Yay finally the last prompt! (Well technically it was day 6 & like due over a week ago. Oops I'm terrible at deadlines, I wish I could blame it on school but sometimes you just have those days where you sit on the ground and eat a giant bag of hot Cheetos, yeah I had like a week straight of that xD I just wanted to still post it because it turned out fairly cute with some naughty bits.)

Anyways; enjoy~

-the italicized lyrics belong to Hozier - work song. ugh, I could go on and on about how I love that man but I'll stop myself.

"Thank you" Gajeel took Levy's hand as he laid his forehead against hers leaning down to meet her.

The newlywed couple snuck away to have a moment alone after officially getting married in the sunny afternoon. Photographers and friends searched for the two but they wanted just a few minutes alone enjoying the time by themselves after sealing the deal.

"For what?" Levy didn't expect a thank you from him and was frankly confused.

When alone, Gajeel was finally able to let a wall down. Even when saying their vows, he stayed as composed as a brick wall.

"For everything."

Levy looked up into his eyes that softened while giving into her hazel ones.

"D-Don't make me cry again." The blunette brushed her fingers under her eyes trying to rid the mascara streaks she knew was present. She sniffled slightly trying to hold back the tears of joy that would fall once more.

He laid his hand as gently as possible under her chin lifting her sweet face up. He laid his forehead against hers giving her button nose slightest peck. Levy giggled slightly bringing joy back into her face from his gentle approach.

"Never again." He laid on last soft kiss on her lips that were stained red for the occasion.

He let out a grunt while wiping his lips of the red coloring that now unfortunately matched hers.

"Don't!" Levy took his hand reaching on her tippy toes to leave a kiss mark on his cheek. "Leave it!" She grabbed his hands trying desperately to stop him wanting her mark to last. Although when she took his left hand she smiled widely at the permanent mark wrapped around his finger.

"Levy!" Lucy called out while trying to rush towards the hidden couple while in heels picking up the hem of her peach colored maid of honor dress. "You two can have all night together but we need Levy right now!" She tried to take her friend's hand but Gajeel defensively picked up his petite wife carrying her bridal style.

He turned back into his rough nature walking away with her in his arms. "Hands off what's mine bunny girl."

"Sorry Lu! I'll meet you inside!" Levy waved at her while being whisked away.

The guild cheered as Gajeel defensively carried Levy in not wanting to put the fairy down willing to fight off those who tried to take her away.

When he did, he watched her pick up the excessive tulle from her puffy dress as she walked to her friends who caught her in a tight embrace congratulating her. Gajeel stuffed his hands in his pockets questioning why they would do that. They should be congratulating him. He was the one that was lucky, he received the most perfect woman as a wife.

The image of her walking down the aisle slowly looking up as her azure curls framed her angelic face.

"You're lucky." Lily came up behind his best friend laying on top of the iron dragon's shoulder.

Gajeel let out a 'tsk' while accepting the mug of alcohol and taking a much needed swig. "Of course I am, look at her Lil', she's…she's…"

"An angel to deal with you." Lily finished his thought gaining a scowl from the long haired mage.

"Shut it cat, she's stuck with you too."

"Ah but there's the thing, she loves me." The obsidian exceed proudly proclaimed before noting the frustration pent up on his friend's face. "She loves you too." He laid a small paw tapping his shoulder reassuring him her love was true.

Levy turned almost at the perfect moment as if she was ease dropping on their conversation. She smiled and waved giving him that personal nudge.

He took a step forward wishing to have his blunette back into his arms but was stopped by an unwanted disturbance.

"Yo! Congratulations!" Natsu draped his arm around Gajeel's shoulder while clanking his mug against his while holding a plate stacked high in his other.

Gajeel grumbled not wanting to speak to anyone right now.

"Can you hear me though that metal head?" Natsu knocked on his head making Gajeel lash out.

"Do you want to start a fight now?!"

"Now boys, this is Levy's day." Erza slipped her head between the two bickering men draping her arms over both of their shoulders. "And you're not going to ruin it are you?"

"Of course not ma'am!" Natsu quickly nodded at her request and ran off leaving Gajeel to snicker.

"Now go to your wife." Erza said sweetly as possible before taking a large gulp from her mug.

Gajeel smelled the alcohol on her breath knowing full well she was going to turn demonic so he went off to find his bride.

"Huh? Where's Levy?" Gajeel questioned Mira as he lost sight of his blunette.

"She'll be right back." Mira reassured him before noting the blunette emerging from the hallway.

She stepped out of her large ball gown used to walk down the aisle that could swallow her up if she dared to sit. Levy now presented herself in an above the knee plain white dress that allowed her to move easier. The crystal incrusted head band in a floral pattern remained in between her azure locks now presented in a tight bun. Gajeel pushed through the crowd to reach his petite wife who radiated bright.

"Levy." He took her small ungloved hands into his. "Beautiful." He raised his arm as she took a spin eventually laying her cheek on his chest nuzzling into his white jacket.

Large strong arms wrapped around her petite frame, she was in heaven. It was just the two of them on their small cloud relishing in each other's presence.

