Prompt #001:
" And Then We Had a Baby."
Prompt By: Soru Evans Star
Month 1:
" You are pregnant."
Soul and Black Star's mouths drop to the infirmary ground.
" Wh-what?" Soul stuttered, hoping he had not heard right.
" I said, you are pregnant." Their school nurse, Mira, repeated more firmly while bringing out some antibiotics. After Soul and Black Star had a 'fun and hour's-worth activity', Soul had not exactly expected to hear that he, a definite male, is pregnant during his physical exam. After nearly fainting, the nurse miraculously had Black Star come in a matter of seconds after the (wonderful?) news.
" But... that can't be right. It's a joke... right?" Soul hoped it was all just a prank.
" I'm a nurse. I don't joke about these sort of things." The weapon slumped on the bed with a crestfallen expression and jumped when he felt a poke on his (for now) flat stomach.
" Soul... are you... you're not a girl, right?" Black Star hesitantly asked. Soul scowled and ineffectively hit the boy on his shoulder.
" I'm pretty sure last night gave a clear answer!" Mira interrupted the tiny squabble between the two by handing Soul a few bottles with prescriptions in a brown, paper bag.
" I'm as confused as you both are and there will be some immediate research done for a for clear and possible solution. As that is being done, I advise you to take these and remain calm for now. Pregnancy is a stressful time in life but you will be guided through, I assure." Soul had a doubtful look as he took the brown bag. All he could think in his mind is that he is pregnant, no joke. PREGNANT. P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T.
What would his family think?
What would Maka think?
What would his friends think?
" Aww... man..."
Black Star noticed the conflict going on in his boyfriend's head and leaned down while rubbing the other's arm.
" ...Star... I-I'm worried..." Soul finally said while huffing and resting his head against the meister's chest. A chaste kiss on his forehead slightly calmed his nerves.
" I know. We'll get through this..."
Or can they?
Month 2:
" Black Star. I don't know if it's just me by I think I'm getting... fat." Soul said on the bed while eyeing his shirt. Over the few weeks of discovering his unintentional pregnancy, Soul had been feeling a bit bloated yet he doesn't eat as much as anyone else. Hell, he eats less than Kid who doesn't exactly always have time due to taking care of a city and a school.
" Probably just ate a lot." Black Star dismissed in the bathroom behind a closed door. Soul didn't really feel assured.
" Dude, my abs are starting to disappear. I can see it." The meister opens the door and pokes his head out.
" You had abs?"
He dodged the pillow thrown at him.
" Be serious already, would you!? I've seen pregnant people before and I'm not exactly excited to look like I eat whole watermelons for lunch." Soul exclaimed while crossing his arms. He sighed when Black Star laughed at his 'joke' and sat beside him.
" If that's lunch, I'd hate to see what's for dinner!"
He dodged another pillow thrown at him.
" Of course you're no help as usual! I always feel like I'm taking care of another child." The weapon said while crossing his arms, huffing when stronger one's arms wrapped around his waist.
" That's not true..."
" I mean whatever I say."
" Really? I'm sure a child wouldn't do this..." Soul blushed when his neck was kissed and the chaste touches trailed lower.
Month 3:
" Black Star, there is going to be some stupid baby shower tomorrow so be ready by 12." Soul boredly stated when the said male came back from training in the forest. Soul blinked when he received a sudden stern look.
" Wait... who decided this?" The weapon raised his eyebrows. Black Star would usually be excited about parties, especially if it centers around him.
" Um... Everyone. I-Is there a problem?" He answered and Black Star gave him an incredulous look.
" Dude, you can't just decide things on your own. Everyone in the family has to have a say in it." Soul's mouth was slightly open and he had a dead-pan look. He was definitely confused as to why his boyfriend was acting like this.
" I already said I'd go. I'm pretty sure you would to."
" Fine, if you can't ask, I will." The scythe narrowed his eyes, completely lost at what the meister was getting at. Who else was living with them? As far as he knew, it's just him and Black Star in the house. All their friends are the ones who planned the party so who else needed permission to go to some stupid baby shower?
" Who are you-?"
" Hey, is it alright if you tag along with us?" A tick mark formed when Black Star had poked his stomach and asked amusedly. " I see... Okay. We can go."
" ... I'm sorry?"
" He won't mind." Black Star said with a blank look and Soul squinted his eyes at the statement, the first answer already being clear enough.
" He wo- Are you seriously doing this..?"
" Yes."
