I don't think anyone has thought of this so I'm probably on my own. XD Regardless, to those who might enjoy this light-hearted, hilarious, slightly-shippy story, enjoy the ride!

It was beautiful morning for Tatsumi to cook breakfast for his comrades. He couldn't resist getting up a bit early and getting started on the platypus eggs Akame happened to capture last night. As he started the fire on the stove, Sheele walked in while fixing her glasses on her face.

"Good morning Tatsumi." She greeted with her usual dreamy voice. Tatsumi greeted her in return and sighed with a sweat. Even if he did not mind cooking for the group, he still did not appreciate being useful as their kitchen slave. And sometimes Akame is busy capturing food for their next meal and he feels like the girl does it on purpose so she does not have to help cook. The little food-loving runt.

He heard Sheele take a seat in the dining room and open a book, a favorite hobby of hers. The sound of Leone's and Mine's squabble told the boy that those girls were well awake. He grimaced when he realized Bulat would be awake soon. More endless flirting torture. Luckily Lubbock was familiar with the gay man's attempts so Tatsumi was taught a few tips to ignore Bulat.

"... And then you ripped it with your stupid boobs!" Mine screeched as she stomped through the hall. Leone was right behind her with a large grin.

"I told you it might happen but you said I could borrow it anyway."

"Borrow! Not tear apart!"

Tatsumi tried his hardest to blend in with the kitchen so he would not be brought into the drama. Mine scoffed as she took a sit with Leone right next to her with a smug look.

"Aaw, is someone huffy that their wittle bra couldn't fit a more mature woman's-?"

"Shut up!" Mine interrupted with a heavy blush. Akame arrived with Najenda and the both of them paused at the commotion.

"G-Good morning." Tatsumi greeted with a sweat and Akame hopped over.

"Done yet?" She asked with a blank look.

"Maybe if you helped, I could be in a short while." Tatsumi muttered and felt an eyebrow twitch when the girl sang "Nope~" and seated herself at the table.

It finally settled down and the group was waiting on Tatsumi to finish, and Bulat and Lubbock to make their appearance. Tatsumi took out the hog bacon from the oven just as a horrified scream echoed through the building. The pan slammed on the counter and the boy swiftly turned around, his look of confusion matching everyone else's.

"Get out! Get out get out get out!" Lubbock's muffled voice screamed and it sounded like several objects were thrown. Everyone sighed when Bulat ran out with wide eyes.

"I was only going to wake him up." He muttered and Tatsumi seriously doubted this but Bulat spoke again, "I just tapped his chest and-"

"-Molested me! That gay pervert took advantage of me! I know he did!" Lubbock yelled angrily looking very disheveled.

"Silence!" Najenda commanded and it fell quiet. Bulat cleared his throat seriously to speak again.

"Besides that-"


"I noticed you weren't yourself." He stated and Lubbock raised an eyebrow. The rest of the group were just as confused.

"If this is just another half-assed excuse-"

"Lift up your shirt."

A faint blush erupted on the teen's face from the bold demand and before he could protest, Mine stepped in.

"What do you mean there was something different about Lubbock?" Bulat paled as he recalled the morning.

"Sweet, sweet angel! It's time to get up!" Bulat called happily. He blinked when Lubbock was still asleep on his bed and he could not help but watch him sleep peacefully. He stepped up and frowned when he noticed something was off about the kid's shirt. Something was poking out. No, two things were poking out. It can't be the wrinkles of his shirt. Bulat slowly drew a hand near Lubbock's shirt and placed a hand down on his chest.




He continued to think that as he moved his hand back and forth. No no. That can't be right. He has seen Lubbock shirtless on several encounters, not that they were intentional of course, and he has seen those barely-defined gorgeous abs. And who could forget that smooth looking chest with those cute pink little-

Bulat looked up and saw the group's stoned faces, Lubbock gawking with a disgusted look. The man coughed and continued.

Maybe he's hiding food or something.

Bulat swallowed as he lifted up Lubbock's shirt and just as his eyes widened, Lubbock had woken up and caught him in the act.


At this, Najenda quickly stepped up to Lubbock and lift up two hands.

"This means..." She whispers and thrust her hands forward while grabbing at his shirt. There was a squeak in response from the male.

The male.

Not anymore.

"Y-you... There's..." Even Najenda was struggling with words. Lubbock was too. Everyone was speechless because they could clearly see what Najenda was groping in her hands.

Uh-ooooh, how did that happened? You will have to find out in the next chapter that I have yet to get started on! *evil laughter*