.
"Oh god, FINALLY!" Sarah said.
"Yeah it's already 3:00 a.m." Michelle added.
The others nodded.
"Feh, well at least we got back," Inuyasha shot back.
"Oh I need to call my boyfriend!" exclaimed Sarah.
"Are You SERIOUS!? Tram, Felicia and Andrea said at the same time.
"Oh, yea that's right, your dating this one guy, but cheating on Ryan Sheckler, but why does Bow Wow like you again?" Anna Marie explained.
"Shut up," Sarah answered back, "ok goodnight you guys!"
"'Night Sarah," Everyone said back.
They all went to their assigned room except for Fred because she was on the couch with Koga.
Once in the room Miroku stared at Sango's beautiful eyes which were also looking right back to meet his gaze.
"Sango you do know that I love you right?" Miroku said.
"He-he, yes Miroku, that's about the third time today," Sango laughed.
"O.K. good just making sure,"
"Just shut up and kiss me again," and with that Sango leaned forward and engaged her lips to Miroku's… and both deepened the kiss for a few minutes. The faint moonlight illuminating the two.
The Next day…
"Good Morning!" Felicia said to everyone. They all returned the greeting with a nod or saying good morning back.
"WHAT!" Everyone said.
"Yup, I just remember that I have some free rooms there… we're leaving tomorrow"
"HOLY FUCK!" yelled out Aileen.
"YAY! Haha this is gonna be fun!" Shippo shouted.
"Oh great another vacation," Inuyasha said
"Hey who knows this could actually be fun," Miroku said smirking toward Sango…
AND THERE YOU GO! TA DA! IM FINISHED WITH MY VERY FIRST FANFIC! YAY! so you guys better watch out for the sequel "AN ADVENTURE IN VEGAS" and it will also be under another pen name.. so u people better keep and eye out for it! Haha ok so thank you thank you! And see yea next story…Haha alright BYE I LOVE YOU ALL UNTIL NEXT TIME!... HERE I WILL STEAL THIS FROM AIR SUPPLY… "WE CAN NEVER SAY GOODBYE… BUT ONLY GOODNIGHT!" and so its almost 2:00a.m. Haha CYA LATER SKATER