" Bastard." Soul growled and wanted to walk off but was dragged out the door where Black Star had previously walked in.
" Come on, we don't want to keep him waiting. Plus, I'm kind of hungry so..."
" It's not my fault. Tell him, not me."
Month 4:
One look at the scene before him and Soul slowly closed his eyes and exhaled.
" Please tell me those aren't-?" He asked as calmly as his voice could carry. He opened his eyes again to make sure he was just imagining everything but he wasn't. It was dead clear to him. How Black Star managed this is beyond him and Soul was still trying to tell himself that it is a dream. The black Smoke is making his eyes irritate. Nope, it's pretty real. His clothes were in a heap, being massacred in a small fire. The evidence that it was his boyfriend's doing is the fact that one, the assassin is kneeling right in front of it with a look of awe. Second, there was a bottle of oil next to him. Third, the lighter was clearly in the meister's hands.
" It is." Black Star replied in the same tone and grinned." Like it?"
" Define 'Like'." The other said through gritted teeth." Pray tell you have a good excuse?"
Black Star dumped more oil in the raging fire in Soul's view with a taunting grin and the weapon felt an eye twitch.
" Yup. You're getting too big for your old clothes so I'm getting rid of them."
" In a fire!?"
" I didn't think you'd find out. I was going to burn all the evidence and say it was Maka but..." Soul's eyes widened and one thought only swirled in his mind. He didn't mind saying it out loud either.
" I will castrate you." However, he was pulled over to the couch and both were seated on it.
" Here's the fun part. We're going to go buy new clothes, you know, the ones fatties wear." This didn't' help Soul's sour mood. And the fire that continued to destroy some of his favorite clothing was really tested him.
" You... Who's fault do you think it is!?" Black Star gave one of his infamous blank stares and Soul sighed heavily, settling on hitting the male on the back of his head." You know once I'm out of this stupid phase, I'd be able to wear whatever I want."
" No I don't like what you used to wear." Soul looked at him." You should start taking my advice."
" Says the person who can't go a day without his scarf."
" But you cover yourself too much. It's not easy taking them off, you know." Realizing what Black Star really meant by that, Soul scowled and stood abruptly with a angry blush.
" Go to hell you damn pervert!"
" Sure, but after you put these stockings on."
Month 5:
" Hey Soul, how are you holding up?"
" I feel like I'm gonna die."
" That's the spirit."
" ... Get me a damn towel already."
After weeks had gone by, a new sudden routine poked its ugly face in. It was actually very stressful for Soul but Black Star seemed to find the whole thing amusing. Every time Soul woke up in bed with arms around him, he would stare blankly at the wall before covering his mouth and dashing out the room. He always spent nearly two hours in the bathroom lying against the toilet miserably and it didn't help when Black Star always made a comment. However the scythe ought to be grateful that the blue-haired idiot is always in use.
" Is this one okay?" Soul barely nodded and his boyfriend went to the sink to damp the towel in cold water before resting it on the other's hot and slightly sweaty head.
" *sigh* Water."
" Right here." Since it was a normal routine, the cold glass of water was already put in the awaiting hand. " You don't look so good."
" Gee, I wonder why." Soul muttered through gritted teeth but didn't bother to even take a sip. His whole body was shivering and burning and the cold glass felt nice against his skin.
" ... Is he done peeing?"
" Don't..."
" This is the longest he ever took. You are literally spitting up pee."
" I think I'm gonna be sick..."
" Oh wait, it might be poop-"
" Black Star!" The said male ignored the warning look with a grin and patted Soul's head as if he was some pet amusing him.
" Why don't I start breakfast while you waste away here?"
" Blow up the house and your ass is on what's left of the front porch." Soul said in a menacing tone. As careless and reckless Black Star is, he couldn't risk having a fire started because of boiling some water. How his boyfriend managed to do that last time is a mystery that he half wanted to solve. " God, I'm surprised we even managed this long together."
" Love you too."
Month 6:
The couple finally visited the hospital for Soul's ultra-sound. He wasn't too keen on going but when Mira had explained to them what it does, the weapon was literally dragged on the way.
" It's going to be awesome! We're going to see a person inside you!"
" Baby." Soul corrected as they waited in the waiting room." Besides, it's just an ultrasound of it."
" But it's going to be floating inside you and stuff." Soul grimaced at the thought and shook his head just as a doctor came up.
" Evans?" The two walked followed the older man into a room. The weapon was advised to sit on the bed and the man began to wash his hands before putting on gloves.
