Author has written 28 stories for X-Files, Sanctuary, Stargate: SG-1, and Once Upon a Time. Favorite Shows- X-Files Sanctuary Grimm X-Men (90's) X-Men Evolution Stargate SG-1 Star Trek Game of Thrones My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Warehouse 13 Once Upon a Time Doctor Who Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Favorite Movies- Iron Man Thor (I LOVE The Dark World) Rise of the Guardians Stargate Continuum Star Trek (I HATE Khan with the passion of a million burning suns!) Avengers Shrek Pirates of the Caribbean Johnny Depp Movies in General League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Captain Nemo just looks so spiffy) X-Files (Dana Scully is amazing!) Dragon Heart Lord of the Rings (Don't tell the elf!) The Hobbit Harry Potter Pairings- Frigga/ Odin Frigga/ Malekith (weird I know... I still hate Malekith and will never forgive him!) Spock/ Uhura Scully/ Mulder Magnus/ Will Magnus/ Tesla Ashley/ Will Samantha Carter/ Jack O'Neill Samantha Carter/ Ba'al Samantha Carter/ Teal'c Tony Stark/ Pepper Jack Sparrow/ Elizabeth Swan Regina/ Emma Regina/ Hook Regina/ Robin Hood McGonagall/ Dumbledore Thor (Yes Avengers)/ Dana Scully (Don't judge me!) Claudia/ Pete Claudia/ Captain America (Crossover's I know...) Agent May/ Agent Coulson Storm/ Wolverine (I LOVE THESE TWO TOGETHER!) Storm/ Black Panther Tigra/ Falcon The Doctor/ Rose Tyler |