Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Hallo! If you're here to check out my other works, be careful to look at the ratings! I write for different kinds depending on my moods. My own humor leans towards dark but I'm trying to learn to write light and fluffy since there are many fanfics I admire out there that pull it off wonderfully. All artwork here for my stories and profile is drawn by me though I don't art often. Likewise with writing. I have many medical conditions that makes doing anything on screen difficult and painful at times, but I still enjoy both so even if my posts are slow, they will come unless I declare a story abandoned. One day I might quit writing altogether, but not seeing it happen anytime soon. Conditions include autoimmune disorders and memory problems, so it's almost impossible for me to do regular updates. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy the tales, stay away from the ones that have warnings on them if you're faint of heart, and don't take anything personal! The Philosopher's Stone is abandoned. I also do crafts and have a youtube channel I am starting. If you enjoy watching those type of things, my username is Dark Quartz there as well. Just type User Dark Quartz into the search bar and it can be found. As of August 2019, it's a working progress as I try to figure out how to work video editing. |
Aisling-Siobhan (70) BrilliantLady (27) Bruce G McAbee (4) | cheetahfang83 (0) CinnamonWhistle (1) DerLaCroix (6) | Epic Solemnity (5) evansentranced (19) Rorschach's Blot (40) |