Clinking of utensils on glasses eventually disrupted their moment. Gajeel growled while holding Levy to his chest as everyone encircled them leaving them in the center of the dance floor.

"Gajeel calm down, they just want us to kiss." Levy looked up to him ready to accept his lips.

Gajeel looked away slightly reluctant to comply as he didn't want to follow any tradition. Though their guild mates were persistent only getting louder the longer he tried to ignore their request.

"Let's give them a show then, gi hi." He grabbed her petite frame dipping her down with his arms on her lower back while locking lips as their friends desired.

Everyone's expression changed as they lowered their glasses to the two remaining in a lip locked like two love sick teenagers. From their tame peck at the altar, this was definitely a deep contrast they were not expecting to witness.

"G-Gajeel…" Levy tapped his shoulder wishing for him to let go.

"Humph." Gajeel placed her right side up before wiping his mouth triumphantly.

"Lu, have you seen Gajeel?" Levy walked up to Lucy who was chastening Natsu for trying to fight with Gray once more. "No sorry, I've been distracted here." She held Natsu close by his scarf making sure to hold him still at her side.

Frustration started to grow as she held Lily in his arms beginning to squeeze him.

"L-Levy…please let go." Lily pleaded with the blunette whose grip only increased apparently not knowing her own strength.

Flashing lights coming from the stage as velvet royal curtains opened turned everyone's attention to the main act.

"Instead of the demon, you'll have someone better, me. Gi hi." Gajeel ignored the booing while picking up his guitar.

Levy glared at the crowd effectively silencing their protests for Mira to come back.

After all if Levy got her way on the whole wedding, he was at least going to get a song in and she was going to make sure everyone loved it.

As Gajeel strummed his guitar, Lucy came up behind the blunette taking her by the arm. They exchanged smiled before turning their attention to up on the stage.

'Cause my baby's sweet as can be

She give me toothaches just from kissin' me

When I was kissing on my baby

And she put her love down soft and sweet.

Levy blushed at his racy lyrics and the winking nudge from Lucy didn't help.

The fancy bubbly was flowing and doing its job on lowering inhibitions. Everyone joined in a euphoric mood that friended even the harshest members.

Levy clinked her third flute with Lucy as they giggled to nothing in particular. Gajeel came up behind the slightly tipsy blunette yanking the glass out of her hands.

"Hey!" Levy pouted wanting her drink back.

"We can't have you too drunk." Gajeel leaned down to whisper their future actions into her ear allowing her only to enjoy.

The rosy tint on her cheeks she wore signified something quite racy that Lucy couldn't help but raise a brow to.

"So I need you at your best." His wink sent a chill up her spine as he chugged down the champagne in the glass before handing the empty vessel to Lucy.

"Now let's go, that dress looks amazing on you but will look better on the floor." He picked his petite wife up scooping her into his arms while taking her away.

The crowd roared for the couple blatantly yelling in the midst of their intoxication. "Bye Levy!" They called out effectively forgetting about Gajeel.


"Say it louder, Mrs. Redfox."

The azure locks that fell from her now sloppy bun now slipped onto her rosy cheeks with each of his movements. Her swollen lips parted softly to take a deep breath was soon replaced by a mewl of pleasure.

His hands held her thin wrists above her head pushing them into the crisp white sheets harder into them after each thrust.

Her toes curled behind his back as her back arched up involuntary to his touch as he laid delicate kisses down her breast bone. The teasing softness of his lips traced below the swell of her breasts taking his sweet time on marking her.

"Ahh~!" The blunette's chest rose to her increased breathing as she felt more vulnerable from limited movement he was allowing her. She clenched her small fists and tightened her grip on his waist as his thrusts were starting to making her legs tremble.

"Levy." Gajeel's voice rang out coarsely husky under groaning her tight core caused. He bit down on the juncture of her neck and shoulder trying to hold off for as long as possible.

He moved her hands to her head in tangling both of their digits through her silky azure strands that fell around her head giving her a bright halo.

"Please…Gajeel." Her soft voice spoke out in between cries of ecstasy. "I-I love y—"

"I love you." Gajeel covered for her flustering of words as he let go of her neck.

"Are you sure it isn't too late?" Levy yawned softly while being transported in Gajeel's arms.

"Don't worry 'bout it shrimp, we have all day to sleep." Gajeel reassured her just wanting to keep the night going.

"But we have breakfast with Lucy and Natsu in a few hours."

"I'm fine skipping it." He took his newlywed into the bathroom bypassing her sloppily tossed dress that was rapidly pulled off.

She had wanted to preserve as much as possible from their big day but ultimately didn't care about where her dress landed when he was working on her neck. His white suit followed soon after falling atop her discarded clothing.

He saw the pout so cutely appear on her face trying to get him to apologize for not caring. From their years together, she knew that she could get him to do anything with just a simple pout.

"We'll go for breakfast and dinner another time, I just need you right now." Gajeel kicked down the door to the bathroom where a bubble bath was already prepared for them.

Thank you everyone for all your sweet review/follows/favorites. I deeply appreciate each and everyone!

I'm starting to write a separate just pure smut story with the prompt of 'wedding night' also so follow me for more~