LG:  Hey.  I'm in happy writing mood tonight so I am updating all of my stories. 

Disclaimers: I don not own Yu-Gi-Oh.  If I did I would not be a starving college student, now would I.



            Joey walked from the park to his house in the ghetto part of town.  He stood on the sidewalk staring at the broke down shack that he called home.  Joey slowly walked to the front door and reached for the knob, his hand shaking uncontrollably.  Stop it.  Clam down.  You've been going through this for seven years now.  Another night is nothing.  He sighed and opened the door.  Before he could even step fully inside, he was punched in the stomach.  As he doubled over in pain a hand grabbed his collar and pulled him inside.  He was thrown against the wall and released.  Joey's body fell to the floor.  He was on his hands and knees and he heard the person yelling at him, "YOU ROTTEN LITTLE PUNK.  MAKING YOUR FATHER WORRY.  YOU ASSHOLE KID. YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A MUTT."  His father grabbed the thin metal lamp that lay busted on the ground, and hit him across his back.  This caused Joey to fall fully into a laying position.  Next his father brought the lamp down on his left leg several times.  He dropped the lamp and with one final kick to his ribs causing one to break, his father left.  Joey layed there till he heard the door close signifying his father leaving to go find a bar.  Joey slowly stood up and walked/dragged himself over to the closet.  He opened it and pulled out a small wooden cane.  Using that he limped into his room.  He sat on his makeshift bed, a mattress, and looked at his leg remembering.


            A ten-year-old Joey lay crying face down on his bed.  His drunken father banged open the door screaming, "YOU LITTLE SHIT.  IT'S YOU, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT YOU MOTHER LEFT ME."  Little Joey looked up slowly and whispered, "Daddy".  He never saw the metal hammer in his hand.  His father brought the hammer down on his left leg several times severely breaking it into pieces.  Before his father left he smashed it into his left shoulder breaking it as well.


            Joey laid back and finally allowed the tears to fall from his eyes.


LG: Let me know what you thought, I've never written a father beating his son scene and I'm now sure how it came out.  Please review and if you feel the need to flame please do not do it too badly my dorm room is hot enough as it is.