DLN: Okie that's it. Start throwing stuff at me. I know...you're all mad at me now because of the long update. I apologize. I started school a while ago and it's really hard for me because I want to be accepted into a good high school. There's also the reason of my laziness so sorry again. After I finish this chapter, I'll redo all the chapters once again, so all the spelling errors will be gone okay? I still can't believe I got over 100 reviews. O.O Next goal...130! Yeah, it's a lot. Lol, notes to the reviewers. Please don't hate me. o.O

Dranzen: Oooo, can I have one? Lol, um yeah...for some reason I decided to make Max swear like that lol. Hail to Ashley haters!

X Shadow Wolf X2: I know, I'll stop saying they suck Guess it turned out to be a habit, huh? I'm sorry I didn't update A.S.A.P. Been busy, lazy, and lost of imagination.

Dark Ice Dragon: I didn't understand what you said. o.O Who knows? Maybe it'll continue forever, lol.

Diamond Core: Let's not kill Ashley now, heheh. I still need her for some parts, but you can do the honor in the end, okie? Perhaps everything will work out. What would you do to me if I made everyone, but Ashley die? Lol, and thanks for the comment.

jen: Here's more for you.

BaByBeArLoVeR: Yeah, I'm going to stop saying my chapters are lame.

crystal-pixi: Lol, thanks so much for all the great compliments. If I rule, then you rule.

Matt.J1: Sorry for the long update.

Jen-beyblade- fan: I tried to hurry. o.O

Kohari: Trying to keep it up, heheh.

Carren: You called me...but you didn't call me today. o.O

The Vision: Pure romantic shit, lol. I'll try not to that, but I'm sorry but I have to do some Hilary torture...um well, you'll see.

Freaky Feline: Trying to update.

jade destiny: Lol, yeah it is cute when they fight, ne? I just love your long reviews. They make me happy, lol.

starry-eyed angel: A high school fic? Lol, yeah Ashley is evil. Your questions will be answered as you read. Me evil right? Lol, oh and sorry, I'm not accepting o/cs.

Rhea: YAY! My story doesn't suck!

raymond: Sure, I'll start doing polls. Sorry, I just picked pink randomly. O.O I hate pink too, don't worry. Oh and yeah, Rei is pretty sexy, lol.

HimitsuKokorO: Thanks for the nice words! Sorry I didn't update quickly.

Nicko-Ki: Yup, giving myself more credit.

Akina Hiwatari: It's turning out good? Thanks.

ragam: I just picked pink...it was random lol. Sorry, if you didn't like that colour. I don't like it either lol. Sorry, I didn't update. Please forgive me.

lovely roll: Yeah, I'm trying to update.

DLN: Thanks everyone for reviewing. Here's the disclaimer!

Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade, never have and never will....

DLN: And, here's the chapter! Thanks of the chapter, goes to Ragam for getting me to start writing when I ha the time to.

Tyson's P.O.V

"Um, Max? Have you seen Hilary?" I asked, my eyes scanning the school grounds for my friend.

"Huh? Why are you asking about Hilary so much now?" Max raised his eyebrows at me, and then a sly smile made it's way on his face. "Oh I get it now..."

"What?" I exclaimed, with a look of curiosity. "What are you exactly getting at?"

"Oh you know..." Max grinned as he nudged me on the side with his elbow.

"Er..." I stammered at this awkward situation. "No, I don't think I do."

"Somebody's got a crush on Hilary." Max told me in a high pitched, singsong voice.

"Really? Who?" I asked. How naive I was at that time. Few seconds later I realized what Max had was getting at. "WHAT!!??" I yelled at Max, as he covered his ears.

"Come on, Ty. Chill. It's okay if you..." Max's sentence got cut off as I yelled at him once again.

"How could I like that...that..." See... even words can't describe how I feel about her.

"You have to admit Tyson, she's cute." Max laughed. "So I wouldn't blame you if you..."

