DLN: Yes! That's right! Another fic! I couldn't help doing this one...I just got it in a dream and then well....all the ideas started forming...so yeah. I hope I have another dream of it so I could get more ideas. All I have to do is keep thinking of Ty/ Hil and maybe I'll start dreaming again. Meh! For people who are reading A Love That Will Never Be, I'm working on the next chappie while doing this. o0 Whole bunchies hehehehe. Okie, well here's the summary because for some odd reason it wouldn't fit in the summary box. Lol.

Summary: Tyson's the most popular guy in school. (Surprise, surprise!) He could get any girl he wishes to have, and yet he wants Hilary. Hilary hates Tyson however, and it doesn't help that her best friend has a major crush on him and he doesn't even know she's alive. Hilary won't give in without a fight so she rejects him multiple times. No one turns Tyson down. He's going to try to get her back. Now it's war! What else can they say but BRING IT ON!

DLN: Well.....was the summary okie? Shudders I suck at summaries...anyway, here's the story now!!! Also, don't hate Haley because of this. Every girls likes Tyson remember?


Disclaimer: Okie. I own nothing. Except for the plot and stuff, but the show, the characters do not belong to me! They belong to......uh........I forgot the creator of Beyblade's name!! AIEEEE! I'm losing it. Okie, the disclaimer ends here. No wait...here. No...here.

Normal P.O.V

"It's totally not fair." Haley complained to her best friend, Hilary Tatibana. "So what if I'm getting really old this year? I should still be able to have a party!"

"Absolutely!" Hilary agreed, nodding. "Having a party is a must. Your parents have to say yes." The truth was that she thought having Birthday parties were a bit.... childish, but she didn't want to upset her friend and even if Haley did have a party, it would be the perfect excuse to get a new dress.

Hilary gazed around the dress section at the store they were in. She, her best friend Haley, and her two other friends Vanessa, and Rebecca were all shopping at the mall. They had already been there for a whole three hours.

"And here's what I'm wearing to your party." Hilary exclaimed. She grabbed a short pink dress off the rack. "Isn't it perfect?" The dress had a flared skirt and spaghetti straps. Hilary held it up for her friends to see.

Haley eyed the dress. "Pink's not your colour." She said

"How can it not be my colour?" Hilary argued. "I wear pink all the time."

Haley rolled her eyes. "It would look better on me." She grumbled. "Besides, my parents won't say yes. There's no way I'm having a party. So forget it. You don't have any reason to buy that dress."

"Chee." Vanessa snorted. "You're in a bad mood."

"Well excuse me." Haley snapped. "Wouldn't you be?"

Vanessa shrugged, obviously mad at Haley snapping at her. "I guess."

"I don't blame Haley." Hilary spoke up, defending her best friend. "I mean, it's horribly unfair that your parents wouldn't let you have a party. A party would be so....so..." She tried to think of a word that wouldn't be too insulting, and too much of a lie.

"Fabulous." Rebecca said, finishing Hilary's sentence to her relief. "Can't you just picture it? We would all get brand new dresses!"

"Forget it." Haley replied. "I begged my parents for an hour last night. All they said was your getting a bit too old for this dear. I'm positive they won't change their minds." She sighed deeply. "This is going to be the most miserable Birthday ever....."

"Poor Haley." Hilary thought. She wished there was a way to cheer up her friend. "Well, how about we do something else for your birthday....uh, instead of a party. Like maybe you could come over and spend the night. We'll rent videos, order pizza, and stay up all night."

"Maybe." Haley answered glumly.

"You see, everything will be great." Hilary told her. She reached out to stare at her watch. "But we're late! We shouldn't have stayed here for so long."

"Yikes!" Rebecca yelped, glancing at her watch too. "You're right!"

Hilary led the way as the four girls zipped through the crowds to get near the main fountain near the main exit.

"So do you think we're ready to go yet?" Hilary asked her friends.

"Not yet." Haley blurted out.

