LG: Hey all and welcome to my Yu-Gi-Oh story. Man I love that show. Anyway I don't own them but I wish that I did.
Pairings: Yami/Yugi, Ryou/Bakura, Tristan/Tea, and Seto/Joey
/Yugi to Yami/
//Yami to Yugi//
Joey sat lazily against a tree in the park, far apart from his friends across the way. He stared at them all coupled up and sighed. Yami sat against another tree with Yugi lying sleepily on his legs. Ryou and Bakura were arguing off to the right because Bakura had chucked a rock at a squirrel. Tristan and Tea were trying and failing to discreetly make out behind a tree. Joey sighed again and reached into his backpack, he pulled out a small sketchpad. He flipped through all the pictures of his friends till he reached the latest one he was working on. A photograph of all of them, taken at Duelist Kingdom, was taped to the corner. Joey looked at the picture and them up at his friends.
One's missing, he thought, Wish Seto would join us once in awhile. Wait a minute did I just call Kaiba, Seto? Wait did I just say that I wish Kaiba would join us.
Joey shook his head and continued on his drawing.
/Yes, Yami/
//What's wrong with Joey? Why won't he sit with us//
/Maybe he's upset because Serenity can't come down for his birthday/
//It's his birthday//
/Yeah in two days he'll be seventeen then. Hey, Yami. Why don't we throw him a surprise birthday party/
//Good idea Yugi. I'll go and tell Tristan and Tea. You go and let Bakura and Ryou in on it//
The two got up and ran over to the two couples. Joey's eyes flipped up at the sight. He shook his head and glanced back down, seeing his watch as he did so.
Shit, Dad's gonna kill me for being late.
Joey threw the sketch pad into his backpack and got up and shouted running away, "Bye guys, I gotta get home see ya tomorrow."
When Joey ran off Kaiba happened upon the group.
"Hello Yugi, and Yugi's friends," Kaiba said.
"Hey Kaiba," they all said.
"Where's the mutt," Kaiba asked.
"Went home already. Oh hey Kaiba, it's Joey's birthday in two days. We're planning a party for him. Wanna come," Yugi asked.
"Why not. Where," Kaiba spoke nonchalant.
"The game shop," Yami said.
"Nah, we'll have it at my mansion. I just got a new indoor swimming pool. Give me a chance to try it out," Kaiba said.
"Sounds good," Everyone said. They all nodded and headed off to buy stuff for the party in two day.
LG: Well, that's Chapter one don't worry the title will make sense later on. Hope you all like it. Please review and no flames please my dorm room is warm enough.