10/23/15: READ THIS: So, I didn't like how this chapter ended. It made me angry and I couldn't write anymore. The last section and some of the first section (everything but the first 10 paragraphs, so more than some) has been rewrite. If you read this before the date mentioned, it needs to be reread. Thank you!
Pairings: Octavian/Percy(main) with Jason/Nico, Paul/Sally, Reyna/Annabeth, and Frank/Hazel/Leo
New Beginnings
Percy knew he had been gone for a while, a few months actually, but he hadn't thought it would cause for his mother to have such a reaction. "Mom...come on. I've been calling you every other day since Annabeth gave me that cell phone." It had taken a few months, but Annabeth had developed a monster proof device similar to a cell phone. It had its faults, but it was a start and Sally was grateful for it.
"I've missed seeing you," Sally chuckled, not planning on letting her go any time soon. "Hearing your voice and seeing your face, being able to hug you, are entirely different things."
Finally giving in, the teen wrapped his mother into a tight hug. "I missed you too, mom," he whispered, completely relaxing into his arms. She had been right. Talking over a distance and actually being able to hug were two entirely different feelings.
"Who's your friend?" Paul came up from behind the pair, causing Percy to jump.
Blinking, the demigod lifted his head from Sally's shoulder. Slowly, he followed Paul's eyes to find Octavian standing in the doorway. The blond even managed to look sheepish, shifting from foot to foot. It brought a smile to Percy's face, never having seen this emotion on his augur.
His augur?
Clearing his throat, and effectively stashing those thoughts away for later, he focused again. "This is Octavian," Percy pulled away from his mother's hug and moved to stand beside his friend. "He was going to be at Camp, all by himself, for the holidays, so I invited him to come with me instead."
Sally and Paul locked eyes, exchanging a silent conversation that caused Percy to sigh. Sometimes, he could not understand his parents. Finally, Paul gave in with a nod that caused Sally to grin widely. Without further warning, she glided forward and pulled Octavian into a hug. "It's a pleasure to have you here. Anyone close to Percy is welcome in our home."
Octavian froze. Catching Perseus' eyes, he silently begged his little graecus to stop this, only receiving a look of pure amusement in return. He sneered, which only was reward with a small laugh from the younger teen. It took longer than he would have liked, but the Jackson mother found whatever she was looking for and pulled out of the hug, an amused smile on her face that was so similar to her son's it was astonishing. Octavian swallowed and straightened his shoulders. "Thank you for allowing me into your home, Ms. Jackson."
Sally shook her head with a smile. "Actually, it is Mrs. Blofis, dear. But, you can call me Sally."
Percy nudged Octavian's side, unsuccessful in stopping a few chuckles from escaping. "Come. I'll show you my room," he offered, not trusting his augur to keep this polite farce up for very long.
"He will not be allowed in your room," Paul said sternly, coming to stand beside his wife.
"Paul!" Sally hissed, pulling him aside and out of earshot.
Octavian raised his eyebrows, glancing down at Percy. "Does this happen often?" he shifted the bags in his arms.
Perseus smiled sheepishly, causing the blond to smile back. "No. They don't really argue much. When they do, it's over silly things that can be fixed in a few minutes later." He ran a nervous hand through his hair.
Chuckling darkly, Octavian nudged his shoulder. "It's fine. My parents argue and do not make up for months at a time. Bit, they often do not see each other for months at a time," his smile was sad. "You have nice, attentive parents. Be very happy for that Perseus."
Percy was not given the chance to answer, though Octavian considered the sweet blush answer enough, as Sally was pulling a defeated Paul to them again. "He can be in your room Percy," the man offered, catching both boys' eyes before continuing, "but he's sleeping on the couch. You're still a teenager and I want no hanky panky happening under my roof."
Octavian wasn't sure he had ever seen Perseus turn red so quickly. In fact, he could even feel his own face heating up. It was less from the idea of Perseus' parents thinking he actually had a chance with their son and more with the idea of actually having Perseus under him. He would probably be just as flustered during sex as he is now, he mused, not even caring that he'd had the thought.
He was broken from this fantasy upon the sea demigod stuttering out, "Octavian isn't my boyfriend!" Then, before Perseus' parents had the chance to comment, Perseus was tugging Octavian from the room. It was only when they were behind the closed door of Perseus' bedroom that the demigod finally found his words. "Sorry about that," the blush hadn't left his face. "My Mom and Paul have always been over protective of me, but it's only gotten worse since the war ended."
