Reviews for What Bravery Is
Laure without Order chapter 4 . 9/27
This was really, really good. Thanks for writing!
QueenieZPotter chapter 4 . 10/10/2018
These were beautiful in their own waythank you for writing them, I really hope for more if possible!
Not.that.bad chapter 1 . 7/20/2018
Your writing is fascinating, thanks for other great story
Guest chapter 4 . 11/21/2016
Interesting. Quiet courage that looks like cowardliness, like conceit, like a lie, like selfishness. Maybe. After all, courage is so dificult to isolate, and so much of what is called courage in hindsight springs from such a variety of motivations
Souseiki chapter 4 . 8/21/2016
Oh wow, I was not expecting any of this at all. I love how you paint bravery as a multidimensional attribute. How someone can be brave for their own self interest. I wish we could have seen Astoria, but it's refreshing to see a fic where they're not extremely close. Seamus' treatment of her throughout the story was an interesting read. To see her actions and intentions be so misconstrued. Your stories, like Harry Potter itself, seems so timeless. I can't believe that this was written nearly a decade ago. I hope wherever you are in life that you know that you're a brilliant writer that can flesh out characters that would normally be swept aside. This series was great to read and had a wonderful ongoing theme taken in different directions.
Souseiki chapter 3 . 8/21/2016
The dialogue between Neville and Susan was great. I loved the transparency of it. Knowing the horrors but soldiering on. For all her famous relatives, Susan doesn't get as many appearances as she ought to in canon. You fleshed out her character quite nicely.
Souseiki chapter 2 . 8/21/2016
Padma is such an interesting character to read because we see her even less than her twin Parvati. Her cleverness and bravery seem like something that Hermione would have approved and joined in. I wished that you added a sample of her work beyond the circled words. Good read overall.
Souseiki chapter 1 . 8/21/2016
This character introspection and also observation of the other Gryffindors was solid. It's especially interesting as Lavander was Ron's girlfriend. To compare herself to those in her house, such as the golden trio, makes readers feel for her more. Her view that she is not brave enough. That she is too passive. But to endure, that is still bravery.
arlene56 chapter 4 . 4/11/2016
I think this one may have been the hardest. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for a half-blood Slytherin. They aren't allowed "in" with the other Houses and won't find any extra protection from the Carrows.

This was a beautiful story. The four chapters come together nicely and creates a full picture of what the students went through that year. Thanks for sharing this! It was wonderful.
arlene56 chapter 3 . 4/11/2016
This was beautiful. I like how strong she is. (Though the same could be said for all the them.)
arlene56 chapter 2 . 4/11/2016
Wow, I can't imagine what it must take to do that. I like that it started as revenge for her sister and Lavender.
arlene56 chapter 1 . 4/11/2016
This first chapter is a beautiful start. I am touched.
creativesm75 chapter 4 . 11/1/2015
good fanfic
Wrenade Magicath chapter 4 . 5/27/2015
My love for Seamus and Daphne as a couple is just too much. They are so good together i just love reading about them! this
was brilliant, beautiful (:
sfox88 chapter 4 . 10/17/2014
House of Bones would be a good title.
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