If you like this story, please check out my other stories as well. At the moment there is only one other, - A New Leader. I am writing it as we speak along with this one, as well as a third one, which I have yet to name and upload.

I plan on updating the stories once a week, each story a separate day. Also, I normally have all my stories written a chapter ahead of what it is online. (ie: If I have 10 chapters online, I really have 11 written on my computer.) If I get enough good reviews :P I'll post the newer chapter ahead of time.

Please tell me what you think of my stories - Any advice is good advice.

Undeniable Love

By: Scaevola

Published 8/25/05

'How could I have been so stupid?' was a thought that kept intruding on Kagome as she walked to school with her friends. The past week in the feudal era had not been one of her best stays, to say the least.

She had left to come home four days ago, and she still had not calm down.

"Kagome-chan," asked Eri from behind her. "Are you okay?"

Kagome started. She forgot her friends were with her. She turned around and offered them a smile reassuringly. "Yes I'm fine…I was just thinking."

Eri and Yuka both nodded their heads in understanding. Ayumi looked at Kagome thoughtfully. She normally knew when Kagome was lying.

All three of them started to talk again about useless gossip and things that were happening at school, but Kagome wasn't interested in what they were saying.

'I swear I'm never going to bother with InuYasha again. Once I'm done with the jewel shards, that's it. I've had enough of him.' By the time Kagome reached the school grounds, she was fuming.

"So what about Hojo, Kagome?" asked Yuka.

"What about him?" asked Kagome. 'Great! Hojo - the last person I want to talk about.'

"Well, we all know he likes you Kagome." Yuka paused for a moment. "He was asking about you constantly while you were sick."

"We heard he even came to visit your house." added Eri eyes twinkling.

'Oh no! He came to my house and I wasn't there when everyone thought I was sick!'

"Oh." was all Kagome could say. "Well I didn't see him. I was too sick to get out of bed.

"You didn't even see him, Kagome!" exclaimed Yuka. "He brought all these gifts for you though!"

Kagome was starting to regret getting involved in the conversation about Hojo. She really felt bad that Hojo cared for her so much and she didn't return the feelings.

As Kagome worried about how she had treated Hojo badly, she heard someone shout from behind her and her friends. "Higurashi!"

Kagome groaned inwardly. 'Talking about him was bad enough…'

Hojo finally caught up to them and stopped next to Kagome. "Higurashi, I heard how sick you were. I hope you're feeling alright?" he barely waited for Kagome's nod before continuing.

"I know you're throat must be sore after you're sickness, so I brought you these." he said as he handed her a box of some herbal tea and herbs.

"Arigato, Hojo-kun." murmured Kagome.

"Kagome," Hojo walked a bit closer, and looked down at her. "Are you doing anything tonight?"

Kagome knew what he was implying, but she didn't have the heart to say No straight out. 'Think Kagome think!'

"Um.." she started…looking down at her feet.

Her three friends ran forward and huddled around her.

"Say yes Kagome!" squealed Eri and Yuka.

"He's the cutest guy in the school!" even Ayumi was a little too giddy for her own good.

"Well I don't know…" Kagome trailed off.

Before Kagome could think of an excuse to get her out of this mess however, Eri turned around and told Hojo that Kagome said yes and that he could pick her up at 7:30.

"But- but- I didn't even say anything yet!" stuttered Kagome.

"Well I wasn't going to let you say no!" glared Eri. "You know how much he cares about you! You'd make a perfect couple!"

Kagome looked down at her feet. She just didn't feel comfortable around Hojo…

"Are you thinking about you're Two-timing, selfish, arrogant boyfriend again Kagome?" asked Eri suddenly.

Kagome's head shot up and she glared at Eri.

"I'll take that as a yes…" sighed Eri.

"You should get rid of him, Kagome. He's a horrible boyfriend." said Yuka.

'That selfish jerk. I hope I never have to deal with him again.' Unfortunately, that's too much to ask for. She'd have to finish collecting the shards first.

The bell rang before Kagome could say anything, and their conversation came to an abrupt end as they split up to go to their different classes.

Miroku stretched and sat against the wall of Kaede's hut as Sango held a sleeping Kirara in her arms. Shippo sat nearby enjoying one of his candy's which Kagome brought from her time.

It had been four days since Kagome left. And InuYasha was about to break his record for how long he sat and mopped around the well. He usually cracked in the morning of the third or fourth day to go and get Kagome.

Judging by how InuYasha was lasting so long however, Miroku began to wonder about what Kagome and InuYasha had fought about. He didn't know the details, as the fight between the two of them, for once, was in private, and not in front of the others.

The only part of the argument that Miroku had heard clearly was the loud "Sits" that Kagome screamed at InuYasha before running to the well in tears.

He felt sorry for Kagome. InuYasha was not exactly the caring type, and he usually didn't think about what might happen before he spoke his mind.

But still, InuYasha obviously needed Kagome. The way he'd sit by the well patiently waiting for Kagome to return was touching. Sometimes Miroku marveled at how the two of them managed to be friends even after all of their quarrels.

"How do you think InuYasha is holding up?" he asked to no one in particular.

"He's probably still sitting by the well mopping around." said Shippo knowingly.

"I went to see him not to long ago. He's in a tree sitting there, staring at the well." Sango looked up from Kirara, whom she'd been petting. "I don't understand why he wont go and get her."

Miroku sighed and stood up. "Well…let's go and find out, shall we?"

