A/N: Looks like I'm going to start editing this one too.
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.
Demon's Fall
Summary: Sakura's life is a living hell. Sasuke, a demon from hell, is sent to earth to help Sakura through her awful life. Just one rule, they can't fall in love with each other. [SasuSaku
Chapter 1 – Fallen Angel?
"Sakura! Open up this damn door!" Sakura's father, Haruno Tetsuki, yelled. Damn…! Sakura cursed, He's drunk again… She quickly dodged under her bed, loathing the times when her abusive father would drink too much.
Again?! Inner Sakura complained, groaning. Damn it all! Ever since her mother died, her father had become abusive. He had repeatedly told Sakura over and over that it was she to blame for her mother's tragic death.
Which happened three years ago. Sakura was now 17 years old, only one more year and she could be free from the world's most evil bastard. To the rest of the city of Konohagakure, her father was a "perfect dad", having all the respect of the villagers. That is, until he's alone in the house with Sakura. That's hell on earth.
The pink-haired girl winced with every furious pound on the door. The door's not going to last for much longer… Sakura thought, gulping as her body shook from fear awaiting the inevitable impact she knew she was bound to receive. The poundings ceased and Sakura took a breath of relief. A few moments of peace later, poundings started again. Shit, he must've been listening to see if I was there, she told herself, mentally scolding the fact that she had breathed out of relief so loud—loud enough to hear even from behind a door, that is..
Sakura hid deeper in her bed, pushing idle clothes and shoes in front of her to conceal her location. After about an hour later, the harsh knocking noise on the door stopped. It's about time, Sakura thought, used to the ritual of her father bothering her for about an hour before leaving after his drunken mind had taken a rest. If only she knew that when she was younger.
Sakura cautiously got out from under her bed, her body sore from crouching down for a long time. She stretched her body out, wincing at her sore muscles and painful bruises. How no one could figure out I was getting abused for so long… Sakura pondered, I'll never know. She smiled a bitter smile. Maybe I'm just so good at lying and thinking of believable excuses, she added, absentmindedly rubbing one of her healing bruises from a few days ago.
Her father had constantly threatened that if she dare say anything about his "anger management" control, he would murder her, making it appear as a suicide. After all, he was in Konoha' s police force—the captain, too—and was used to seeing it and how exactly the scenario would appear. In other words, from being in the police department for so long, he knew how to carry out and get away with murder just as well as any other mastermind criminal. Sakura, thinking it was to save her life, believed her threat. All Sakura had to do was tell a simple white lie when people would ask of her cuts and bruises. She would say lies such as had fallen or just wasn't careful. A different lie to each person, as it had been for three years.
Sakura whimpered quietly before she felt a chill in the air. Then she realized that she had left her window open, but didn't bother to move to close it. If I close it, she thought, He will hear it, and I don't want to deal with him now.
That's right, just leave that fucking window open if it'll make that son of a bitch dad of ours not bother us! Inner Sakura exclaimed. Sakura's alter ego was very free with the language she used.
Sakura sighed, deciding to just leave the window open. Her body shivered from the lack of heat, but the pink-haired girl didn't bother to cover herself with a jacket. She was too afraid of making any sound at the moment. Instead, she used the open window to her advantage, crawling out of it quietly. She had done it numerous times before, sneaking back in since her father would be snoring in his filthy bed, not hearing her stealthily crawl back in without making a sound. Someone… she thought to herself, emerald eyes looking up towards the midnight black night sky. Save me.
She walked into the forest that was not too far from Konoha. After all, it wasn't called "Hidden in the Leaves" for nothing. Even though she was only in a pair of shorts and a white tank top, she didn't care. She just wanted out of that house, and night was the only time to do it. Tears were spilling from her eyes, but emotionally her mind or body didn't feel any sadness. This happened often, and Sakura wished she knew why.
She couldn't cry in her control anymore. Ever since her mother died, tears would fall freely from her eyes, without her control. She often had to explain to Naruto, one of her best friends, that she didn't know why the clear liquid fell from her emerald eyes. Naruto would look at her worriedly, his cerulean blue eyes showing concern. But the pink-haired girl would just tell him to forget about it, and that she really was fine. And he would just leave it like that, not wanting to upset his close friend.
Then she felt a cold chill in the air, and was sure that it wasn't because of the night breeze. What's… going on? Sakura wondered as she suddenly noticed the sky darkening. "It wasn't supposed to rain today…" Sakura said to no one in particular. This is really weird… Sakura contemplated as she spun on her heel and sprinted back to her father's house.
Then she heard a loud clapping sound. The pink-haired girl immediately looked at the sky. What the hell? Inner Sakura asked loudly. A struck of lightening hit the ground, revealing someone, or something, hidden in the shadows. Sakura took a couple of steps back, her jade green eyes showing a hint of fear. "Who… wh-who's there?" She called out hesitantly.
