Poll: How long do you like your stories? Vote Now!
Author has written 11 stories for Naruto, and Bleach. Call me Rose. OTP: GaaSaku & AkatSaku Alrighty. First of all, I know my stories are crap. However, I intend to improve. I started out just fooling around and writing in my spare time, and I guess I still do. As cheesy as it sounds, it's nice to escape all my responsibilities for an hour (or more) just writing or reading fics. It's not like I'm pursuing writing as a career or anything, and I doubt my story-writing skills are needed in the job I actually want in the future, but it can help me become more well-rounded. I don't think I'll ever go back and 'fix' chapters, either, for the sole purpose of reading back and seeing how much I improve. It'll be like reading my old diary entries and banging my head on the wall at how embarrassingly stupid sounding I was before. Kudos to those who know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, I kept changing my mind about wanting/not wanting reviews, but in the end, I guess I wouldn't have put them up if I hadn't been expecting any reviews, right? So, I won't deny it. I like reviews. I want reviews. I don't expect much, though, especially at my level in English. So if you do decide to review, please, keep flaming to a minimum. Hell, if it's going to be harsh at all, at least make it constructive. Flaming itself is really unnecessary. (I apologize to anybody reading my multi-chapter stories. I'm horrible at updating, and I constantly find myself unable to write or find any ideas for the next chapters. I'll finish them eventually, but I'm just giving everybody a heads up that most of them will take a long, long time. Sorry again for the inconvenience.) I always wonder about how often people review. Especially recently. Personally, I review every story I've read. How old, popular, or how well it's written does not affect whether or not I decide to leave a comment. I always review. Well, I don't review every chapter, but at least the latest one- and if I decide to watch the story, I try to review every chapter updated after until it is completed. So far, I have made 1021 (August 23/09) signed reviews and counting, which to me, sounds like quite a lot. I'm curious- does anybody else do this? Or do most people review when they deem something worth reviewing? So, Vesper chan had a summer ('09) contest and I'd like to say thanks to those who voted for me! I won the second place prize with my story, Necessity. It's Akatsuki x Sakura, if you're wondering. The prize I won was Desires so Delicate, which is Gaara x Sakura. It's amazing, so go check it out! (: I've entered my Hidan x Sakura story, Obsessive, to a winter ('09) contest hosted by SpeedDemon315. I won second place! (: The prize I won was To End A Life, which is Gaara x Sakura. Go check it out, it's really cute! 10/11/2010: I'm on hiatus, sorry! ): 6/28/2012: I can't believe it's been two years since I've updated my profile- but here I am. Unfortunately, when revamped their website, all the chapters I've been working on were wiped out (I was a little dumb and had written them all in the Doc Manager) and to be honest, I don't know if I really have the time or motivation to even continue. ): I'm really sorry. 1/23/2013: I've started up on my stories again, but I've deleted Last Time. I honestly can't pick up any motivation for that story. I'm discontinuing Between Two Worlds because I've long stopped reading or watching bleach. If anybody wanted to continue for me, go ahead, just PM me first. |
Celtic Oak (17) paws-bells (80) | rawrchelle (54) VesperChan (75) |