InuYasha sighed from his branch in the tree as he watched the well. He'd been in the tree for days, not moving, but just watching the well and sighing occasionally. He even slept in the tree so that he could be ready for when Kagome came back.

Every once in awhile Shippo or Miroku would check in on him to see if everything was alright, and even though they were nothing like Kagome's company, they had a way with making InuYasha feel better. Sango had visited around lunch, and tried to talk to him, but he mainly just ignored her. He didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment.

Suddenly a breeze came his way, and InuYasha picked up the scent of Miroku, Shippo and Sango all heading his way.

He knew what they were hear for, of course. But he really didn't want to talk to them. He'd feign sleep and hopefully go away.

But it seems like some things just aren't supposed to work out for InuYasha. He sighed loudly as Miroku began hitting the tree with his stick, until InuYasha answered them.

InuYasha remained silent until he couldn't stand the noise anymore. "What?" he snapped.

Miroku seemed unfazed by InuYashas outburst. "I wanted to see how you were doing, InuYasha," he said calmly. "We're all worried about you."

"Well you can stop worrying and leave me alone." he shot a glare at all of them, which they all didn't seem to see, or chose to ignore.

"InuYasha, why don't you just go to Kagome? I'm sure she'll forgive you for whatever you did." Sango reached up to try and grab InuYasha's hand, but he moved it out of her reach.

Sango sighed loudly and yelled "Fine! If you want to act like a child and hide from her up in a tree then that's fine by me! See what I care!" and with that she stomped off.

"Gee InuYasha," Shippo said, shaking his head. "You're really good at getting everyone angry with you."

InuYasha was about to leap down and pound the little runt into the ground when Miroku held up a hand and told Shippo to leave.

"Shippo, that's enough. Go back to Kaede's." he waited for the kitsune to leave before turning to InuYasha.

"Do you want anything to eat, InuYasha?" he asked.

"Feh." snorted InuYasha. "I'm not as weak as you humans, I don't need food as often."

"That may be, InuYasha," said Miroku. "But I'm going to eat, here anyway. I'd like it if you kept me company."

InuYasha eyed Miroku as he walked off to the clearing near the well and sat down to eat. He knew the monk was up to something, but he'd play along with it for now.

He leapt down next to the monk and sat as well, taking a fruit that Miroku handed him.

"InuYasha, I don't know what happened between you and Kagome, but I'd like to help. We'd all like to help; Sango, Shippo, Kirara and I are all you're friends." He took a bite out of his fruit before going on. "But we can't help you if you don't tell us what happened."


"If you want, I'll keep it between the two of us." Miroku took a chance, hoping that he could somehow gain the hanyou's trust by saying that. He had to suppress a grin when he saw InuYasha's nod.

"Fine, Miroku. If you're that concerned, I'll tell you." InuYasha laid back on the ground before talking.

"You remember the night before we got in the fight?" He looked over to see Miroku's nod. "Well, while you guys were all getting ready to go to sleep, I saw one of Kikyo's soul collectors."

Miroku groaned. He knew where this was going…

"I went to see Kikyo that night. We talked for awhile. Kikyo eventually mentioned Kagome. She said how she hated seeing Kagome around me 'Her from another time' she said. She called Kagome err…several other names and I was too shocked to say anything against her comments."

"Then she kissed me and told me to leave Kagome." InuYasha turned to look at the well. "Kagome walked into the clearing as she did that. I didn't know how much she heard, but she turned around and ran away. I tried to chase after her, but she wouldn't let me explain."

He turned back to Miroku. "The next day I made up my mind and pulled her to the side to talk to her. But she screamed at me once I brought up Kikyo. She told me that I should go enjoy myself with Kikyo, that I didn't need a 'jewel shard collector' like her." InuYasha said the last part with a bit of a sneer. "Before I could say anything to defend myself, she sat me and ran off, telling me she didn't want to see me again."

InuYasha looked down at his feet and sighed. "She told me to stay away Miroku."

Miroku was silent as he thought about InuYasha's problem. Perhaps it was best he stayed away until Kagome calmed down. Chasing after her would only provoke her more.

"InuYasha, I know that you care for Kagome, and you don't want to fight with her." He looked off in the direction that Kaede's hut was in. "But perhaps I'm not the right person to talk to. Sango is much closer to Kagome than I, not to mention the fact that she is a woman as well. She may know what to do."

"That's your advice Miroku? Go and talk to someone else?" snarled InuYasha.

"Well, not exactly, If I were you, I would try and talk to Kagome." Miroku stood up and began walking to Kaede's. "But I think we should talk to Sango first. She may have better advice."

"Feh." was all InuYasha said, but he followed Miroku.

Sango listened carefully to what InuYasha had to say. If he was to be believed, he wasn't entirely at fault, and Kagome was over reacting. Something that both of them had a habit of doing.

When he finished, she only said one thing before leaving the hut. "Go to her, InuYasha."

InuYasha sat down and sighed. Miroku patted his shoulder as if to tell InuYasha that it would be okay before he too stepped outside to talk with Sango.

Shippo lay in the corner next to Kirara, both of them asleep.

InuYasha closed his eyes in thought about the problem he had got himself into. He just wished that Kagome would believe him. He wished that - 'No, she'd never really care about a half-demon like me.' InuYasha shook his head before getting up. He'd have to go get her and try and get her to calm down.

With one last look at the two in the corner and a nod to Miroku and Sango, both of whom had returned during his musings, he ran out of the hut to the well.