Author has written 12 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Stargate: Atlantis. Name: Cindy Muses: I don't know where they came from, they just pounced on me one day. Argon: An annoying, ancient, too wise for his own wise ass good, Tok'ra. Hasn't been used in any of my stories yet but might be soon. He inhabits a apparently nameless host. He is about 5'8" with red hair (I mean red people as in the pure color!) and the most gorgous green eyes I've ever seen (As in dark forest green). He's got an average build, muscular but not obviously so (Hell I won't want to take him on in a fight though!) His favorite wepons are a pair of katanas. Anyway he also has a sense of humor that can be a bit twisted and perverted sometimes, although you have to read between the lines for the perversion. One majorly odd thing about him is that he is absoulutely obsessed with coffee and, brrr, brussel sprouts. My other muse is currently known only as SV or strange voice. I think he came out of my obsession for Phantom of the Opera but I'm not sure. My stories are all of the Yu-Gi-Oh ones at the moment. Name: Kerri I'm Cindy's older sister, and a recent addition to our merry band of Fanfic-aholics. A Stargate: Atlantis story wouldn't leave me alone one day, so I wrote it down and read it to Cindy. Little did I know what that would start! It was the basic outline of Becoming Me, which turned out to be much longer than originally planned. She talked me into posting under her account name, and off it went! For all the Atlantis stories under this pen name, I am the author and Cindy is the beta, as well as major inspiration and help when things just aren't smooth. You'll be happy to know, though, that I check my own spelling! Favorites: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, All three CSI's, Without a Trace, Ghost Hunters, A-Team, MacGyver, Star Trek Voyager, Babylon 5, Andromeda, Farscape...lots more. I'm a historian by trade, so don't be surprised at the occasional historical references in my fics. I just can't help sneaking them in! |