Miroku no Shichi!

Chapter 1: HOW MANY?

The gang was having their share of troubles, going day to day, not finding any real signs of Naraku. They had the last shard of the Shikon no Tama, but Naraku had all of them. He had all but Kouga's, Kohaku's and Kagome's of course. She finally started leaving it at home, where Naraku, or any one for that fact could never reach it.

They were going through a dry spell of boredom, Inuyasha whined, Sango glared as she watched Miroku approach yet again with his arm fully extended. She wanted to hit him, but he was starting to look really pathetic. She simply pushed his hand away, and walked off to find Kagome near the river, refilling the bottles.

"So Kagome, sense ANY thing to do?"

"I'm sorry, but not really. I'm getting bored too. I don't have any homework, do to it being summer, so I can stay here."

"Ahh, I see." Sango sighed and gazed into the water. Something caught her eye. "Kagome? Do you see that?" She point out towards a small, marble-like object sitting in the calm water.

"Yeah…" Kagome dipped her hand in the water and looked at it intently when she brought it above the surface. She decided to pocket the small item.

"What do you think it is?"

"I dunno, we'll have to ask the guys…"

Kagome and Sango returned back to the camp of bored men, and bent down and put the waters in her bag.

"Woman, you do know when you bend like that, your ass shows?" Inuyasha grumbles, thinking about the girl's small 'skirt'.

"Oh you mean like this?" she said, bending in a further position and touching her toes. Inuyasha blushed a bright red, seeing as the hem of her skirt touched her panties, showing her white panties just a 4th of a centimeter.

"Stop doing that!" He barked at her.

"What worried about Miroku getting to see what you've already seen?"

"No! I—urr, well…"

Kagome giggled at the flustered hanyou, Sango then affectionately hugged Kagome in a sexual matter and started to laugh.

"What, do you think I will become a lesbian, and start chasing after Kagome's skirt?"

Inuyasha shocked from Sango's actions, he fell backwards in embarrassment, shielding his eyes from the sight. The girls just started laughing hysterically at Inuyasha and Miroku's reaction. Miroku's jaw dropped, and his mind went crazy of thoughts of Sango going at it.

"Oh! I just remembered something!" Kagome exclaimed, pulling out the marble. Shippou hopped up onto her shoulder in curiosity.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure, Sango saw it in the river." Kagome replied opening her hands, leaving it open to any one wanted to look at the marble. Shippou grabbed the marble and looked at it.

"It's really pretty! It looks like it has a rainbow in it!" Shippou hopped down and looked intently at it and leapt on to Inuyasha's lap. "Look Inuyasha!"

"Get off me…" Inuyasha said, not bothering to lift his head up to look the kit in the eyes.

"But look at it!"

"I said get-off!" The hanyou growled, Shippou jump off and ran, knowing that Inuyasha would chase his tail if he bothered him any further.

"Come here Shippou, let me see it." Miroku said, offering his lap to the helpless kitsune. He accepted the offer and handed the marble to Miroku.

"Hmm, it looks like something of value, but I feel a weird aura coming from it."

"Maybe it's magical!"

"I want to say it's the--!" Miroku started, standing up, letting the kit tumble towards the ground. He growled, and jumped on to Kagome's shoulder.

"It's a Shichi marble," Miroku stopped, suddenly feeling something inside of him tare apart. "Oww!"

They watched as the Houshi glowed an assortment of colors, and then a light absorbed him.



Sango ran in circles, thinking of something to do. Kagome gawked at the sight, but knew there was no foul aura coming from Miroku because the aura was completely innocent. Inuyasha laughed because he had heard what the houshi had said a moment before.

Everyone watched as the light faded away and seven figures were visible. Inuyasha was on the ground laughing with Shippou, while the two ningen gawked at the sight.

There stood seven.







Seven Mirokus.

Sango's jaw dropped skeptical about what was happening, Kagome stood perplexed.

"Those damn Shichi marbles will get ya every time." Inuyasha breathing hard, "Show them every side of the human heart, and they work like that." Snapping his fingers in a speedy motion.

The seven Mirokus looked at each other; a couple laughed, one looked around paranoid, and one looked at every one shocked. Each of the houshi replicates had different colored robes than the original.


"Yerp" The rusty orange-robed man chirped with the yellow one.

"Duh? Shichi marble?" The red one mocked when he finished laughing.

"Are you honestly serious? You are ALL Miroku?" Sango whined. "Oh yeah? What's his last name? Who raised him?"

"Furyou, but I'm Miro." Green one huskily said, winking at her. That is obviously the Flirty one. The real one was bad enough, but a flirty one too?

The gray one walked up dozily, " Mushin raised us, urr, Miroku. I'm Miroko"

"What is the name of your ever-so-faithful raccoon dog's name?" Kagome questioned, trying the other four men.

"Hachi." A Black robed one replied adding his name. "I'm Mitsu."

Kagome giggled at his name. Mitsu. It sounded like something she would name a pet.

"Hey monk, how many times have you groped Sango?"

"147" they all replied at the same time. Sango blushed a deep crimson. "I can't believe you kept count!" She sighed and thought, "I was sure it was 139…guess he got me when I wasn't paying attention."

"I'm Miroppe," the orange robed man informed.

"Mirin is the name! Gay is my game!" The yellow one giggled. Everyone stared. Sango burst into tears of laughter, never expecting such a response.

They all focused their attention on the last red robed Miroku, expecting a name. He just sat crossed armed, and 'Hmph' when he noticed the looks.

"Obviously Miroku's inner anger…just like Inuyasha I see."

"I'm Mirochi," he mumbles, not bothering to say anything else.

"Don't bother him, he's a bit grumpy." Mirin commented, receiving a bump on his head for it.

"So Sango, Miroku's eye obviously didn't deceive us." Miro remarked, scanning his eyes over her body. She had firm strong arms, a flat stomached, and a slightly voluptuous chest. Her deep brown eyes were accented with rosy pink eye shadow, and complimented with her dark brown hair touching her cheeks.

She stared back into his plum purple flecks in his eyes, catching the smirk on his lips. The lips she wanted. Well kinda. She thought hard about the situation. Would it be the same as kissing Miroku, the real one? Sango's minded more when she suddenly felt something.

I large hand on her butt.

But it wasn't Miroku.

It was Miro.

She looked to see him with a pleased grin. Just as she was going to slap him and scream 'hentai', he grabbed her arm in mid-air and kissed her roughly. He skillfully slipped his tongue through her lips. She tried hard to resist, but her body wouldn't let her. Sudden she heard someone.

"Ah hem!"

Sango broke her self from the kiss and looked to see a blushing Kagome, two uncaring demons, a group of giggling Mirokus, and extremely pissed Miroku.

Miroku jump at him self, tackling the over-flirty version and started punching him.

"HUH?" was all Sango said.


Mia-san, in and out!