"Stupid… stupid… stupid… girl…" came a groan of pain from a lone figure clad in red lying face down on a forest floor.
His silver white hair fanned across his back, tangled and "decorated" with small leaves and twigs. The figure twitched just a bit, but remained almost lifeless. For what seemed like hours, he laid still, his face covered by his silken locks. Finally, he rolled onto his back, emitting a groan and couple of colorful curses in the process. Piercing amber eyes stare up at the forest canopy; rays of sunshine peeked through tree limbs onto his dirt smudged and slightly abused face. At the moment, that face was twisted into a pained grimace, yet, despite his expression, his visage shined with the light of youth and vigor, a handsome face and also a very dirty face. Two furry, white ears peeked out amongst his silver-white hair, twitching atop his head. Although he seemed helpless at the moment, he remained alert ready and willing to take action if his sharp hearing detected any threat. A growl erupted in his throat but soon mutated into a groan as he struggled up on his elbows, feeling each of his vertebrae creak in protest to his movement. Every joint in his body screamed in pain, reminders of his last encounter with a frustrated and belligerent miko.
"Damn her," he growled again to no one in particular, wiping some excess dirt off of his hikama, "She didn't have to say it 15 times…"
Whether I deserved it or not…
His clawed hand ran over his body lightly, checking for any broken bones then fell to the ground beneath him. It was dented. He then realized that he was slightly below ground level as well.
"Stupid prayer beads… Stupid Kaede!!! Stupid Kagome!!! I hate her so much!!!" he semi yelled as the realization that his torture had left an impression of his prone body in the ground. Grumbling to himself, he continued to complain to no one in particular, "Why couldn't she just stay like I told her to..? Why does she always have some excuse to go back..? I mean, what is really that important that she has to keep goin' there? Isn't this mission important? Aren't I important?"
His angry expression drooped. He knew the answers to all his questions. He was just too stubborn to admit that he was often in the wrong. He sat in the now stone silent forest, an introspective look on his battered face. Only minutes ago, neither he nor the forest had been as calm…
"What do you mean I can't go?!"
Birds fled from their resting places amongst the ancient trees, some squawking in ire for being disturbed on such a beautiful morning. The songbirds had long ceased their singing in the wake of what promised to be a horrid argument and small animals scattered for cover in fear. Two figures stood facing each other, each in a stance comparable to that of rams ready to lock horns in battle. In the tree-lined cove, a girl stood, clad in a green and white school uniform, her hands balled into fists at her hips, her legs slightly apart. On her back a heavy, yellow and slightly worn book bag sat, it seemed a bit too heavy for the girl to handle on her own but she gave no indication of noticing its weight at the moment. Her stance was rigid save for the wind blowing blue-black hair about her shoulders. Anger almost visibly radiated off her body, her brown eyes narrowed and flashed fire. This sailor fuku suited opponent was not one to take lightly if her glare was any indication.
Before her stood a silver haired young boy donning red from head to toe. His amber eyes were also narrowed, glaring daggers at the young girl. He wore an enraged expression on his face and his arms crossed his chest. To any spectator he would appear quite intimidating, being a full head taller than girl and obviously not fully human. His ears were flattened back against his head and his mouth was set in a sneer, showing razor sharp canines. His growl punctured the silence following the young girl's explosion.
"What do ya' mean, 'What do I mean'? I said you can't go home! It's final! Get over it and march your ass back to camp, you stupid girl," Inu Yasha yelled back in response.
"I will not let you do this to me again… I will come and go as I please! I have sacrificed too much of my life just to be here. I refuse to stand here and let you tell me I can't even go home for two days. On the other side of that well, I have a life, a life that is steadily being ruined while I get dragged from countryside to countryside almost getting killed in the process. I have friends who I hardly know anymore because I never get to see them… I have a family who loves me and worries that one day I won't come home and, to add to that they have to constantly lie to everyone to cover for me. I have school. But, that's about to be ruined too. My grades are slipping. When I get your "permission" to even go to school, I have no idea what's going on," tears of frustration welled up in the eyes of the girl. It seemed that she wanted to say more but she bit her lip to hold it back. Her fists were still balled tightly, her nails pricking her palm.
The hanyou's jaw dropped, taken aback by the young girl standing before him; the tears always hurt him and now her words were even more painful. Pride steeled his expression once again, and he growled harshly, "Kagome, every damn time you decide you want to run off to your world, we miss a chance to complete the jewel. Always complaining about you grades! Keh!!! Who cares about them! Besides, you can't even protect yourself in your own world. I always have to come and save your ass. You should stay put like I tell you to. Then, we could get this mission over, instead of me chasing after you between worlds to make sure no one kills you before the Shikon no Tama is finally complete."
