Chapter 1: Shizuka Jounouchi

(A/N: Another KaibaxSerenity fic. ^^ Well, this one is a whole lot different from my other one. Well, enjoy! Oh and yugioh does not belong me and all that crap. Otherwise the made up characters do. ^^)

Life was all rules. I was never independent. I was never allowed to do what I have always wanted to do. My life was just following orders and doing nothing I pleased. Do you like the kind of life I live in? Hah, probably not. This is life and I'll just have to deal with it.

Me. Serenity Wheeler. I have grown up to be made up as the most perfect person in the world. Perfect grades. Perfect scores. Perfect looks. Perfect manners. Perfect everything.

My mother separated me from my brother when I was at the age of seven. She thought that he would be a bad influence and will wreck my perfect life. Hah, my brother was all I had. She took the most important person away from me, but I couldn't do anything. I was just a helpless seven years old.

Then my eyes began to get worse. I still contacted with my brother, Joey. He was always there for me. He went into the duelist tournament to win the prize money for my surgery. Mother should have been thankful, but no. She still gives him the cold shoulders. Nothing will ever be forgiven.

My mother knew how my brother lived with my reckless father. My father was a drunkard, a thug. No wonder how Joey got brought up, so badly. Well, who am I to blame? That was life and now I was sixteen. That was mother's rules...

"Serenity! School!" I hear the voice of my mother, calling out my name. Another day of school. I practiced memorizing the vocabulary words for the vocab test in English. Then I recited all the president's names over and over. School was great. I got to see my brother. Finally being in the same school as him. Surely I never breathed a word to my mother, or she'll just take me out of that school.

"Coming!" I ran down the stairs and ate a quick breakfast. Then I kissed my mother on the cheek and ran off to school.

School was pretty far from my home. I had to run to get there on time. I ran ¾ the way, until it started raining.

"Just my luck.." My clothes were getting wet. Surely it wouldn't rain too hard? Just some sprinkles..

The rain was getting harder. I was halfway to school. My clothes were half drenched, thanks to running. Then I heard some car sounds behind me. I continued to run, but the car seemed to stop. Someone ran out with an umbrella..

"Here. Get in the car, I'll take you." I looked up and gasped. It was my brother's enemy, Seto Kaiba. I didn't know whether to trust the guy or not, but hey, I was soaking.

"Thank you," I smiled. Rule number 41. Never forget your manners.

"Yea, um, no problem.." Kaiba lead me into his black limo.

I got in the limo and looked around. I never saw anything like this. I noticed a television on the corner and something felt funny on my arm.

"You shouldn't rest your arm there, you might end up calling someone.." Kaiba pointed at the telephone my arm was on.

"Oh! Sorry," I blushed slightly in embarrassment. I continued to stare around, as the seat began to get warm. In surprise, I jumped a bit.

"The car heats up the seat.." Kaiba mumbled, as he explained.

"That's so cool!" I cried out, as my bottom started to get warm.

There was silence for a few long seconds..

"Why were you running in the rain like that? Doesn't your mother care?" Kaiba asked. I looked dismal. Sure, mother would care, but I prefer walking than her driving me to school.

"It rained while I was walking. I should have known it was going to rain. I'm so foolish," I scratched my head clumsily.

"Hmm.." Kaiba looked out his window. "We are almost there."

"Oh?" I looked out of the window. "Seems we are."

"Here, take this," Kaiba handed me an umbrella. "You can keep it, I have tons at home."

"Thank you." I smiled as I accepted the umbrella. The limo reached to a stop. I was getting ready to open the door, but the butler seemed to open it for me.

"Thank you," I smiled to the butler, as he liked at me in surprise. He looked as if he was being thanked for the first time.

Kaiba got out behind me, as I felt the stares of all my classmates, looking out from the window in the second floor. We always did that. When either of us gets to school early, we look out the window to see who comes next. I can feel the stares on me.

"Thank you for the ride, Kaiba," I gave him a small bow as I head over to my class. I walked towards the front steps, as I felt an arm on me.

"Take this. You're soaking." Kaiba handed me his school uniform jacket.

"But, what about you?" I looked at Kaiba in his white-collar shirt.

"Just take it," Kaiba shoved the jacket in my arms as he ran off to his class with his umbrella.

"Thank you!" I cried out as I headed to my class. I placed the jacket over my shoulders and felt warm.