"You have got to be kidding me!" I shouted. "I mean calling a bunny cute is one thing, but calling Hilary that...that...c-word is like..."

"Like what?" Max questioned.

"Oh you know..." I rolled my eyes.

"No, I don't, actually." Max responded.

"Don't copy my words!" I cried, waving my arms madly at him.

"I didn't exactly copy them I just..." Max started.

"UGH!" I groaned.

"Why are you getting so flustered out of this if you don't like her?" Max questioned.

Good question. "Um..." I searched my mind for an excuse. "I missed lunch!"

"Uh, Tyson?"


"You ate lunch with me."

"Oh yeah..."


"Ah! Just get out of here, Max!" I yelled as I pushed him away from me.

"Er...sure Tyson." Max shrugged as he started to walk from me.

I gave a sigh of relief as I watched him walk away, but then remembered that I was supposed to ask him where Hilary was. "MAX!" I cried as I ran up to him.

"What now? Want to admit to me that you like Hilary?" Max laughed.

"NO!" I protested, as I felt my face flush. "I just remembered that I forgot to ask you where she is."

"Oh that. I spotted her reading a book from one of the trees." Max said, a she pointed to the back of the school.

"Oh okay. Thanks a bunch." I thanked him.

"No problem. Why exactly are you looking for Hilary?" Max wondered.

I shrugged. "She was acting a bit strange so I thought I checked on her.

"Yeah..." Max replied. "Just checking um...on a friend..." Max added in some fake coughs.

I glared at him. "Oh, you, get out of here!" I rolled my eyes as I the laughing Max walked away.

Now to go find Hilary...

I ran towards the back of the school, searching for Hilary, when I found her sitting under a big oak tree, reading a book.

I could see her ruby eyes reading after line after line, while the sun radiated her brown hair.

Max was right. She really was sort of cute in her own way.

The way she would smile as if those smiles were made only for me, and how cute she always looked when she pouted and was angry with me.

I smiled as I thought back of all our little squabbles.

Wait, a moment.

I could feel my face getting hot as all these awkward thoughts of Hilary came to mind.

It was weird thinking of Hilary this way.

Most of the time I forgot she was even a girl, and a pretty one at that.

I can't...

Hilary was my friend.

My buddy.

My pal.

Hilary was just Hilary.

I couldn't be interested in her...like that...

I shook my head lightly to get rid of all my disturbing thoughts, and then I walked over to where Hilary was.

"Hi." I spoke a little higher then I had expected to. I cleared my throat then spoke again. "Um, hey."

Hilary looked up form her book. Her eyes were very different from this morning. They seemed friendlier... kinder...

"Hi." Hilary smiled at me, as she put a bookmark in her novel and placed it on her lap. "How are you?"

"Fine." I nodded. "How are you? You seemed a little distracted this morning."

"Oh? I'm fine, thanks. I don't think anything was wrong with me this morning, though." Hilary responded.

"Yeah, well, um...I asked if you did your homework and you said no. Plus you kept calling me Takao, and since when did you call me that?" I grinned, trying to make it seem like a joke, although I was really quite worried.

"Oh, that. I was just a little busy last night and wasn't able to do my homework, and I don't remember calling you Takao. Actually, I don't remember that conversation at all." Hilary frowned.

I frowned too. "Seriously? I think something strange is going on..."

For a split second, I thought I saw a look of panic cross Hilary's face as the words left my mouth, but I probably was wrong.

"Um, of course nothing's wrong." Hilary answered a bit too quickly. "I...I...probably just forgot." But deep in her mind, she was actually thinking "Oh no! Does he know about it..."

"Huh? Okay, yeah, sure. Whatever you say Hilary." I sat down next to her as she moved swiftly to her bag and tried to zip it quickly, but before she did I could see something pink and pearly white sticking out of her bag "Hey. Is that a bey...?"

