A/N: This is going to be a funny romance kind of thing between Miroku and Sango. I first was going to right this between Sessho and Kagome but I thought that it would mess up the whole thing with Sessho being an ice prince and all. I mean come on; Sessho is to dignified to be a hentai.

Chappie # 1 I like big butts…

Okay here's how the story started. I was on my way to teach My Self Defense classes. I was waiting at the bus stop at around 2:00 pm in the afternoon on Sunday when I saw the bus number 15 come. There were so many people at the bus stop and I swear that I almost suffocated. Well everyone was crowding onto the bus and unfortunately I was pushed all the way to the back of the bus. Okay I lied, not all the way to the back but near the back door but there was this guy back there that kept on looking at me.

I mean he was cute and everything I mean come on. He had really short hair that was tied into a short ponytail, cute violet colored eyes and a gorgeous grin on his face. But he kept on staring at me so I thought that it was very weird. Any ways back to the story. I was standing right next to him and he was sitting (You'd think he would offer his seat to a lady) but the weird thing was my back was towards him after he smiled at me. Well, the bus had about two more stops before it reached mines. When it was close to my stop I heard some one singing in the background behind me.

"I like big butts and I can not lie, you otha brothas can't deny…"

You have no idea how many shades of red my face changed to when I found out it was the guy behind me and let me tell you dudes have done this before to me but not out in public. Kami it was so embarrassing.

"When a girl walks in with a itty bitty waist and her round thing…" Grope, grope…

OMK! Did he just do what I thought he just did? He… he touched me!

"Hentai!" Sango yelled.

She turned around and gave that sucker a large smack to the face. The few people who were still on the bus watched in amazement. As the last stop came Sango jumped of and walked to her classes that were yet waiting to be taught, the young man mean while touched and winced when he felt the red hand print on his cheek tingle and burn under his touch. He hopped of the bus and went after the woman.

"Ano… miss! Miss!" called the young man.

Sango whipped her head around to see the young man calling out to her. She gave him a searing hot glared before speaking to him.

"What!" Sango yelled out making the man shrink back.

"Gomen nasai…" the young man apologized to Sango while rubbing the back of his head. He wasn't really ashamed of what he did but he had to say sorry or else she wouldn't accept his offer.

"Yeah what ever…" Sango sighed in relief when she didn't hear anything about a date come out of his mouth instead.

"I was wondering though, would you like to go out and have a drink sometime?" questioned the young man.

Wrong! Damn it! I can't believe he's got the nerve to ask me out on a date, I should kick him where it counts… Sango grumbled but one look at his gorgeous smile and she melted right before his eyes.

"Heh, heh, heh, okay." She blubbered and twirled her hair between her fingers. Damn it now I gotta go with him. Why couldn't I say no? I bet it was because of that cute face of his. Maybe I should show his face a thing or two, that should do the trick and I can say no to him all I want! Mwa ha ha ha… What the hell am I thinking? Two freakin seconds with this guy and I go nuts in the head. Sheesh!

"Ano… alright then. I'll meet you here around six and we can go to the Neko's Fire club okay?"

"Uh, okay." Sango said.

"Uh wait!" Sango yelled just before the man walked off, "I didn't get your name."

The man smiled at her and winked. "My name is Miroku and yours?"

"M my name is Sango." She breathed.

"Okay then I'll see you at 6." the young man said as he waved at her and walked off. Sango watched his back turn and she too turned and stumbled off towards her class.

A/N: Don't you just love happy endings? I know I do. Well anyways just to have everything straight Sango teaches a self defense class and Miroku… Um well I guess he can be the own of the Neko's fire club. Though you would wonder why a multi million dollar dude like him would ride on a bus when he could be drivin his brand new black shiny and sleek jaguar. Maybe he's lookin for an honest nonmoney grubin lady. Any ways both of them will be at the age of… lets see… 21. That's enough right? Legal drinking age and lots of limey goodness.