Prompt: Emma asks Regina what she would do if she had three wishes.

"Mom! Ma!" Henry screamed as he bounded through the front door of the mansion. Anyone would have thought something serious had happened; that was probably why Emma threw her Xbox controller on the floor and Regina almost dropped the baking tray she was taking out of the oven.

"Kid?! What's up? What happened? Are you okay?" Emma dropped to her knees in front of her son, giving him a thorough check-up for anything abnormal. Emma had become incredibly over-protective (Regina too) after their little Neverland fiasco over a year ago, so every suspicious moment, the blonde would overreact and completely freak out before knowing exactly what was going on.

"Ma, I'm fine," he chuckled as she gently nudged her away so his brunette mother could see the item he was holding so dearly.

"Henry, where did you get that?" Regina's voice was stern as she pointed towards the golden lamp that her son seemed to be clutching all too protectively. "Where did you get the lamp, Henry?"

"Grandpa Gold's shop," he said, stating the obvious. "He was cleaning out the back of the shop when dad took me to see him this morning. I saw this on one of the shelves and he said I could keep it and make a wish or two. Or three - I can't remember."

"I would hate to be a spoilt-sport, dear, but you're not keeping that." Regina attempted to ignore the pout her son seemed to fashion much like his birth mother's, but managed to control herself enough to look away. "The genies that inhabit those nasty little gravy boats are vile and jealous beings and I won't have one living in my house, thank you very much."

Like an immature child, Regina uncharacteristically plucked the lamp from her son's hands and held the gold item close to her chest.

Henry growled and narrowed his eyes at his adoptive mother, before looking down to his birth mother, "Ma, you have to tell her she can't do this!" He stomped his foot on the ground and practically mirrored the sulking brunette before him.

"No way, kid," Emma finally stood from her kneeling position and wrapped her arm around Regina's slim waist. "Your mom knows more about magic than I do – or ever will for that matter – so what she says is final." Emma gave a smug smile towards her son as her girlfriend generously leaned into her side embrace. "Wait, wasn't Sidney Glass a genie of the lamp in the Enchanted Forest?"

"My point exactly," with a quick smile and flick of her hair, Regina turned and went about resuming her activities in the kitchen, leaving an overly amused blonde sheriff and highly irritated pre-teen in her wake.


Later that evening, when Emma and Regina finally decided to retire for the night, Regina found herself with an unusually restless bedmate.

"Emma, darling, that's the third time you've kicked me since we've been in bed," Regina said as she practically laid on top of the squirming blonde to stop her from moving any more, "what's on your mind?"

"Sorry," she huffed, dragging her fingers through Regina's hair that had fallen onto her chest. "I was thinking about what Henry said about the three wishes thing."

"And you're wondering what you would have wished for if you actually used the lamp." Regina finished for her.

"Yeah. I was thinking about what you might have wished for, too."

"Hm," Regina hummed as she looked up from her position on Emma's chest. Unlike the blonde, she had never actually thought of what she would do if she was given three wishes, so her mind was fairly empty of ideas. "Honestly, I have everything I've ever wanted right here: I've got you, Henry and no one wants my head on a stick, so I think I've got everything I want."

"You know you will always have Henry and me," Emma promised with a kiss on the brunette's forehead, "but if you had to make three wishes, what would you use them for?"

"My first two wishes would probably be spent on wishing for everlasting health for you an Henry, whereas my third would be spent on wishing for the ability to make a larger family with you." Regina slightly blushed as she lowered her head back onto Emma's chest. "And what would your wishes have been, dear?"

"Unlike you, my first two wishes would probably have been a bit more self centred..." Emma could actually feel Regina raise her eyebrows at her honesty. "My first wish would be to have the ability to wake up to you every day for the rest of my life. My second wish would be to hear you say the words 'I do' to me. But my third wish: let's just say that great minds think alike."

Before the words of Emma's final wish sank in, Regina let out a chuckle that was followed by a slight gasp as her breath caught in her throat. "Do you really mean it?"

"Do I want to bring more amazingly wonderful people like you into the world? Yes, I do." Emma smiled to herself as she pulled the love of her life closer than ever believed possible.