Hilary glanced over at her friend. Haley looked almost happy for the first time that day. She was staring at someone across the mall, with a dreamy look in her eyes. Quickly Haley started fixing her long blond hair. She brushed it back so it draped smoothly on her shoulders.

"Who are you staring at?" Hilary asked.

"It's him." Haley whispered. "Tyson Kinomiya."

Hilary followed Haley's stare.

Yup. There he was. The gorgeous- Did I just say he was gorgeous? Okay, scratch that. The guy who Haley, and most of the other girls in school, had a crush on. The one who didn't even know Haley was alive.

"How could he?" Hilary thought. "He's obnoxious and is so full of himself. Rumor has it that he's with a different girl each week, and maybe even day."

Sometimes, Hilary wished Haley would just forget about him. Haley was much too good for him but she could never realize that. He toys with girl's emotions. Leaving them stringing behind him like some lost puppy. He was practically the biggest player in school but yet, Hilary didn't give a damn about him. He was nothing in her eyes.

Tyson was wandering through the mall with his best friend, Max Tate. Another player, but not even as half bad as Tyson.

"He is so cute." Haley gushed.

"Max isn't bad either." Vanessa said softly.

"That's what I want for my birthday." Haley decided. "Tyson. Just dress him up, stick a bow on his head, and I don't care if I never have another party!"

"Tyson Kinomiya?" Rebecca asked. "Dream on."

"Depends on how long you want him for." Hilary smirked. "If more then a week, then Rebecca's right. Keep on dreaming." She knew that Tyson wouldn't last more then a week with a girl.

"Can we stay a little longer?" Haley begged Hilary. Her eyes were locked on Tyson as he and Max made their way through the mall.

"I don't know." Hilary shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, are you thinking of following them?"

Haley blushed then nodded.

"Well, hate to break it to you, but it looks to me like they're following those three high school girls." Hilary pointed out. "So this could get ugly. You don't want it to turn into a parade!"

Hilary was right. Tyson and Max were trailing three other girls. One redhead, and two brunettes. They all slipped into a music store.

"Oh, well." Haley gave one long, loud sigh. "See? I told you this was a lousy birthday."

"Your birthday isn't for two weeks." Vanessa reminded her. "Aren't you sulking a little early?"

"It's never too early to sulk." Haley replied. "Maybe my parents will start feeling guilty. At least then they'll buy me more presents!"

"Hopefully." Hilary smiled at Haley.

Haley glanced over at Hilary and smiled back.

"Well, we better be heading back now." Rebecca declared.

"Wow!" Vanessa exclaimed. "Never knew how time flies when you're shopping."

They all started walking home. Vanessa's house was first. Then Rebecca's.

"Say, you want to come over to work on our homework?" Hilary asked Haley.

"Sure...." Haley answered. A bit too glumly. "It'll take my mind off of Tyson."

Hilary sighed. That girl is always thinking about that jerk. She wished Haley would just drop the crush and like someone else.

At Hilary's House

Hilary's P.O.V

I leaned back on my bed and took a long drink of soda. The inside of my mouth felt as dry as a desert. Never realized how thirsty I was. Haley had been annoying me for the past hour talking about..... I shuddered at the thought. She was talking about Tyson. I mean, seriously. I don't even know why she likes him. Just the thought of him made me thirstier. I drained my glass and chomped on one of the ice cubes.

"How do you think I should end this letter?" Haley asked from her seat in front of the desk. "With my everlasting devotion, or love until death?"

"Love until death!?" I yelled. I jumped off the bed and hurried to look over Haley's shoulder. "What the hell are you writing?"

"A note to Tyson Kinomiya." Haley answered, with that dreamy look in her eyes. "I'm going to throw myself at him and see if that works. Because so far, he isn't falling for the cold shoulder treatment."

"No way! I'm not letting you!" I cried out. I tackled Haley to the floor, grabbed the note, and crumpled it up.

"Hey!" Haley complained. "I spent a lot of work on that!"