I opened the slide doors of the class and took my seat. I heard some giggles and sniffling around the classroom. Then my best friend, Sakura, ran over to me.

"Serenity! Why didn't you tell me?" she grabbed onto my hand.

"Tell you what?" I asked, confused. Then she pointed at Kaiba's jacket and his umbrella. Then she pointed at the chalkboard.

Seto Kaiba + Serenity Wheeler

"Who wrote that?" I took up from my seat, as the bell rang. I sat back down, as people scurried to their seat.

"What? Seto Kaiba and Serenity?" whispers can be heard across the classroom. I heard some girls wailed over him being theirs and other people mumbling how I am going out with an upper classman.

"Sakura, its not true," I grabbed onto her arm.

"I believe you," Sakura smiled. What a great best friend.

The teacher came into the room. "What is this nonsense?" He erased the chalkboard and stared at the class.

"Who wrote this?" he asked.

Then a hand slyly rose. A girl named Rose. She smirked at me.

"Rose, get out of my classroom," the teacher shouted as Rose got out easily.

I sunk low in my seat and placed my hands in the pocket of Kaiba's jacket. Then I felt something. A locket? I placed it back and looked out the window, ignoring the comments from my classmates.

It was finally lunchtime. The time I can spend quality time with my brother.

"Joey!" I ran up to him.

"Serenity!" he ran towards me and stopped. "Serenity, what happened to you?"

I remembered that I was still drenched. "Oh, its nothing really."

"Whose jacket is that? You got a boyfriend without telling your big brother, eh?" Joey looked at the nametag.

I bit my lips. The expression on his face was quite, indescribable.

"Serenity. You can go out with anyone you like. Just not this guy." Joey turned to the side.

"Who is it Joey?" Big brother's friend, Yugi and Tristan showed up.

"She's wearing Seto Kaiba's jacket." Joey muttered.

"Kaiba's not that bad Joey," Yugi reassured.

"Easy for you to say." Joey muttered.

"Joey's just like that because Kaiba hates him and him only," Tristan grinned.

"Shut up Tristan!" Joey gave his friend a punch.

"Hey you guys!" big brother's other friend, Tea, showed up. "What's up?"

"Joey's little sister is going out with Kaiba!" Tristan blabbered out.

"No, I'm not!" I cried out. "It was raining, so he lent me his jacket. I was walking to school, so I got soaked, okay?"

"So, that's what all the girl's were talking about.." Tea's face looked worried.

"What's up Tea? What did you hear?" Joey asked.

"The girls were talking about Kaiba having a new girlfriend. They were planning to jump the girl, for one of the leaders are crazy about him.." Tea explained.

"Jump my sister? Hell no!" Joey stood in front of me protectively.

"Its okay Joey, I'm going back to my friends now. See you later." I smiled as she waved to find Sakura.

Where was she? I looked for her, but I couldn't find her anywhere.

"Sakura?" I looked around, and then I heard a thud sound. I ran towards the sound and saw Rose's group beating up Sakura!

"What are you doing?" I cried out as I ran to Sakura's side.

"Ah, so the girl was telling the truth. She really didn't know where Serenity was." Rose spit as she walked to me. I kneeled by Sakura, who had red marks on her face.

"Ohh, Sakura," I hugged her, and then I turned to Rose. "What have we ever done to you?"

Rose bent down and grabbed my collar. "You, stay away from Kaiba." She snatched the jacket from my shoulders and burnt it with a lighter.

"You say that I did this and I'll kill you." Rose smirked as she through the burning jacket in front of me. Tears welled in my eyes as I took the jacket and Sakura to the restroom. I tried to save the jacket, but it was in a terrible shape.

"Sakura, are you alright?" I place a wet towel on her head.

"Yea, I'm just glad you're not hurt," Sakura smiled.

"Why didn't use ask me to help? What happened?"

"I was going over to our usual group. You know, me, Lily, and Cherry. But these girls attacked me and demanded me to tell them where you were. Of course I refused.." Sakura grinned. "They beat me up, but I managed to give Rose I few punches myself."

"You didn't have to! You could have been seriously hurt!" I cried out. Then I looked at the jacket.

"How will I ever return this to Kaiba?"

(A/N: Okay, I don't know if I should continue this fic or not, but I will if you guys like it. Please leave a review! Also, I have a KaibaxSerenity site, so if you're a fan, please visit it! The url is: