Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter, Misc. Movies, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and Lion King. Name: Jennifer(dont need last) Age: 16 Nicknames: Skittery, Horrorburn, Moony, chopsticks, Setg'-in, Potions Mistress 101 YO!I am obviously Jen the magnifiscent, j/k. for all of those who are flamers dont be so mean dammit! just say it was bad and i could use some work, but not: THAT WAS ABSOLUTLY OFULL AND YOU SHOULD BURN IN HELL FOR IT! and many other things like that and yha. I hate a lot of things, and that would probably include all you people out there, and stuff, now i shall quoteone of my most fav. anime and potter character. "I love only myself and fight only for myself"~ Gaara "bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses...I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even stopper to death"~ Professor Severus Snape I have so much to complain about the six potter book, its a load of bull, thats what, like god, how can theyput harry with ginny, i find it completely wrong it should be neville ginny, and harry should be gay and go with snape, and for all those that dont agree can all go to hell, i have to stop writing now before my teacher hounds me for not doing my course planning...see yha Fav Pairings: NarutoSasuke KakashiIruka GaaraNeji KibaShino HarrySnape RonSnape PiccoloOC VegitaGoku SetoJoey RyouBakura KaiTyson MaxRei KaiHilary(sometimes) RobertJohnny OliverEnrique TalaBryan SpencerBryan TalaLee KevinGarry YukiToharu(sp?) YukiKyo SesshomaruMiroku SesshomaruKagome WonkaOC (john) MikeCharlie WillJack HaldirOc LegolasAragorn FrodoSam SkitterySnitch PipDaimon PipKenny StanKyle GregoryZeMole Will TunnerJack Sparrow IchigoIshida IchigoRenji ByakuyaRenji ByakuyaIchigo (sado)Chadishida IchigoRukia (sometimes) hey to all those that like to read fantasy novels i recomend Basilisk, god it is so good, squeeee...cough...anyway yha i reconmend it see yha THE BUTT-KISSERS (hollows: bad ghosts) OF EVIL WILL FALL BY THE HANDS OR SWROD WHICHEVER, BY ICHIGO-KUN, RUKIA-SAN AND THEIR GANG OF FRIENDS! "It's notthe passage of time that heals, but the passage through experiance" ~ some book of my moms called Loves Lesson "You can't blast a heart open, it must be coaxed and nurished, like the sun does to a rose"~some book of my moms called Loves Lesson |