"Too bad." I declared. "In the name of friendship, I'm saving you from yourself." I jammed the note in my backpack. I didn't want Haley to be able to dig it out of the trash later.

"But I've got to do something." Haley moaned. "It's torture just being around him every day."

"And he hasn't noticed you yet?" I asked.

Haley shook her head.

Of course he hasn't. He was probably too busy thinking about other girls.

Haley left her desk and plopped down on the floor next to me. "I guess I should give up." Haley sighed.

I was tempted to say that yeah she should give up, but kept my mouth shut for my own reasons.

"No guy and no birthday party. I just don't get it." Haley turned to me. "I don't know why my parents haven't let me have a party."

"Well, hey." I said. "We'll make the best of it. You'll come over to my house on your birthday, and we'll celebrate big time. Videos, popcorn, and we'll come up with the perfect plan for you to get Tyson's attention." I shuddered at the thought of spending a whole night with Haley talking about Tyson. The things I do for friendship.

"Oh wow. It will be my best birthday ever." Haley mumbled.

I frowned. I didn't know what to say to cheer Haley up, so I didn't say anything.

The silence stretched out between us.

"Okay, okay." Haley finally said. "I'm sorry. You're a great friend. I'm just mad at my mom and dad. They don't seem to care how I feel."

"Don't worry." I answered. "We'll have a birthday bash that you'll never forget."

Haley grinned. "Really? Okay. Now what was I talking about before? Oh yes. About Tyson. Should I talk to him tomorrow? Did you know he has the most gorgeous hair? His eyes are like so.."

"On no." I groaned. Back to talking about Tyson. Oh well. Hey, she did cheer up.

Next Day

Hilary's P.O.V

"Oh, Hilary." My mother complained. "You're not going to wear those denim pants today are you?"

"Why not?" I asked. "They're clean."

"Let's see if I can find something prettier. How about that yellow skirt Grandma made for you?"

My eyes widened in horror at the thought of that skirt. It was hideous and it itched like hell! "Forget it." I told her, heading for the bathroom. "It's sunny out and we're probably going out for gym, so I can't play sports in a skirt."

She followed after me, stopping at the doorway to watch me comb my hair. "Curl it up a little more by your ears."

I put the comb down, and glared at the mirror. The part where my mom was, not me.

She took it up. "Here let me.."

"Mother!" I yelled.

"Well, Sharon Marsh wears her hair brushed forward."

"I'm not Sharon Marsh." I said. "I'm Hilary."

"But you have those big eyes just like her. You should show them off." She moved towards me again, but then Dad had hollered something from the living room, so she dropped the comb and hurried downstairs.

I went back into my room, got my backpack, put on my shoes, and went down to the front door. When I stretched up to kiss her goodbye, she was busy telling me that she wanted me to maintain my perfect record. Walking down the sidewalk towards Haley's house, I tried as hard as I could to keep the sickening dread in my stomach from climbing up my throat. I just had a feeling something's bad going to happen today...

Haley came down her steps with her little sister, Mary Ann, behind her. "I have to haul this thing along." She told me.

Her little sister shifted her lunch box to her other hand and took my arm. "I'm not bad, and mom said...."

"I know what mom said, and it doesn't make any difference." Haley snapped. "Let go off Hilary. Only two can walk together, so you walk behind us."

Mary Ann pursed her lips, glared at Haley, and held my arm tighter.

Haley gave it up and we started off down the street with Mary Ann yanking on me every time she dodged the bushes at the edge of a yard.

"Listen." Haley said, as we came in sight of Mary Ann's school. "I'll take Mary Ann over to the first grade unit. You wait for me here ok?"

I nodded and she dragged Mary Ann over to the building in front of the office where the little kids were gathered, waved to Mary Ann, and came back to me.

"Ok." Haley said. "We can go now."

Next thing you know we had arrived at the school with a few minutes to spare. We crowded into the jammed entrance to our homeroom.