" It is a rare case for man to carry a child. Very unique indeed. You two must be very proud of yourselves." The man said with a smile. Well, Black Star grinned back while Soul glared at the wall ahead. Oh sure, he was happy alright." Alright. I'm Dr. McCarnagy I'm going to need to spread some jell on your stomach so just lay down like this... yeah..." Once the doctor had guided the other on the bed, he pulled out an glass jar and unscrewed it. As he began preparing to scoop some out, he decided to make small talk with the anticipated couple.
" You both must be nervous about taking care of a child right? It's no easy task but it is a fun experience in fact. Many of my previous patients go through the same stage as well." This calmed Soul slightly and he sighed.
" I guess. I'm just still weirded out that I have a living being in me." McCarnagy laughed even though Soul wasn't trying to be funny and scooped a considerable about of petroleum on his fingers.
" Wouldn't we all want to know? Okay, I'm going to spread it on. But it may be a little cool so try not to mind it much." Just as the gloved hands began to spread the substance on the male's enlarged stomach, Soul twitched.
" Jeez that's cold!"
" Ahaha, I warned you."
" Ooh, can I feel it!?" Black Star exclaimed and the doctor smiled as he outstretched his arm.
" Go ahead."
The meister dipped his whole hand in the jar instead, causing both McCarnagy and Soul's mouths to drop and the assassin didn't even twitch. In fact, he voiced his awe and moved it around.
" Wow, that is pretty cold. What is this stuff!?"
" ... Is he human?"
" I'd like to believe that."
Nevertheless, after evenly coating Soul and helping Black Star get the (not) cold substance off his hands before pulling out a certain equipment.
" Alright Mr. Evans. As I do this, feel free to look at the screen above. We may not be sure of the gender yet but we will be able to see how far your child has progresses." When red and blue eyes looked up at the black screen that was suddenly turned on, their eyes widened in awe when the inverted image showed a a tiny infant currently resting. The umbilical cord was connected into the infant's belly and the doctor gave a small chuckle at the amazed couple.
" It looks to be in perfect health. Definitely an slight exceeding wavelength for an infant, which is very good. About two more months should be before you are due. Excuse me for a moment." When the dr. left to file some reports, their eyes still couldn't get off the sight.
" Hey Soul?"
" Yeah?"
" ... That's quite a long penis for a baby, isn't it."
" Die."
The doctor came back in moments after with a grin.
" You have been taking your prescriptions at a normal rate and everything seems to be fine. You may choose when to leave Mr. Evans."
After much persuading and dragging, Soul finally managed to get Black Star back home. It seemed as though he didn't want to leave the hospital at all over that image. Soul didn't even like how Black Star had the weird glint in his eyes. He wondered what the other was thinking.
" I can't wait until we get another-"
" Stay the hell away from me!"
Month 7:
Soul walked out from the kitchen drying his hands with a small towel after washing dishes to see his boyfriend on the laptop.
" What are you doing?" He asked and was even more suspicious when Black Star slammed the screen shut.
" Nothing!" The weapon blinked and walked over to sit down next to the suddenly defiant male.
" Dude, let me see."
" ... Fine. Don't laugh though." The screen was lifted and Soul wad looking at the front page of what appeared to be, Amazon. He heard so far that it was like America's number one online store and he was definitely wondering why Black Star, of all people, was on it.
" What am I supposed to be looking at?"
" Amazon."
" I meant what are you doing, genius." Black Star shrugged with a sheepish-grin and Soul narrowed his eyes, clearly showing that he wasn't in the mood for the pronoun game.
" Alright, alright. I was just looking around for some things."
" For?"
" For... him." Black Star answered while pointing at Soul's stomach. The weapon dared his self not to blush and sighed heavily.
" And why this early?" His boyfriend grinned and began pulling out the wish list.
" Well, you said we have to be prepared once you have him so-"
" Why so you keep saying him? You don't know if it's a boy or a girl."
" Well, I'm saying it's going to be a boy."
" What if it's a girl?"
" It won't be. That's the point."
" ..."
" As I was saying, I'm getting stuff for him."
" Are they safe?" Soul asked with a questioning look and Black Star looked around, suddenly interested at the clock above.
" Oh, look at the time-"
" Star..."
" Okay, sheesh. It's nothing bad. Just a few swords, knives, shurikens-"
" Are you kidding me!?"
" He's going to be the second best ninja! Of course I'm always the first."
" Take those out the wish list right now."
" But-"
" Now."
" Damn..."
