A/N: I was going through all my "stories" and reading them and decided to post this one. I wrote it one day when I was bored and have no idea where its gonna go. I may not even write a second chapter. But I still hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: (I always forget to put these on) Kishimoto pwns Naruto.

She tried to drone out the others conversation. She just didn't need to hear it right now. She shoved her face farther into the pillow but could not quite seem to block it out. She, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata were all sleeping over at Sakura's house, so far she was completely excluded from the conversation.

"Hey Tenten, why are you hiding under a pillow?" asked Sakura poking her.

"Yeah, this is the first reunion we've had in a while! Enjoy it." Said Ino yanking the pillow away from her.

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel I can contribute to this conversation. That's all." She said defensively.

"What? We're only talking about boyfriends? What's so bad about that?" asked Hinata.

"I just think a boyfriend is a waste of a girls time." She said.

Each girl had a boyfriend. Each girl except Tenten. Sakura was finally reunited with Sasuke, Ino, after being turned down by Shikamaru, went out with Kiba, who was turned down by Hinata because Naruto had finally asked her out, leaving Tenten without a guy.

"Is not!" said all three girls defensively.

"Is too. All love does is distract you from missions and training."

"Your loss." Said all three returning to their conversation. The truth of why she was saying that was only because she felt there wasn't a decent guy in this whole village.. Suddenly feeling like this whole sleepover was a mistake she got up.

"I'm gonna go, I forgot I have to do something at home." She said gathering up her materials and leaving.

"That's ok! You can come back when you're done." Sakura said yelling after her..

"Ok!" she yelled back. She knew she wasn't going to so she decided she was going to let off some steam and go train. She dumped her stuff at her house and ran down to the training grounds. She approached it and saw someone else was there. Her heart fluttered when she noticed it was Neji.

She looked down at her heart, why the hell did it do that? She had been on the same team with him for years.

Now wanting to disturb him, she watched him train for a while.

Disturbingly, she noticed that she liked the way his hair would move as he did and the way his lavender eyes sparkled in the moonlight. She was so preoccupied with these things that she didn't see that he saw her. So when he called out, she felt embarrassed.

"Tenten? What are you doing here?" he said coming over to where she was hiding.

"Umm… I was just coming to train. I was waiting until you were done." She said.

"Well I need a partner you can train with me." He said helping her up. They both took their stances. Neji made the first move. He ran at her trying to take her down with a barrage of punches. She easily dodged them and all the while sending kunai back at him. He reflected them with Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin. She grabbed the scroll from her back and accidentally let go of it. It hit Neji who got tangled in it and when Tenten ran over to untangle him she managed to get stuck too. They were both caught in an awkward position. Neither could move without touching the other so they stayed put. Tenten looked up at Neji. His face was covered in both sweat and dirt which made his eyes stick out. When he caught her staring she looked away. With his free hand he redirected her face towards his. She blushed tremendously. She stared up into his eyes. Is he going to kiss me? She thought. She tried to lean in and kiss him but that resulted in her head hitting his chin. They both grimaced.

"Sorry." She muttered looking away and feeling stupid.

"Uh, how are we going to get out of this?" Neji asked shifting trying to get free.

"Well, um, maybe you could lift your left arm and slid it over my head and—

"But I can't move my left arm." Said Neji.

"O-oh, I could slid my leg," she said starting to move it, "From behind yours and – AH!" she said as she lost her balance. They both fell into an even more awkward position, with Neji on top of her. She snuck a peek at his face, it was beet red.

"Um, hem, uh, T-Tenten? I can't move anymore than I could before." He said trying to lift his chest off of hers so it wasn't smushing her boobs. Tenten tried to wiggle out from under him but her legs became entangle with his. She sank down in defeat.

"Looks like we're stuck." She said turning her head sideways so she didn't have to look at Neji's face.

"Yeah, I guess." He said shifting uncomfortably.

An awkward silence followed. Neji broke it.

"So, um, why aren't you at Sakura's?" he asked tentatively.

"How did you know I was going to be at Sakura's?"she asked swinging her head to face him.

"U-uh, Naruto told me." He said.

"Well, I got bored. I just wanted to train a little before I went home. Why are you here?" she asked.

"Same reason." He said.

Another awkward silence. This time Tenten broke it.

"My feet are starting to get cold." She said immediately regretting saying it afterwards. Neji blushed.

"W-want me to put mine on yours, or something." He muttered. Tenten was taken aback by this.

"U-uh sure. Thanks." She added smiling. Neji tentatively moved his feet over toward hers. Tenten noticed they were just as cold as hers.

"Yours feel cold too." She said smiling.

"Y-yeah, it gets pretty cold at night." He said turning his head to look over the training grounds. Then a thought struck him.

"Can you reach the kunai in my pouch?"

"S-sure I g-guess." She said moving her hand around trying to find where his pouch was. She came in contact with the one on his leg.

"Not that one. The one on my backside." He said not realizing where he was directing her.

"Ok." she peeped. She moved her hand upward and her fingers came in contact with his ass. What's worse was that she wanted to squeeze it. She must of unconsciously gave a little squeeze for Neji gave a jerk.

"U-um up-p a l-little higher." He stuttered. Tenten blushed tremendously.

"Sorry." She squeaked. She moved her hand and came in contact with the pouch he had been talking about and grabbed the kunai from inside.

"Good, now I want you to stab upward, hopefully you'll cut through the scroll." He said.

"I can do that." She brought the kunai up forcefully and poked a hole in the scroll.

"Now slice upward." He said. She started to bring the kunai up Neji's back and sliced through the whole thing leaving her arm draped around him. He breathed a sigh of relief.


"Y-yeah." She said looking up at him. He was looking at her also. For a fraction of a second she thought she saw his head move towards hers but before she knew it he was up and off of her.

"I-I have to get home." He said looking towards the direction of the Hyuga compound.

"Me too." She said turning away.

Tenten hurried back to her house and slammed the door and locked it.

A million thoughts were going through her head.

I can't believe I wanted to grab his ass!

I almost kissed him!

What is wrong with me?

This is Neji I'm talking about.

The same Neji that's been on my team for years!

The same Neji that has a nice ass.

She slapped herself.

Snap out of it Tenten!

You don't let things like this distract you!

You don't date!And you certainly don't like Neji.

A/N: Well thats it. Review for any errors of the grammatical type and if you enjoyed it.
Flames accepted.