Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha Characters you got that.



Change in Setting

In the beginning of this story you might think where are the Inuyasha characters? But in the end of this chapter you will understand so just read it and enjoy.

Chapter One: Sango the Con Artist

We start our story in a church where two people are getting married. The groom is at the alter wait for his bride. The music starts signaling the bride to enter. She walks down the aisle with grace and excitement. She had brown hair and hazel eyes, she had pink eye shadow and she looked very beautiful

"Do you Dean take Jennifer as you lawful wedded wife," the priest said.

"I do."

"Do you Jennifer take Dean as your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." With that the two kissed and went off to the reception. At the reception the couple were dancing the night away. "Dean this is the best thing I could hope for," Jennifer said.

"I know, so you want to head to the hotel suite," Dean asked.

"Oh Dean there is a piece of cake at the side of your mouth." Jennifer wipes the invisible piece of cake slowly with her fingers and licked it off with her tongue. She then licks the side of his mouth seductively. Dean really wanted to go to the hotel suite if you know what I am saying. He was about to leave when his friend Jimmy the best man walked up to him.

"Hey Dean isn't it tradition for the best man to dance with the lovely bride," Jimmy said.

"Piss off Jimmy," Dean said.

"Oh come on Dean be nice he's your friend, let me just have this dance then we will head off for the hotel," Jennifer said. Dean sat on the chair very anxious and angry, almost everyone was gone and his wife was dancing with the bus boy the bus boy. Jennifer didn't seem to care at all, she was just listening to the music and the song the performer was playing.

The bus boy got the nerve to feel her ass this pushed Dean to the edge. "Jennifer we're going now."

"But I am not done dancing with you friend here."

"That's not one of my friends that's the bus boy," Dean said outraged.

"Now let's play one more song for the married coup...," the performers mike was tossed out of his hands and Dean grabbed Jennifer and went off to the hotel.

"Well Dean you got nice bus boys." The elevator open revealing the two, Dean was caring Jennifer down the hallway and it was a long hallway. About five minutes later they reached the suite. While caring Jennifer he put the card key in the slot but it didn't work so he did it another time but it didn't open. Dean got frustrated and kicked the door open.

"Well here it is the hotel suite so what do think love," Dean said.

"Wow this is perfect Dean," Jennifer said. The suite was quite exquisite, the walls were made of expensive wood outlined with gold borders, there was a small bar on the left and a fire place on the right, in-between them was a large glass window with silk curtain draped over it. Beside the bar was the entrance to the bedroom.

Dean went to sit on the sofa in front of the glass window; Jennifer followed after him and sat on his lap. She started kissing him passionately, Dean started deepening it when she broke the kiss and got off his lap. She walk only a few steps then turned around, smirking she ripped off her wedding dress revealing her lingerie underwear.

Dean was getting really turned on and was gazing at her. Jennifer walked up to him and ripped his tux revealing his chest, she moved her hand lower and unzipped his zipper showing her his large manhood her eyes widened. "Jennifer this is how much I love you," Dean said lustfully. He grabbed her and ran to the bedroom; he was on top of her.

"Oh Dean take me." Dean started taking off her lingerie of and started kissing from her left ankle and started going up further. The further he went the more Jennifer moaned. "Oh Dean, Oh Dean," Jennifer moaned. He was kissing her stomach when he heard something and it wasn't his wife moaning. He look up at Jennifer then gaped at what he saw, she was sleeping. "Jennifer wake up, please wake up, aww man not now not when we're going to make love." In the morning Jennifer woke up and yawned, she was wearing a pink silky robe and Dean was sitting beside her at the side of the bed.

"Dean what happen last night," Jennifer asked.

"Well it wasn't really a night," Dean said disappointment in his voice.

"Oh Dean I'm so sorry listen I'll make it up to you right now." Jennifer started kissing him passionately. "Oh I feel, I feel, I feel sick." Jennifer broke the kiss running to the bathroom.

