Quick fluff-smut fic written for 10 Passions on Livejournal. Enjoy!

At the beginning of a relationship it was probably considered normal to be playful, run delicate hands over sensitive flesh and tease. Although after this many years (that seemed to flash by like the ticking second hand on a clock) Riza had seemingly resigned herself to simple, passionate intimacy. She had never been one for delaying and 'fooling around'; she had always had her eyes firmly on the task at hand.

Perhaps this is why, in some ways that he was happy that she slept in on weekends.

Roy wakes with the sunrise by strictly forged habit and feels slim fingers shift sleepily against his bare arm. Dapples of sunlight dance against his eyelids and with a soft groan he pulls himself up onto his elbows, feeling Riza's hand slide smoothly across his skin and drop softly onto the plain white cotton sheets. She's lying on her back, her hand splayed across her body where it fell from his shoulder, chest rising and falling with the slow rhythm of her breathing.

A lecherous grin graces his mouth and he leans down to press his lips against her pale, bare shoulder; she shifts and makes a small noise of protest as he brushes his tongue along the arc of her arm. He still enjoys watching her facial expression change, hearing her sleepy little murmurs of protest as he touches the spots on her body he knows are sensitive.

He rests his rough cheek against her throat and feels the slow, delicate beat of her pulse. She coughs a little from the added pressure on her airway as he kisses her, the soft rumbling in her throat prickling his chapped lips as he whispers soft nothings against her flesh.

Riza squirms, whimpers and rolls towards him as jaws find the creamy rise of her breast. The supple dark tissue of her nipple perks as his rough tongue brushes along the soft curve of the underside of her breast. He kisses the tiny protuberance where her breastbone split across the bottom of her ribs and moves further down, brushing slow circles around her navel and pausing to kiss the supple skin of her abdomen.

Roy continues downward, tracing the line of the bones in Riza's leg downward until he reaches her toes. He smirks as she once again whimpers at his touch; as he runs the back of his hand along the arc of her foot her eyes flutter open.

"Stop that..." she mumbles, her voice husky. He grins and moves back up to the head of the bed and presses his lips against hers and she readily accepts as his tongue dips into her mouth.

"Why should I?" he grins when he breaks away, and brushes her blonde locks over her shoulder. "Your guard is never down when you're awake, and you evade my touch." An involuntary gasp escapes her lips as he pulls her flush against him and whispers; breath hot an sour against the shell of her ear, "But once again, you fall to my charms..."

"Don't get cocky, Colonel," she murmurs, and presses against him. Seemingly satisfied with feeling her skin against his own, Roy relaxes and the pair settle in each others arms and watch the red glow of the sun break the horizon.

OK bit of smuff there... thanks for reading!