![]() Author has written 5 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Darren Shan Saga/Cirque Du Freak, and Team Fortress 2. Age: 19 Country: US State: Texas Gender: Girl. Birthday: November 11 Favorite TV Shows: 1.) Psych 2.) Dexter 3.) Lie to Me* Favorite Cartoon: 1.) Adventure Time! 2.) Flapjack 3.) Regular Show Favorite Anime: 1.)Fullmetal Alchemist 2.)Detective Conan Favorite Books: 1.) John Carter of Mars 2.) Interview with a Vampire 3.) Johnny Got His Gun 4.) Exit Here 5.) well... Harry Potter once again :) 6.) The Art of Racing in the Rain 7.) A Dog's Purpose 8.) Room 9.) The Shinning 10.) Misery Favorite Movies: 1.) Sweeney Todd 2.) Pirates of the Caribbean 3.) Interview with the Vampire 4.) UP 5.) Ratatouille 6.) Mega Mind Favorite Video Games: 1.) Left 4 Dead (1 and 2) 2.) Mirror's Edge 3.) Singularity 4.) Alan Wake 5.) Fallout 3 6.) Star Craft 2 7.) Pokemon RED 8.) Bioshock (1, 2, and almost 3) 9.) F.E.A.R. (1 and 2) 10.) Team Fortress 2 11.) Dead Rising (1 and 2) 12.) Silent Hill ( 2, 4, and Homecoming) 13.) Rayman (1, 2, and origins) 14.) Super Mario Bros. (SNES and Wii) 15.) Yoshi's Island (SNES and Gameboy Advance) 16.) Portal 1 and 2 Favorite Music Genres: Punk Alternative Rock Techno Big Band/Swing Good Classical Deaviantart account: Pichu172B AFTER NOTES Summer of 2008: ok... schools out! I'm in CA... and no hot guys yet! DARN! And my ex... is dating my other ex! One is gay and the other is bi! Man! I have such a hard time getting things straight! LOL!! oh!! it was cool cuz for a while i was dating a senior! A SENIORRRRRR! XD he was adorable!... but then he said he "wasn't ready for a woman" cuz he'd NEVER dated before! LOL my ex who is bi was like "yup, he's gay." XD Well! LOL ABOUT THE DELETION!! don't kill meh! well.. it stinks! i can't lie! LOL i was stupid when i wrote... most of this stuff... it all stinks!! I haven't written anything personally for myself since finals for the first semester and that was a stupid story about Sweeney Todd in a prison camp and how he changed his name from Benjy. LOL i haven't thought of a thing! Plus i've been all lazy playing nothing but guitar hero! I used to be on medium but now i'm on expert hyper speed X5! LOLOL! it rocks... pun intended. BUT STILL! I thought of a new idea... and YES IT"S CHOWDER RELATED!! LOL Oh! XDDD People are still commenting on my FMA/Azkaban thing! LOL! Seriously though, i haven't looked at it in i think a year. I don't remember what i was doing let alone what i was planning on doing with it. No offense, one day i probably will poke at it again over the summer, but i'm not promising much.Technically i got new laptop over christmas... all my old fies are on the hunk of junk Dell sitting on my desk collecting dust. :/ I gotta get an external hardrive and save every thing on there first wich requires me to either buy one (costs around 120) or borrow my sister's and good luck with that one. Updated Note Ugh i was actually considering... rewriting the FMA HP crossover. I do not like HP and i do not like FMA :/ it's boring and old... and i absolutly hate twilight and eragon thing. Hey if i could write a book i'd have movies too! And lately I have had some ideas. Stuff mostly relating to zombies, the apocolypse, A future world where an alien race is fighting with humans (aliens are like humans on steriods or somethin') and how stuff like the earth has like a metal layer on the outside with like a zero-g surface where say if you're standing on the ground and look up you would see like a parallel city with it's own source of gravity. And then have some sort f bloody battle up there and the blood is not affected by the gravity and it rains down on the bottm city. And like in the end the alien has a human girl friend and like only they two survive but the metal plates surrounding earth are destroyed so they finally see a sunset for the first time in over 500 years... yuh :/ many things. Anyway cough don't steal it cough i'll check out that HP FMA thing soon. :/ As they say in Texas: Nigh' Y'all! Updated Note March 2009 Yo! Welcome back to meh! :) I've been passing GT/PRE-AP English II so far! Had to read stuff like "Brave New World" and "Fahrenheit 451" and junk. :/ Oh, and I got my VERY first puppy! She is a Pomeranian named Lilly. (No relation to Harry's mom lol.) And I also don't HATE twilight because hate is a strong word. And... apparently all my friends love it and are pissed off at me for disliking it. LOL Well, I have a ligitiment reason for disliking it. I have read the first 50 pages and i disliked the plot, the characters and the gramatical struture of the book. I disliked the characters most of all, but the structure of paragraphs and how she structured the speaking was just... bad. I mean, Harry Potter is actually KIND of close to the structure, but then again I enjoy reading it for the fulfilling plot and lovable characters. :) Uh, my band just went to New York this year! We were the red jackets! LOL We played in the St. Patricks Day parade and Carnige Hall! The parade was 2.2 miles of agony! Playing "Patriotic Medly" over and over