Kagome jerked back as if the boy had slapped her. Unshed tears began to stream down her cheeks and her face flushed a deep shade of red. Several emotions flickered across her face in that moment, sorrow, anger, shock, and hatred. Then her vision slid slowly to ground beneath her, her blue-black bangs shadowed her face. There was a heavy silence and though the miko made no sound, her shoulders shook with sobs, crystal tears raining down to the ground.
In that silence, the young boy's expression transformed to that of pain. It seemed as if he were fighting something from within. His stance became rigid, teeth gritting and fangs visible. His eyes were pleading, almost hoping that Kagome was not as hurt as she seemed. This was not the first argument like this they'd had. However, today, the young miko's reaction to his words was definitely different. Usually, she would have screamed "Inu Yasha, Sit!!!" He could sense that not all was well. He lost the battle with himself and slid forward hesitantly seeking to comfort her, "Kag…"
His progress was interrupted by the sound of Kagome's voice, a voice devoid of all emotion, "Inu Yasha… You may say that what's important to me is insignificant, but that's all because nothing I care about matters to you. In the end, when it's all said and done, you will have everything you want. And I, well I… will be discarded. I will be sent back to a world that I feel almost completely disconnected from. I fight so hard to go back because I need to at least make sure my life there won't be ruined when the time comes and there is nothing left here for me."
"Kagome..? What the hell are you saying?" Inu Yasha yelled. He appeared to be confused tremendously.
The girl continued to stare at the ground, her voice cold, "It's never enough. Nothing I do is ever enough. Even if you don't even realize it, you compare me to "her"; the way I walk, the way I talk, what I wear, how I fight. In the end, you will be with her. And yet, I promised to stay here with you, to be where you are. I am willing to trust you with my life and follow you to the ends of the earth. I ask for very little from you and what I do ask for you never give me without a fight. Whatever she would ask of you, I am sure you would give. You are willing to give your life for her, whether or not she deserves it."
Inu Yasha stood speechless for a moment. Then, frustration overrode his good judgment, "Why are you so fucking jealous of Kikyo! You and I both know it's my duty to fulfill the promise I made to her. Furthermore, I don't compare you to Kikyo, she's way stronger than you and she knows how to use the powers she has. Half of the time, you're so stupid you can't even shoot straight or defend yourself. That's why I am obligated to protect you. I have to keep you alive so we can get all the jewel shards and finish this damn mission. Can't you get that through your thick skull?!"
"… I see…" The girl walked up to Inu Yasha, her head still downcast. Abruptly she lifted her head and stared directly into the molten amber eyes of the dog demon standing before her. Inu Yasha recoiled from the immense pain present in those bottomless brown eyes. He recognized that look. Kagome often tried to hide it, but he always saw. Anytime the topic of Kikyo popped up, her eyes would cloud over. Now that repressed sorrow and pain welled up to the surface, overpowering all other emotions in her. Then, just as quickly, she swung at the hanyou, slapping him across the face with enough power to make him stumble back.
"I am not your obligation!!! Just leave me alone!!!" She yelled her voice raw and strained. Making a beeline for the Bone Eater's Well, she ran full speed past the startled half demon. Her face was set in grim determination as she sprinted the 100-meter distance to her only means of escaping the age of Sengoku Jidai.
Wide-eyed and speechless, the young boy stood; his hand gingerly touching his slightly reddened and blood smudged cheek. However, the girl had not struck him hard enough to draw blood; it was the blood of the young priestess, blood surfacing from welts in her palms where she fisted her hands too tightly in her rage. Recovering from his shock, Inu Yasha lightning quick reflexes kicked in. His face twisted in outrage at being struck and having to chase the disobedient miko. As Kagome reached out to touch the lip of Bone Eater's Well, her hold body jerked to a stop as the angry half youkai latched on to her elbow with strong clawed hand.
"What the fuck is your problem!" Inu Yasha barked, "I told you to stay put!"
"And I told you to…" Kagome body began emanating a purple glow. Her miko energy, fueled by her emotions, pulsed all about her before she screamed, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Then she let loose a short blast of energy strong enough to knock Inu Yasha flat on his back. The young girl stood there for a moment shocked at her own actions. It was obvious that she hadn't meant to cause the dog demon any harm. Her previous anger drained from her face and was replaced by fear. Kagome had not used her miko power so impulsively since her first encounter with Mistress Centipede.
"In… Inu Yasha?" Kagome shuffled toward the prone and smoking figure of her companion, "Are you…"
Her words were cut short as Inu Yasha pushed himself up on his elbows, glaring all the while.
"Kagome, you stupid bitch!" He snarled, casting an accusatory glance in her direction.
Kagome's face was once again livid, her control finally snapped, "That does it! Inu Yasha! Sit! Sit! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT…"
***End of Flashback***