When Soul made sure Black Star had completely obliterated the long list, he left to go finish making lunch. Black Star looked as though he wanted to say something but thought better of it. Soul will just have to deal with the twenty deliveries of star knives they are going to get in 6-7 business days.
Month 8:
" Black Star, I think something broke inside of me." Soul cautiously said. His boyfriend just waved his hand in a dismissing manner as his eyes stayed glued on the TV.
" It probably just kicked or something."
" But my ass... is leaking water. Literally."
This made the meister slowly turn his head at the other worried male. Why?
Because as far as they were concerned, there wasn't supposed to be another hole inside of Soul.
" Ehe... How are you holding up?"
" Mr. Evans, one more time." The grip on the assassin's hand tightened but he didn't even so much as to wince. He knew how much pain Soul was going through and he couldn't blame him for that. However, he could do without the outrageous threats. As random as they were, he didn't know whether Soul was being serious or not.
" I'm ripping off everyone's dicks! Including yours!" The doctor sweated at the pointed threat but asked Soul once more to push.
" You are almost there Mr. Evans. One more."
" I'd like to believe that after the last 50 times you've told me to!"
Nevertheless the weapon complied and the head finally made its way out. Nobody knew how long it's been but they all knew it had been nearly an hour. The baby seemed stubborn to be pulled out. " Okay, we've got the head! A few more pushes and we are almost done!"
" Again."
" Once more."
" Nearly."
" Almo-"
" Shut up! I know what the fuck I'm doing!"
It's amazing how Soul managed these sentences out despite his world-ending pain. After even more yells, swears, and urging, a wet pop was heard and the doctor gave a grin as he carefully held a slippery figure in his arms.
" It's out!" The few nurses and doctors in the background gave a cheer and the one holding the baby stood up slowly, holding the infant as if it was a fragile piece of glass.
" Hold on... There..." After cleaning as much blood up as he could, he gave a quick scan before looking at the couple.
" It's... a girl."
Black Star's mouth dropped and Soul gave a weak chuckle.
After much bustling and cleaning of the now crying baby, indicating that it was healthy, the doctor carefully placed the small bundle in the weak male's arms. Automatically, as if a sudden bond occurred, both soul wavelengths reached out and connected to their newborn's. The nurses and doctors stayed in the background, grins planted on their faces as they looked at the silent bond going on between the three.
" What should we name her? We haven't really thought of that." Soul said while thinking of a few. They started going down a list, each name becoming more bizarre than the next from Black Star and Soul had decided that maybe they were taking the name thing too far. Waterbuzzhickademis was when Soul realized that maybe he himself needed to come up with one before Black Star could end up humiliating their child with just a name. Just a simple name, one that wasn't too common and yet was unique to the human ear.
" What about Bella Star?" Black Star suggested after a long and silent period of thinking
" ... That, actually doesn't so bad. How did you come up with that?"
" It's this name of a restaurant that I used to go to-"
"-Why did I bother asking?"
After reaching the final decision Bella Star was the name they finally decided to put on the certificate.
" Welcome home, Bella Star." The atmosphere was warm and familiar, the serene scene affecting everyone positively.
" Man I can't wait to be a dad!"
" That's because you're not the one who gave birth dammit!"
Indeed the happy couple had finally restored their normal lives back. Actually, normal didn't even begin to cover their lives in fact. The good news are that Soul can now fulfill his rightful duties as a death scythe again, he was no longer vomiting every chance his body had, he no longer had the stomach size of a small boulder, and Maka could no longer tease him. About being pregnant that is.
The bad news is that Soul had to maintain the job as a housewife unless he wanted the house to blow up by his boyfriend. Bella Star's crying was seriously denting the couple's time together, especially at night. That's when both actually started to regret having her. Still, the baby actually made them feel as though their lives were partially complete. The last piece had yet to come once Bella Star is out of the stage where she is crying all the damn time.
Nevertheless, their lives were as exciting as ever, the adventure of taking care of a child while fighting kishin has seriously occupied their minds, leaving barely any room to think about anything else.
" Soul. What if we had another baby?"
" Are you asking for a Death Wish?."
" You still remember about delivering her?"
" I wish I couldn't."
" Oh… you weren't serious about cutting my dick off were you?"
" Of course not. I love you too much for that."
" Oh... okay."
" Good. Now be a dear and fetch me that knife."
I had fun typing this prompt. If you want a prompt as well, you can ask me and I'll totally type it up for you! I don't judge.^^