Chapter 1- Welcome to the SGC

The blaring siren was a relief to Gen. Hammond, who was trying to sort through the mess of paperwork that had piled onto his desk during his week-long vacation. Most of it was mission reports from Col. O'Neill. Hammond set down a particularly boring report, and then headed down the stairs to the control room.

"Report, Sergeant," he commanded the technician who was at the monitors, Sgt. Davis.

"SG-3 reporting on schedule, sir." Came the reply.

"Open the iris,"

"Yes, sir,"

The titanium shield retracted into the frame of the Stargate, and five men stepped through; the four members of SG-3, and a tall, blonde, unfamiliar man who wore a tunic, a cloak, and an amused smile.

Hammond stepped over to the microphone. "SG-3 please report to the infirmary with your guest. Debriefing will be in one hour."

Colonel Sheffield saluted and gave a crisp "Yes, sir!", and the men strolled down the hallway towards their destination. It was standard procedure to report to Dr. Frasier after every mission so that any foreign diseases or bacteria (or Goa'uld symbionts) could be detected early and treated.

So, this is Stargate Command, thought Anakin, his brow furrowed in thought. I sense a familiar presence throughout the base, but it's also very...unfamiliar. The voice of his old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, echoed in his mind. "The Force works in mysterious ways; always be prepared to face the unexpected" he chuckled. Even after all these years, I still can't get him out of my head. He mused.

He soon became aware that Col. Sheffield was talking about him.

"-name is Anakin Skywalker, sir." Sheffield was saying to Gen. Hammond.

At the mention of his name, Anakin looked up. Hammond was looking at him with military eyes; eyes that saw his strengths, weaknesses, and threat potential. Anakin smiled reassuringly -looking unthreatening was hard to do with his muscular build and towering height- and offered his gloved right hand in greeting. "I'm Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight." He said. "You must be General Hammond,"

"That's right," Came the reply, and Hammond shook the offered hand. "Welcome to Stargate Command, Mister Skywalker,"

"Knight Skywalker, if you please, General,"

Hammond nodded. "Very well," he turned to the red-haired, short woman in the corner.

"Dr. Frasier?"

The woman turned at the sound of her name. "Yes, sir?"

"Are they cleared to leave the infirmary?"

"Yes, sir, they are,"

"Good," He turned to a small man with glasses, "Sgt. Davis, show Knight Skywalker to his guest quarters."

Davis stepped forward. "Yes, sir. Knight Skywalker, please follow me."

Anakin gave a slight bow in Jedi fashion to Davis and Hammond, and then followed Davis out the door.

"Oh, and sergeant?"

Davis turned to face the General. "Yes, sir?

"When is SG-1 due back from P07-899?"

"Not until 1400 tomorrow, sir."

"Very well,"

Davis took this as a dismissal, and led Anakin out the door and down the corridor, where a very comfortable room was waiting for him.

As soon as Davis shut the door behind him, Anakin sat on the bed in a cross-legged meditation pose. Letting go of his conscious thoughts, he drifted into the powerful ripples in the Force that were always waiting for him. The images in his mind were different every time he meditated on a new planet, but here, he was so far from the Jedi Temple and the Republic, that he could sense nothing of them. Instead, he guided his thoughts into finding the source of the familiar, vibrant, yet strange presence he had felt in the infirmary. Suddenly, his mind's eye took him to the embarkation room of the SGC, where he could see the ripples of the Stargate's event horizon shimmering in the back of the room. As he watched with fascination, a team-much like the SG-3 team that had brought him here-came through. A dark-skinned man with a gold disk on his head was the first to come through, followed by a scholarly-looking man with glasses, a beautiful young blonde woman, and...Master?

He shook his head, that couldn't be him. Obi-Wan had disappeared on a mission nearly ten years ago. The Force was a strange thing; why would it show him Obi-Wan? Anakin shook his head again. He would think about it in the morning. With that thought, he lay back onto his pillow, and fell asleep.