I just barely got settled in my seat when I saw a boy name Carlos go over to the most popular (or so she thinks so), and snobbiest, girl in our grade, and sit in the chair beside her. Her name..ugh! Was Daisy. How I hate her! It was obvious he was flirting with her. Suddenly another guy named Ricky came up to Carlos and gave him a shove.

"Get out of my seat, wienie. This is my place." Ricky told Carlos.

"Knock it off." Carlos said. "I was here first."

Ricky stuck his knee on the seat and pushed Carlos over. Carlos clung to the desk with his hands. "Knock it off, Ricky."

Ricky sat down, bumping Carlos to the floor.

"Bastard." Carlos muttered.

Ricky heard him and soon enough a war of words was going on.

Daisy didn't seem to mind however. She actually liked it. What a bitch, and she dresses like a slut too.

Suddenly, a tall woman came into the room, carrying a stack of papers and books. She had gray-black hair and brown eyes behind big, black- rimmed glasses. Our homeroom teacher. The teacher put her stuff on the big desk in the corner of the room. When she finished, she turned and stared at us. She kept on staring, as though waiting for the class to quiet it down. Which it didn't, of course. "Everyone." She yelled. "Quiet down." But of course, no one heard her. The noise was too much greater and louder then she was.

"Hey Hilary." Haley called. After all this, I hadn't noticed she was sitting right next me. "You know what?"

"What?" I asked, expecting something important.

"Should I go over to Tyson and talk to him today? I mean...." Haley went on and on about Tyson.

"Whoo boy." I muttered. "This was going to one long day."

Tyson's P.O.V

"Yo Tyson!" I heard a cheery voice call out.

I turned around to face my best friend Max Tate. "Hey." I grinned.

"Say, where were you last night?" Max asked me.

"Oh. I was out telling my latest girlfriend of the week, that things didn't work out between us." I smirked, remembering the event. Instead of bursting out into tears the girl had just waved dreamily to me as I walked away.

"Week?" Max raised an eyebrow at me, his sky blue eyes twinkling. "I thought it was day?"

"Well it used to be, but seeing as the generous guy I am, I had decided that the girls could have one week of me." My smirk grew bigger. "Seeing that they all can't get enough of me."

Max rolled his eyes at me, then grinned. "Whatever you say, you sly devil, you. We better get to class though, so cut the act off, Romeo."

They both smiled at each other (Don't get any ideas Ty/ Max fans......O.O) as they entered the school.


Tyson's P.O.V

"Ahh, my favourite period of the day." I sighed happily. "Lunchtime in the beautiful, high school, cafeteria."

"Did you just say this place was beautiful?" Rei asked. Rei was another best friend of mine. Not as close as Max however. He looked around at the familiar room. I knew that Rei saw the same dull walls and long green tables as always.

"I don't think Tyson means the cafeteria." Max commented. He grinned at me, then gave me a playful nudge. "He thinks the scenery's beautiful."

"You got that right." I smirked. "Any place is beautiful, if you have the right scenery." Just as the words had left my mouth, I saw a very, and I mean very, pretty girl enter the cafeteria. "And there's one of the things that make this place seem nice." I said, pointing to the girl.

"Who her?" Rei asked. "You mean Hilary?"

"You know here?" I asked Rei.

"Yeah." Rei answered. "She's in a couple of my classes. She's really bright. She was in a couple of your classes too."

"Really?" I was surprised. "I never noticed her."

"He was probably staring at other girls." Max joked.

I didn't hear him. I was too busy staring at her.

"Is she your so-called next target?" Rei asked.

"You bet." I said, still glancing over at her and noticing how cute she was when she made a face at the food, the cafeteria was serving.

"Um...well...." Max stammered. "I heard that she isn't really...quite..fond of you."

"She isn't? Well mark my words, guys. She will be mine." I said with a smile.

DLN: Okie..so how do you think? Was it good? Hehehehe. Next chappie, will have madness! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I hope you guys enjoy though....I wanted to keep writing but then is this enough for the first chappie? Okie, well enjoy! Hopefully..hehehe. Bye for now!