![]() Author has written 20 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Inuyasha, Angel, Wrestling, and Heroes. Hello, wellI finally decided to actually put something on this thing! Loathed-Wolf-Spirit had the link to this on her bio and I just felt like I should put this on here. It wasn't written by me, or anyone I know, but it's the same views as mine. I don't know who she is who wrote this, but ifI knew, I would want to get to know her: Closed mids Why are so many people so damn closed minded? You do as much as mentioning something that is 'taboo' such as self hate, liking some adult show or even being homosexual (I'm not a lesbian but gays and lesbians don't bother me at the least). What is it with you people? If someone wants to do something or likes something that you think is "Wrong." or "sick." or even "Stupid." just leave them the hell alone. We do what we want. And if it happens to be cutting yourself, let them be if they're not killing them selves, they'll grow out of it sooner or much later. If someone like shows that are for 16+ year old then so be it. I got dissesd for wanting to see Yu-Gi-Oh un-cut or edited just because just because she says that it's sick and 'hentai' fuck off it has a good plot and happens to be a great show (that's MY opinion so don't comment on that). Jeez, I hate closed minded people. I had a great contact on MSN and she blocked me just because I said that I read Shounen ai on fanfiction . net it wasn't like i was going to talk about it on and on I have other interests! God! People open your damn minds and opinions; We are ALL different and shall NEVER be all the same so accept it already. Who cares if the guy next door is gay? Who cares if your best friend watches porno or that the kid in your class can't spell zilt just IGNORE them and let them be! Yes, I am rather pissed off. I think this has great points, and if everyone thought like this teh world would be a more beautiful place. Racism and all that bullshit is just pointless hate. I mean, there's enough of that going around, and people don't have to add to it. Ok, I'm done ranting, here's a bit about me! Age: 19 Height: 5'4 Hair Color: dyed black Eye Color: Blue with a green ring around the pupil. What you need to know about me: Ok, first off, I'm independent. I don't rely on other people, and I don't trust people easily. I'm not someone who's going to sit and take other people's bullshit. I'm usually in a good mood, but my moods change with the freakin' wheather. You NEVER wanna see me when I'm hyper, seriously. I was up till 6 in the morning from a sugar high, so ya. People call me many things, anything from freak, fucking pyscho, 'someone should shoot you', werid, interesting, kind hearted, charismatic, and deep. Yes, I have some porblems, but we all do. I'm not going to just sit here and say what I think the world wants to hear. I'm me, and there's nothing anyone can do to change it. You have a voice right? Then use it, and then maybe you might be able to change the world for the better. Think about it: If everyone sat there and did nothing, where would we be? It's the people who dare to stand up and use their voice, are the one's that make a difference. Anime: Love it! Anything and everything if it's anime, I'm there! MY favs are Inuyahsa, Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblade, Dragon Ball Z, Gundam Win,g Naruto (I read the Manga) And YuYu Hakshou (Sp?) Fave Anime Gals: Sakura (Naruto) Fay, Mai, Kikyou (Why does everybody have to hate her? Sure she's an insane bitch but hey...) Sango, Kagome Dorthy from Gundamn wing,and Rin (She's so cute_) Fave Anime Guys: Marik, Bakura, Yami, Sesshomaru (Hot!) Inuyahsa (Don't you just love his attiude?) Kouga, Miroku (Watch your asses ladies!) Heero (Again, hot), Duo, Goku (The guy's a dumbass, but ya gotta love him) Gohan, Trunks, Sasuke, Hiei, Yusuke, Kai, Tala, Kane, Rei and Amidiamaru. Sheesh, that's one hell of a lot of names to write down. Fave Music: Evanesnce, Marilyn Manson (That guy is so fucked up...), Korn, Nickleback, Trapt, Finger Eleven, 3 Days grace, Shinedown,Avril Lavinge, most ofthat heavy metal/hard rock shit. Story Stats: As you can see,I have removed some of my more unsuccessful stories, in light of the ones that have done better. I'm sorry if this pisses anyone off, but it had to be done. If you want to talk me, add me to your msn. Decepetive_light@ Anyways, with that said, please enjoy the remaining fics. Also, Deception has been adopted by Deceptive-Innocence, so anyone who wants to read it, just look for her! Ja! |