"It's nothing!" Hilary exclaimed, interrupting me. She finished zipping the bag and placed it on her lap, clutching her arms protectively around it.

"Um, okay, Hilary..." I said awkwardly, stealing one last glance at the bag held possessively in Hilary's arms.

This might seem weird, but I could have swore I saw a beyblade...

Hilary's P.O.V

When Tyson had came over, I was a bit nervous.

I don't know why, but at the moment I didn't want Tyson knowing about the blade, yet.

I even avoided the hushed whispers the blade was sending me through my head telepathically, telling me to ask him if I could battle him.

I got really confused when he started talking about the conversation with him and me in the morning.

It was probably the spirit taking over me.

However, it could have at least told me before it took over, shouldn't it?

Or maybe it doesn't want to tell me...

I could feel him staring at the bag and me every once in a while, so I wrapped my arms around the bag tighter.

Should I tell him?

Something was telling me not to, yet something was telling me to go ahead.

Unfortunately, the other side that was urging me to was stronger.

"I have something to show you!" I suddenly blurted out, quickly.

Maybe a little too quick for Tyson to hear.

"What?" Tyson turned to me confused.

"Um, I...I...have something...to show you." I stuttered, looking down.

"Yeah.... What is it?" Tyson asked, staring at me, then the bag, then back at me.

"Well..." I began. "Maybe I shouldn't tell you..."

"Hilary!" Tyson whined.

I sighed, glaring playfully at Tyson. "You are so annoying."

Tyson grinned. "I know."

"Fine I'll tell you." I rolled my eyes, unzipped my bag, and clutched my hands around the blade.

I hesitated at first but then pulled it out. I knew Tyson could see some of the sharp edges of the blade poking out, but it was still hard to figure out what it really was.

"You promise you won't laugh?" I asked Tyson, holding my clutched hands in front of him.

Tyson nodded meekly, his curiosity growing every second.

I took a deep breath then unclasped my hands to reveal the faintly glowing blade.

Tyson's eyes opened wide at first but then I saw a little tug at his lips, as if he was about to laugh.

Seeing that, I pouted and hid the blade behind my back. "Tyson! You said you wouldn't laugh!"

"I didn't." Tyson protested. "Yet..." Then Tyson burst into laughter, holding his stomach with one hand, and the other hand leaning against the tree to keep his balance.

I frowned at him. "Frankly, I don't see what's so funny."

"Well...it's just you? A blade?" Tyson answered, in between gasps and chokes of laughter.

I snorted at him. "So you don't think I'm a good enough blader for you, eh? How about a battle then?"

Tyson suddenly stopped laughing and stared at me with a look of shock on his face. "You're kidding?"

"Nope." I shook my head.

"You actually think you can beat me?" Tyson responded.

"Well, who knows...unless you battle me." I smirked. "Or are you too afraid?"

Tyson's eyes flashed a twinkle. "Me? Afraid? Never! Bring it on!" Tyson took out his navy blue and white launcher and his navy blue blade, set the blade on his launcher, positioned it and got ready to shoot. (Ignore my bad descriptions of blades...)

I smiled as I brought a white launcher from my orange skirt pocket and set the pink and pearly white blade on it. I turned the launcher to get ready to shoot also. "Let the battle begin." I thought.

Tyson's P.O.V

For a split second, when Hilary had set the blade on her launcher and looked right at me, I thought I saw her eyes flash dangerously, and it had turned as cold as it was this morning.

Maybe I was making a big mistake battling her...

DLN: Yeah, they're going to battle. Seems like the spirit took over again, eh? Okie, suggestions for the next chapter are welcome, or later on in the story. If you don't give me suggestions it might be a longer wait then this time! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Kidding, but send in some if you like. Here's a poll for you! Who do you think is going to win the battle? Might be a twist and Tyson might win, or another twist and Hilary will. Tell me what you think!

Who will win the battle?




Until then, see you next time!