Octavian took note of the closed door, wondering if the step-father would comment on that as well, before bringing his attention back to the creature before him. Perseus was fluster, calling back the earlier fantasies he had of the boy (that's all Percy was, a boy that never had the chance to grow up). This graecus should not be so tempting, should not look so sweet and innocent. He had seen Perseus fighting, arguing; he was anything but innocent. Yet, in a situation where he could be embarrassed, where he didn't have to wear the masks he kept on for most people (and Octavian had noticed every single one), he was nothing but pure innocence. Perhaps, just maybe, I should let him see me without my masks, just once. That was where this was going, and Octavian knew it. The ultimate challenge, the choice, would be made as soon as he decided it was safe to drop those precious masks he tightly upheld. Once he dropped his safety walls, there would be no going back.
Smiling gently, something he never did lest he wanted something, Octavian offered him a nod. "It is fine. Parents will protect their children, especially if they only have one child. Nothing can stop them from that. If they did not, then they aren't very good parents, are they?"
The blinding smile was enough to tell Octavian he had found the correct words. Even if it wasn't resulting from his words, and instead from the kind tone he spoke in, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that his graecus was happy. For only a moment, the blond wondered when that had been enough for him; then he realized that didn't matter. Perseus was happy and that was enough.
New Beginnings
The couch wasn't as comfortable as it looked on first glance. It didn't matter that Mrs. Blofis had provided him with a soft quilt or that Perseus had left his pillow pet as an apology for the sleeping arrangements. Octavian remembered how eagerly the demigod had been for him to take the pillow, even when Octavian tried to insist it was a gift and he wouldn't mind using one of the throw pillows. Perseus had mutter something about that being impolite before scurrying off.
Octavian snorted. Perseus was adorable at times. No, Perseus was adorable ninety-five percent of the time. The other five percent was when he was fierce and passionate, often fighting, both physically and verbally. The graecus was a warrior, and no amount of cuteness radiated could cover that.
Soft footfalls were heard and, just as Octavian glanced at the hallway entrance, Sally Blofis entered. The woman was dressed in pyjamas with her hair in a careless bun, signaling she had just woken. He offered the woman a wave and nod.
Sally smiled. "Couldn't sleep?"
Octavian chuckled and shook his head. "No. Your couch isn't as comfortable as I first thought." He maneuvered into a sitting position. "Why are you up so early, ma'am?"
"Sally. Call me Sally." The woman rolled her eyes. "I have work at eight." Octavian nodded. "Would you like some breakfast? I always make something for Percy when he's here."
The blond blinked. She was offering breakfast? Well, she was Perseus's mother. Kindness must be a familial trait. "You don't have to go out of your way for me."
Rolling her eyes again, she continued to the kitchen. "Weren't you listening? I always make Percy breakfast. An extra serving isn't going to make a difference." She paused in the doorway and glanced back at him. "Come on. You're in my house and not allowed to reject my offer of food. It's rude."
The blond blinked as he watched her go. "What?" There were some clanking from the kitchen and, soon enough, Octavian found himself sitting at the kitchen table. Sally was starting a pot of coffee. "Uhm?"
The woman glanced over her shoulder at him. "Coffee, tea, or juice?"
"Tea? Do you have Earl Grey?" Sally didn't answer, just filling the tea kettle and setting it on the stove. "Thank you?"
Sally grinned at him. "You're welcome dear." She pulled bowls and utensils out. Octavian stopped paying attention, not knowing the proper names for half of what she was doing. After a pan went into the oven, Sally poured a mug of coffee and took the stool across from Octavian. "Do you mind if I ask where you're from? I can hear the accent, but can't quite place it."
Octavian shook his head. "It's alright. I spent most of my childhood in London or our summer home in Wales."
She nodded. "That's certainly interesting. How did you end up in America?"
He resisted the urge to snap at her, as he would have done to the average camper. She was being kind. There was no reason to make a fuss out of it when she only wanted to know more about her son's…friend. "When I began showing prophet talents at age eleven, my mum shipped me off to Camp Jupiter. I have been in America ever since."
"A shame," she sipped her coffee. "If you ever are wanting for a family environment, feel free to tag along with Percy. I'm going to make him come home for family dinners more often. Might be a good idea to invite Nico as well, then you boys won't have to fly here."