The dark shadow remained silent until he took a step forward, the moonlight striking his figure. Sakura gasped, her green eyes widening in pure shock. I have never… Sakura thought, her mouth still gaping, seen anything… like thatThe figure before her was—to put it simply—breath taking. Sakura took a deep inhale of air, even pinched herself on her skin—ignoring the pain from her bruises—to make sure she wasn't dreaming.
The moonlight shone brilliantly off the person's flawless pale skin. He had spiky raven-hair with a few strands hanging perfectly in front of his face as well as piercing onyx eyes that you could look at forever. Aside from his face, his body wasn't too bad either. Definitely fit, as shown from his muscles on his perfect chest. Sakura could feel her mouth going dry, blinking her eyes numerously as she clearly couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"A gorgeous thing, aren't I, Sa-ku-ra?" his smooth, husky voice said, purring the pink-haired girl's name. Sakura closed her mouth, then opened it to respond to him before realizing that nothing was coming out. She put her arm on her porcelain neck, her hand resting on her throat as she tried to work her voice properly.
His rich voice chuckled, "You have no clue what I am, do you?"
Sakura shook her head, before summoning up the courage to take a few steps towards the creature. "What you are?" she said, her voice practically inaudible. "Don't you mean who you are?"
The demon merely shook his head. "My name is Uchiha Sasuke," said he. "A demon from hell, sent here to help you."
Sakura blinked her apple green eyes disbelief before she regained her voice to it's normal sound. "A demon? You don't look like one. Prove it." The pink-haired girl crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for proof.
What're you doing?! You could be getting us killed! Inner Sakura panicked.
"Ah, a feisty little one, aren't you?" Sasuke answered in a soft tone, a sinful smirk setting place on his features. "Fine, as you wish." He added a mock bow before a cool breeze swept through the area. Just then, his original raven hair began to grow past his shoulders as a violet shade took place. His piercing and dark onyx eyes turned into a bloody crimson. His white teeth began to grow fangs in it as black claws formed from his fingernails. His back hunched over, and a couple of minutes later two black wings sprung from his back. Sakura gasped, seeing the two feathery wings bursting from his flesh.
Sakura forced herself to let out a small, quiet scream. Her head felt like it was spinning 200 miles a second. She clutched her head with both of her hands, trying to prevent herself from going insane. This is crazy, this is crazy…! she chanted in her mind. This can't be real. This can't be happening. I must be dreaming, I must be—
Sasuke's deep voice brought her out of her thoughts. "Is this proof?" the now demon Sasuke said, his voice deadly and sinister. The pink-haired girl gulped, nodding slowly. "Good," said the evil spirit, his smirk never leaving his face.
A couple of minutes past with his smirk still on his face as he transformed back into his "human form." Sakura took a couple of steps closer to Sasuke, still trying to get a good, clear look from him. "Sasuke," Sakura said, waiting to see if she had gotten his name right. His onyx eyes averted up to her jade green ones and Sakura could feel her lust growing. Such seductive, haunting eyes the being before her possessed.
"What exactly are you doing here? Is there something you want from me?" Sakura interrogated softly as her voice shrinked back into the whisper it was when she first saw him. She still could not believe her eyes—or believe what was happening.
Sasuke raised his eyebrow, feeling a tinge of irritation. "I answered that. I'm here to help you." The pink-haired girl gulped again, taking a couple more steps towards him to the point where he was only a few yards away.
"H-Help me how? I need no one's help," She told him, her voice containing hints of stubbornness. Does he mean help me with my 'father'…?
"If you didn't need my help, I wouldn't be here," he retorted.
What do I do…? The girl pondered in her mind.
Trust him, he doesn't seem like a bad guy.
He's the answer to your 'prayers'. You asked for someone to 'save' you, and here is Mr. I'm-God's-Gift-To-Women offering his 'services', if he even has any. Trust him, and let's see what he can do.
I don't trust anyone!
"Maybe it's about time you do," Sasuke interrupted smoothly. Sakura gave him a confused expression.
Did he just... read my thoughts?
"No, I can't read thoughts. I may be a demon, but I'm not a psychic." he answered her, a sinister grin on his flawless pale face.
"Then how did you know…?"
"Your face. It shows what you're thinking as clear as if you were saying it to me," the demon smirked. "You are an open book."
Ignoring his comment, Sakura stuttered out a question of her own. "You're here to… help me?" Her voice was just above a whisper. It all seemed too good to be true. "Help me… with him?"
The demon nodded, his grin still plastered on his face. Sakura walked closer to him, their proximity close enough where they were only a few feet apart. "Really? N-no joke? I can finally be…?" Free? her mind finished for her. After all, being only seventeen she was still considered a minor and was held against her own free will in her father's house.
"That's right," Sasuke confirmed. "But there's just one---" Before he could finish, Sakura threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as though her life depended on it. Sasuke just looked at the pink-haired girl hugging him. She just looked so… desperate to his sharp eyes.
"Thank you…" She whispered quietly, holding on to him tighter, like she never wanted to let go. "Really…"
Sasuke just stood there while the girl clung on to him before, eventually, slowly encircling his arms around her thin waist to comfort her.
Just one thing: We can't fall in love.
A/N: First edit is done.