Author has written 22 stories for X-Men, Wildstorm Heroes, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Lucifer. Home of the highly distractable muses and an absent-minded, unbearably slow and overly meticulous fanwriter who, in real life, balances being a humanities and social science professor with being a volunteer wildlife educator, college access program staffer, wife, and, of course, fan. More active these days on Ao3, but cross-posting here for most things out of long-standing fondness for FFN's role in fandom. Nothing here is abandoned, especially "To Meet the Black Crow," although after so very many years lying fallow, I'm sure it feels that way. There are additional chapters in draft, but I tend to write when utterly consumed by a fandom and only one fandom at a time. Lately, my mind's with Fox TV's Lucifer. But Harry Potter (Snape), Doctor Who (Nine, Ten, Nine/Rose/Jack), and The Authority are regular return visitors. |
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