"Kagome why are you such a freak?" screamed Kikyo as she advanced on the cornered girl.

"Yea, why can't you be normal like everyone else? Your such a freak!" A girl that Kagome didn't even know yelled at her.

"I..I…I'm sorry," Kagome whispered. She knew that they didn't care if she said sorry. They wanted just to make her feel bad to make her suffer. Kagome had done nothing wrong, but still they always teased her. Kagome was teased whenever someone was bored, and it wasn't just name calling either. She was shoved into lockers, had her hair pulled, kicked, punched and sometimes even had knives drawn on her.

"Well, why do you act like such a freak if you're so sorry! You know, I don't even know why you bother coming to school nobody likes you! We all hate you!" Screamed Kikyo.

Kagome looked down at her shoes knowing that if she looked Kikyo in the eye it would be the same as asking to be beat up. She had learned long ago to keep her head down and say nothing. Defending her self just meant a worse beating. The beatings had almost become a way of life for Kagome, many of her days were spent wondering when it was going to happen and how bad would it be today? The days when it didn't happen were the worst because she would be on edge all day and she would begin to hope that it had all ended. Only to be crushed when she was remembered and beat once again.

Suddenly it seemed that Kikyo got bored with just saying things to Kagome, because the next thing she knew she was on the hard, cold ground and was being kicked unmercifully once again. Taking it as an invitation to join in everyone else jumped in, the kicks came from everywhere. They hit everywhere on her body, not a single spot was missed. The best way she could protect herself was to wrap her hands around her head in an attempt to soften the blows directed at her head. This just exposed every other spot on her body and there was nothing more that she could do to protect herself. Kagome could hear everyone laughing and cheering as she begged for them to stop. All the while she kept saying that she was sorry and that she wouldn't do it again. What she had done she didn't know but she guessed it was something wrong.

"Ok girls, I think that she's had enough now. She has to be able to walk her worthless butt home still," Laughed Kikyo "Maybe you learned your lesson this time Kagome, stop acting like such a freak!" Kagome could hear everyone laugh as they followed Kikyo and walked away, kicking her one more time as they went by.

Kagome waited until she was sure that she couldn't hear the laughs and screams of the girls before she even dared to sit up. When she was sure that they were indeed gone, she sat up and found that her ribs hurt when she breathed. It killed her to sit up but she clenched her teeth and ignored the pain, as it shot up her body in painful jabs. She had been in worse pain before. Like the time that Kikyo had brought out a knife and carved the word 'freak' on her back. It had hurt so much but thank god it didn't scar her, physically at least. Emotionally she was scared not a day would go by with out her reaching and touching where the words had once been.

Kagome sat against the wall the girls had pinned her up against when the whole thing started. She tried to see if everything was ok. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw she wasn't bleeding. Thank god she wasn't bleeding, she had been lucky this time. Usually she would have many cuts on her body but because they had only kicked her this time she was safe. When ever she would bleed it meant having to wear bandages that had to be explained.

When she looked again Kagome saw that large, deep purple and blue bruises were already starting to form on her legs. Common sense and experience told her that if her legs were that bad then her arms and stomach would be just as bad if not worse. Kagome sighed; this meant that she wouldn't be going home tonight. She couldn't let her mom see the bruises that covered her body, she would ask her what happened. Kagome didn't want her mom to know that she was beat up all the time because it was her own fault that she had it done to her. Her mother was such a good person and knowing that her daughter was such a freak would destroy her, she loved her mother too much to tell her. She had done something to make them angry, she deserved it. Or at least, that's what she thought.

Kagome got up, her vision swam before her and she fell down almost immediately after. A tear fell silently down her cheek, she was sick of this. She did nothing but make everyone's life miserable. Nobody liked her and who could blame them? It was her own fault for being such a freak. Angry at her self she tried to stand once again. Once her feet stopped shaking and she felt like she could stay standing Kagome started to walk. She knew where she had to go, whenever she had too many bruises on her body she headed to the forest.

The forest had been her sanctuary when she could go nowhere else. The trees never laughed at her, never hurt her, never even acknowledged her presence. That's was exactly as she liked it, nobody to hurt her she was invisible to them. Just another thing that called their great forest home. Kagomes greatest wish in life had been to just disappear from everyone, to be invisible that way nobody would know who she was. That way nobody could hurt her any longer.

By the time that Kagome reached the forest she was sobbing and her legs had given out on her twice. But she kept going as she walked Kagome pulled the dagger out of her backpack that her mom had her keep there encase someone ever tried to hurt her. Kagome had never once used the dagger; it was her own fault that she got beat up so it stayed in her backpack at all times. Now it would finally be used.

Ashamed and hurting Kagome ran deep into the forest to a place where nobody could see or hear her. Finally when she could run no further she collapsed onto the forest floor and pulled out the dagger. She would end her life so that the burden she had placed on everyone would be lifted. She couldn't go on being the burden to everyone that she was any longer.

Holding the dagger to her leg she pressed and began to draw it down her leg. She couldn't stop the small scream that escaped when she took the dagger out of her body. She could feel the warm blood as it began running down her leg. She then did the same thing to her other leg. This time she was able to hold in the scream that threatened to escape as she pulled it out of her leg once more. She was forced to stop because the pain in her legs was so great that it was making her vision blur. 'I'm so pathetic,' she thought dejectedly. 'I hope that when I'm gone everyone can be happy. And then maybe mom can spend the time with Souta that he deserves so much more than me. Maybe everyone else will finally say that I did something right. It isn't right to burden everyone because I keep screwing up because I'm being a freak. I'm sure now that everyone will be happy.' Kagome let a final tear slide down her cheek and then she quickly brought the dagger to her wrists and without a single thought slashed her wrists. The pain instantly made tears form in her eyes and Kagome just sat there crying. She felt the blood running down her hands and onto the forest floor. Her vision started to get even more blurred and her head became heavy. Finally it became too much for her to stay sitting up and she collapsed on to the forest floor.

Sighing Kagome finally felt something that she hadn't been able to feel since she began school. She felt that she was finally doing something right. Closing her eyes she could feel the darkness closing in on her and gently taking her life from her body. For the first time in her life Kagome finally felt at peace. Not willing to lose the state of serenity she had gain she surrendered to the dark.

Well there's the first chapter sorry it's so short Hope you like it! R&R plz p.s I don't own any of the characters