"Listen Jennifer I have to head to the office to finish some papers then I'll come back so we can head to are honeymoon, when I come back you should feel better." Dean grabbed his keys and left the hotel.

In the bathroom Jennifer was looking in the mirror smirking. "Everything is going according to plan and if Dean falls for the trap I'll be getting my money's worth." Dean had entered the building and was heading to his office. When he opened the door he found his new secretary Sara going through some papers. She was a brunette with brown eyes and was wearing a tight navy blue tube top showing the top of her big beasts and showing a bit of her black bra, she was had a matching skirt which went all just above mid thigh.

"Hello Mr. Martin," Sara said.

Dean gulped 'man Sara's looking hot today man I'd love to..., stop think about that your married stupid.' Dean thought, shaking his head he greeted his new secretary. "Hello Sara, listen I'll be in here for only half an hour so you can have the day off.

"Okay Mr. Martin," Sara said sweetly. She walked behind him. "Here are the papers Mr. Martin," she said leaning into him so her breasts where in front of his face.

'Man are her breast big I'd so love to..., Dean YOU ARE MARRIED YOU CAN'T HAVE HER.' he said in his head. He took the papers and signed them and handed them to Sara.

She was walking off when somehow the papers dropped out of her hands. "Oh shoot stupid papers," she said bending down showing what was underneath her very short skirt. Dean couldn't help himself, so he went over to help her pick up the papers.

"Thank you Mr. Martin."

"No problem." The two looked at each other for a second then Dean started kissing her lustfully, and then broke it quickly realizing what he had just done. "Oh shit I am married I have to stop

"Mr. Martin I never knew you..." She stopped what she was saying because she ran to Dean jumped on him and started kissing him lustfully. She stopped, Dean went to his desk and Sara followed.

"No one will know about this ok," Dean said.

"Of course Mr. Martin," Sara said while unzipping his zipper. "Oh my," she said shocked at the size of his manhood. She was about to dive in when someone knocked on the door.

"Whoever it is I don't want to be disturbed," Dean said.

"Dean it's me Jennifer."

"Oh shit," Dean hissed zipping his pants but also zipping Sara's hair as well.

"Ahh watch it."

"Just hide under my desk ok, come in sweet heart."

"Dean love I'm feeling much better now so I decide to drop by so when your finished we can go to our honeymoon right away," Jennifer said walking towards him to give him a chaste kissing on the lips and walked out of the door

"You look great Jenny." The door slammed shut and Dean got out of his chair along with a complaining Sara trying to unzip his zipper. But luck wasn't on his side today as Jennifer walked back in to tell him something when she saw Dean and his secretary.

"Dean how could you," Jennifer yelled.

"It's not what it looks like her hair got caught in my zipper."

"We've only been married for 17 hours Dean," she said and took off the ring and through it away she walked out of his office and slammed the door. Jennifer had gotten divorce papers and the she and her lawyer were discussing on what she was going to take from Dean while on the other side of the table Dean and his lawyer were waiting on what Jennifer wanted.

"Mr. Dean Martin this is what my clients wants, she wants $500 000 cash and the new Mercedes convertible you got her.

"Listen my client will give her the car but not five hundred grand that's preposterous."

"Well if you want to settle this in court that your decision." Dean lawyer looked pale putting this in court wouldn't be a good idea.

"Give her what she wants," Dean said. Jennifer got out of the bank she had just deposited the money she had earned from her divorce and got into her new Mercedes and drove off. An hour later at a gas station she got out of the car, and then a BMW convertible parked behind her. A woman came out of the car it was Dean's secretary Sara. As she was walking to Jennifer she took off her wig which reveal her black hair.

"So how much did you get out of this one Sango," Kagome asked.

"This car and five hundred grand in cash, we need to do one more con on a big one and we will be set for life."

That the first chapter and many more to come so review and tell me what you think