Author has written 1 story for Soul Eater.
cough* Well hello~ How are you on this fine evening? My name is Banapples or Millie. Now let's talk a bit about mehself: I looove Yaoi with a gods darn passion! I worship it! Oh and I worship fellow writers~ And I stalk their profile. O.O I want everyone to be happy, cheery, and never be dreary no matter how hard life may be and how hopeless things seem. I like helping others when they are down, no one should be saaad. I'll do my best to make everyone laugh even if it makes me seem like an idiot. I'd do anything for people to be happy. Since you now know that I love Yaoi, I will name my favorite pair!!!!! *drums* Black Star/Soul~ Ah, those two make any woman happy. :) PM me if you want to talk or for any reason actually. I enjoy meeting new people. Stories I'm working on: "Behind a Mask" (despite the lack of update, I really am trying to work on this. XD I just lack inspiration at the moment and because of this, I plan on writing other stories for other pairs/SoulStar) "It's a Real Banger" (this is one I'm rather excited for since it has one of my favorite pairs: Riku/Sora from Kingdom Hearts) "Mr. Scrooge" (Another Kingdom Hearts fic that I plan on uploading/trying to upload this Christmas) "Bake the Man a Cake" (Nicercy for my dear friend Takara Phoenix; I plan on making many more fanfics for this pair There's too many to name, but this is the main ones I'm taking time for this summerThe other stories I have uploaded you may have to wait a bit longer for since, again, I lack the inspiration to continue them at the moment (it's gonna be a looong moment, trust me). |