Octavian clenched his jaw. "He comes here often?"
Sally hid her knowing smirk behind her mug. "Nico is usually the one to bring Percy home. I'm surprised it didn't happen this time." She shook her head. "I have a problem with 'adopting' Percy's friends. They seem so happy when Percy drags them home with him. I can't help but invite them again." She made eye contact with the blond. "Everyone deserved a happy family."
Octavian was thankful that the kettle whistled, drawing Sally's attention from him. He cracked his neck. It was unsuccessful in relieving himself of tension. Talking about the son of Pluto…Hades…always did that to him. Di Angelo came with Levesque and kept showing up. Then, of course, Percy Jackson made an appearance months later, then with Levesque on board ruined any shot he had at Praetor. Since Octavian, both consciously and unconsciously, refused to blame Perseus, the blame fell on di Angelo. The death prat's pinning for the sea prince didn't soothe any of Octavian's frustrations, either. It didn't matter if di Angelo and Grace were supposedly together. Relationships and feelings changed with one wrong word.
Sally placed a mug of tea before Octavian. "When Percy comes to pull the muffins out, stop him from burning his tongue. He does that often."
The Roman blinked, bring his attention back to her. "He's awake?"
She shook her head. "No, but he will be. My son has this odd ability to wake up just as breakfast is finishing. When I leave something in the oven to prepare for work, I'll come back and find Percy munching on breakfast." She smiled. "But he will always start eating while it's still hot and burn himself."
A fond smile came to Octavian's face. He nodded. "I will ensure Perseus brings no harm to himself."
Sally giggled. "You're the only person who calls him that," she commented before leaving the kitchen.
Octavian raised an eyebrow after her. He was the only person who called him Perseus? That seemed rather odd. It was his given name—that much he knew—and he should be called by such. That's what most people wanted. After all, he dreaded the nicknames that Dare often gave him.
As if on a timer, the moment the muffin smell began waffling through the apartment Perseus was in the kitchen. His eyelids were drooped and hair a mess, part of his sleepshirt was off his shoulder. He didn't seemed to notice that Octavian was sitting at the table, even as he moved around the blond to grab a potholder and pull the muffin tray from the oven. It was only when he tried to pull one of the muffins from the hot tray that Octavian spoke up.
"Hey!" Perseus's eyes slowly focused on Octavian. "You're going to burn your tongue. Let it cool first."
The demigod sneered. "You're not my mother." Yet he poured himself a glass of juice and took the seat across from Octavian. "You can't tell me what to do."
The augur grinned. "Perseus, I am simply a messenger, following Sally's orders so her cute little boy does not burn his precious tongue."
Only one word had reached Perseus's ears out of all of them. "You think I'm cute?" He blinked his mind clear until he was full awake. Octavian's face took on a deep red color. "Well? Do you?"
The Roman was saved from answering as Sally entered the kitchen, dressed in her bakery uniform. Percy smiled as his mother kissed his cheek. "Morning Mom."
"Morning sweetheart." She popped the muffins from their tray, setting a plate of them before the two teens. "Enjoy your breakfast. I'm off to work."
Percy eagerly took a muffin, getting out a 'have a nice day' through his mouthful. Octavian politely took a muffin, partly because it seemed rude not to but also because Sally's muffins smelt heavenly.
Sally paused at the door. "And Percy?" The green eyed teen looked up. "Take your friend out for sightseeing at some point. I doubt he'll want to be cooped up in the apartment his entire holiday."
"Yes ma'am." Once she was gone, Perseus turned to him. "Okay, so I'm sure you want to go sightseeing, but I have the latest season of Doctor Who recorded on the DVR. I want to catch up. Would you mind putting off sightseeing until tomorrow?"
Octavian didn't stop the smirk. "You do realize that my younger sister and I grew up on Doctor Who, correct?"
Perseus's grin was worth the personal information. "Yes! Mom's the only one who ever marathons with me! Now, I have you for that." He grabbed the plate of muffins and Octavian's hand, pulling the Roman to the living room.
The blond didn't stop smiling. This will be a good day.
Big apologizes of the inconveniences, but I hated the ending for this chapter. Things were moving too fast. I feel like this works better. Thank you for putting up with me. ~Goddess