Warnings/Notes: This will be shounen ai, mainly Tyson x Kai, but I may add hints of Rei x Max later on (I'm not sure yet).
A giant thankyou to everyone whose reviewed for far! And I'm really, really sorry, I know this chapter has been a very long time coming.
And just so you don't get confused…
People speaking is like this "……"
People thinking is like this '…….'
Disclaimer: (Holds up a Kai plushie) Look! Kai-chan wants me to own it! (puts on a little voice and waves plushie around pretending that he's talking) "I want Obsidi to own Beyblade" (sweatdropps and puts the plushie away) Man, that so wouldn't hold up in court.
Be My Saviour, and I'll be Your Downfall
Chapter 17
"Yo! Is that you little dude?" called Grandpa as he heard someone walk inside the house, "Hil and your boys just went off looking for ya. Somethin' 'bout Kai being in trouble?"
When he didn't get a reply, he headed of to go see what was wrong.
Kai looked around, but could see nothing but darkness.
He frowned. This was weird. The last thing he remembered was talking to Zianna, and then he'd ended up here. Had she taken him here?
"Is anyone out there?" he called out into the nothingness around him.
He paused, "Is anything out there."
Kai paused again, as if expecting an answer.
"Am I dead?" he asked finally.
His words seemed to echo around him.
He scowled, "If I am dead, I'd have to say that I'm rather disappointed. I was expecting a little bit more……………"
He looked around as if he thought that someone was going to jump out of nowhere and tell him off.
There was nothing.
Kai sighed, "Great."
Tyson leaned over Kai's prone form which he had just lain down on his bed.
He gently removed one of Kai's gloves and held his hand, 'Hey, Kai, can you hear me?'
There was no response.
A sudden, terrible thought crossed his mind, and he quickly felt to see if Kai had a pulse.
He sighed in relief when he felt one, and reminded himself that if Kai had died, he would most likely be very much aware of it because of the bond.
A hand landed on his shoulder, "What's wrong, little dude?"
Tyson jumped and glared the owner of the hand, "Grandpa! You almost killed me!"
Grandpa shrugged, "One less mouth to feed!"
Tyson sweatdropped, "You're so loving."
Grandpa smiled, "I try," his smiled faded as he looked down at Kai, "K-man's very pale. Is he okay?"
Tyson frowned, "I don't know. I can't wake him up."
Grandpa studied Kai for a moment, "Did he faint?"
"I don't know."
"Hilary said something about him being in trouble……….."
Tyson nodded, "Yeah, he was attacked, but I don't know what they did to him."
"Hmm………………….Have you asked Dranzer?"
Tyson's eyes widened, "Of course! Grandpa, you're the greatest!"
Grandpa grinned, "Just you remember you said that next time you complain about my fashion sense."
Kai wasn't sure of how long he'd been there, but after realizing that no matter how far he walked, he didn't seem to get anywhere, he had decided he might as well make himself a little more comfortable. And now he was currently sitting, on what he hoped was the ground.
The problem was, that he couldn't see it, so he wasn't sure what it was exactly, that he was sitting on.
This idea, combined with the fact that there was nothing to keep him occupied, had led to a rather unusual train of thought.
"As there appears to be nothing here, then I must ask, am I nothing as well? And if I am nothing, then I don't exist. But if I don't exist, then how can I be here because as far as I'm concerned, I do exist. But if there's nothing here, and I do exist, then there is something here, because I am here. But there isn't anything here, so I mustn't exist. But I do so-" Kai buried his head in his hands, "Oh I give up!"
There were a few minutes of silence.
"I'm bored."
As she stood by the bridge next to the river, Hilary sweatdropped while Max, Rei and Kenny all glared at her.
"Well? Where are they?"
Max looked around, "If Kai's in trouble, it's not anywhere around here."
Hilary looked at her feet, "We must have just missed them………….."
Rei sighed and looked at Kenny, "Back to the Dojo?"
Kenny sighed and nodded, "Back to the Dojo."
Kai pouted, the nothingness was still nothingness, and no matter how hard he tried, neither Tyson or Dranzer would respond when he called them.
There was only one thing he could do……………….
"…………………………Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall. Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-eight bottles of beer!..."
Tyson stared intently at Dranzer's bit piece.
He'd managed to fish it out of Kai's pocket, and now he had it, he wasn't quite sure what to say…………
He cleared his throat, "Hello?"
Dranzer remained inert in its place on his bedside table. There wasn't even a glow.
Tyson scowled at it, "You could make this a bit easier for me, you know!"
There was still no response.
"Don't just ignore me!" He scowled, "You're just as bad as Kai."
Still nothing.
Tyson sighed and looked at Kai's prone form as he considered this new problem.
"It's not fair, how come you have it so easy."
Kai took a deep breath, and continued, "Minus thirty six billion, five hundred thousand, four hundred and thirty two bottles of beer on the wall, minus thirty six billion, five hundred thousand, four hundred and thirty two bottles of beer! Take one down, and pass it around, minus thirty six billion, five hundred thousand, four hundred and thirty three bottles of beer on the wall.
Minus thirty six billion, five hundred thousand, four hundred and thirty three bottles of beer on the wall, minus thirty six billion, five hundred thousand, four hundred and thirty three bottles of beer!..."
Tyson growled, and grabbed Dranzer, "I know I'm not Kai, but I need to know what's wrong with him!"
He was very tempted to throw the bit piece out the window, and the only thing that was stopping him was the fact that he knew what Kai would do to him if he did.
He suddenly paused, "What if I…………………" Tyson grinned, "I've got it."
"I bet they're both back at Tyson's making out," grumbled Rei as he and the others walked down the street.
Kenny blanched, "Eww! Rei!"
Hilary giggled, "I think it's cute!"
Max blinked, "Well you've certainly changed your tune."
Hilary shrugged, "Yeah, well, you know what they say, if you can't beat them……….."
Rei smirked, "Join them. Why Hilary, this is a side of you we've never seen before!"
"Rei!" exclaimed Max.
Rei smiled at him, "You know you love me Maxie."
Max blushed, "Err……………."
Kenny groaned, "Great. Another couple. Just what we need."
Max and Rei both blushed.
Hilary smiled as they walked through the dojo's gates, "Aww……….how cute!"
Max pouted, "Aww Hilary, don't tease us, it's-" He stopped short, "Tyson? What are you doing?"
Tyson had all his attention focused on the Beyblade in his launcher.
'C'mon Dranzer. Please do this for me. For Kai.'
"Tyson? What are you doing?"
He hadn't noticed his other teammates arrive, and now he ignored their presence.
'Kai needs us. I need to know what's wrong so I can help him………………..'
"Dude? Is that Dranzer?" asked Rei in the background.
'I don't know what else to do.'
"What are you doing with Dranzer! That's Kai's blade!" exclaimed Hilary.
Tyson lifted the launcher up over his head, "Let's go Dranzer! 3……….2…………1………..LET IT RIP!"
Dranzer circled around and headed straight for Tyson who was gritting his teeth.
'Kai's blade is so different form mine. I'm not used to a blade that's configured this way. I can't control it.'
There was a flash of red light.
"Oh no! Dranzer's coming out!" cried Hilary, "And it's heading straight for him!"
"TYSON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Kenny yelled.
It was the last thing Tyson heard before his world dissolved into red.