and over and over. And there were soooo many people! And the buildings were TALL!! And I rode on the subway for my very first time!! I didn't want to leave the subway because it was so much fun! It was amazing! Like skateboarding but with a hobo staring at u like ur some retard! :DDDD YAY Well, after preforming at Carnegie, I asked a cute boy out for the weekend. :) Danny the bassoon player... well... guess what? He's gay. And he already has his eye on some other guy who is a freshman. :( DANG! But then again, u guys know my terrible luck. ;) (and i need to update my storiessss!) January 2011 Wow... I really need to fix things. I'm no longer 16 and I think my grammar has greatly improved. I'm hoping to attend college this next year. They're still processing my apllications because my school no longer has a ranking system, and those not in the top 10 percent are doomed to a review before a council that only gathers once a month. This means I get my results that much slower. How wonderful, right? I think that since the last time I've been on here, I didn't know the absolute wonders of an XBOX360 nor the wonders of STEAM. I love first person shooters. My sister is best at Star Craft 2, so I am slowly learning to be better with the realm of strategy games. I am also no longer a part of my high school marching band. My sophomore year, we made 3rd in STATE at the Alamo Dome in Texas. Apparently this year they got 5th in STATE. All work and no play apparently make us look worse at STATE. Oh well, I was replaced by a fish marcher last year, so whatever... I don't know if I will ever update any FMA stories. Honestly I don't even remember what it was supposed to be about. :/ Sorry. :( I am experimenting in a couple other stories that (hopefully) go beyond just the original game context and blossom into something that is much more. Wish me luck! :D Thanks for listening to my rambling! and remember... December 2011
I have recently quit my job and am now jobless. I know it sounds rightfully stupid to quit, especially during the holiday season, but I had my own reasons. I failed my Government 2 class. I am getting lazy. My teacher is part of the blame, (I will still play the blame your teacher game), but alot of it was my lack of responsibility and lack of ambition to finish my online course work. Everything else is passed with flying colors. It's just that now I am missing that one credit to successfully title myself as a sophomore in college. This means another semester at community college. It's not all bad, though. I loved the last DCCCD campus I was at, so I'm transferring. I'm also still tackling what I want to be "when I grow up". Honestly, The idea of being a writer is laughable. I am not skilled enough to make it in that world. My art work is average at best. I am not truly ambitious about pursuing a career in music. After my awful experience with my high school band director, It has been a little over a year since I have touched any of my saxophones, but I still dabble with the piano. I thought about a career in medicine, but it's still up for debate. I am not the best at math or science. I'm just average or maybe even a little less than. I'm stuck. I do like Philosophy and History, but the only jobs I could get that pertain to my degree would be teaching jobs and I have already found out the hard way that I do not particularly enjoy teaching. I like criminology and psychology. I guess it would be fun to dabble in that world, but there aren't exactly high paying jobs in the criminal defense genre. I did see that VALVe was employing psychologists which really sparked my interest. Sorry, now I'm rambling again. It's just that this is getting ridiculous. I can't find a major I like. As for my stories, I am actually working on Symphony once again. I have an idea now of how Rainier's stay is going to be and some more hilarious plot twists that will blow your mind. I thought of the major plot twists about two years ago, so they are starting to get boring already in my mind. I do have an idea for an independent novel I want to work on. The problem is that the story takes place in Russia, a country I have never visited nor will ever have the opportunity to visit. I'll explain later. xD Once again, Happy Holidays! :) See you guys soon lol "I ever tell you about the time Keith made sushi? Yeah, his mom took him to a sushi place for his birthday and he didn't want to go, but he turned out he LOVED it, man. But it's like 10 bucks a su-sho in one of them places, so Keith figures, "Hey, how hard can it be to roll up some raw food in seaweed," right? As it turns out, it's hard. Now, they say that experience is the best teacher, and experience taught Keith that if you ever eat three pounds of raw chicken, it kills you. Now luckily, Keith's brain went into self-defense mode and started shutting organs down to head the chicken off at the pass, and the doctors were able to get 'em out before his heart stopped. But to this day, Keith has no sensation in his right foot, and doesn't recognize his own brother Paul no more." (Left 4 Dead 2, Ellis 1). |