A/N: Okay yeah. I said I would never write fanfiction but...I take it back alright? I'm not sure how I feel about this which isn't rare since I normally don't have thoughts about my writing. Oh, I don't own Warehouse 13 which is a good thing because I would have ruined it probably...

Claudia was well aware that she wasn't going to make it.

From the second she was trapped she knew that. There was only so much air in her new prison and she knew there was no way Artie would be back in time to get her out.

After the team left each breath seemed less and less satisfying. Claudia honestly wasn't sure if it was the oxygen or the loneliness.

She had wanted someone to stay, but what they had all said back at the warehouse (or what was left of it) was true. They needed everyone they had if they were going to fix this in time. If someone stayed they might not find the missing piece and then all hope would really be lost, forever. It would be her fault too for getting stuck in a tunnel, but no one would blame her for that.

So even though she knew it was over, she also knew that it wasn't as well. Claudia had to trust that Artie and the others would be able to rewind time. She had to trust that she wouldn't die in this tunnel, gasping for air all alone. That the Warehouse would come back and with it hope. The astrolabe was the world's last chance, her lifeline. If they didn't find it she would be dead.

Even if she did die, Claudia knew there was a silver lining.

"Steve." She gasped. She'd get to see Steve, assuming that's how it worked. Claudia wasn't entirely sure. Putting faith in things wasn't really something she did as far too often it hadn't ended well for her. She only did now because if she didn't…

Claudia's thoughts trailed off, it felt like the tunnel was caving in. It was becoming difficult to not hyperventilate, to resist the urge to breathe in all the air she had left now, to soothe her lungs if only for a moment. Every breath she took brought her no relief, only a sharp stab in her lungs that hurt more than anything she could have imagined. Her head pounded and her thoughts became more fuzzy. Some part of her brain mumbled about the lack of oxygen being the cause. Red dots entered her vision and she pounded the ground. In the dark she squeezed her eyes shut fighting tears. This was it. This was death.

For a second she wished someone had stayed with her. She hated that she was spending her last moments alone. She hated that she'd spent so much of her life alone too. Perhaps this was a fitting ending after all. She dismissed the thought with a weak shake of her head. It wouldn't help anything. There was no escape from the fate that now came thundering across her. It was all she could do to keep her faith.

Claudia Donovon had to believe that she would be back

Because there was no other answer.