"It's now or never" Roland exclaimed

"What are you two doing?" Tink asked clutching Roland for support, she was in excruciating pain from hitting the wall

"I need to go warn myself" Henry explained

"Warn yourself? I don't understand" Tink said tilting her head at them

"I have to go back and tell my younger self about Zelena!"

"Zelena? I feel like I'm supposed to know her" Tink said closing her eyes

"She's Regina's sister"

"Cora had another daughter?"

"Yes, yes. It's a long story" Roland said slightly annoyed

"She's the wicked witch of the west" Henry explained

"As in flying monkeys and green skin wicked witch?" Tink pointed out

"That's her"

"I've heard terrible things about that one, I should've guessed she was related to your mother" Tink jested

"I feel like I'm supposed to be offended by that comment" Henry said "Not all my family is bad"

"Of course Henry, it's just- well never mind" Tink said changing the subject "She's quite powerful you know"

"You don't even know" Roland stated

"So, you're going back in the past?"

"I have to!"

"How are you going to explain this to yourself, you were barely a teenager!" Tink yelled

"DO we have a choice?" Henry answered, Tink grew silent

"Please be careful, I already broke one promise to Regina, I can't break another"

"I will, can you help us?"

"I'll try but it is entirely up to the two of you" Tink proclaimed

"Let's do this" Roland said, holding onto Tink's waist as they all rose their hands opening a portal. Their hair whipped furiously as the portal barely maintained its form

"Hurry up!" Roland yelled over the noise

"Operation Cobra!" Henry said smiling

"Operation Cobra" Roland said smiling back at him "Good luck!" he shouted ,Henry hesitated for a moment then jumped through the portal disappearing into a portal they all hoped was the appropriate time in their pasts

Henry landed roughly on the hard ground, he quickly brushed himself off and looked around taking in his surroundings. "The forest? What am I doing here" he whispered under his breath

"Stick with me kid, we'll get through this" A woman's voice said, Henry quickly dove into a bush as the group of people walked past him, the camping trip he thought to himself, how could I forget he smiled watching his younger self walk alongside his parents and grandparents.

"Henry, you stay here while we gather some firewood alright" Neal said

"Okay dad" Henry said smiling, sitting on a log

"Should we leave him alone? It's dangerous to be by himself" Snow argued

"I'm fine guys, I've been kidnapped by the lost boys, almost killed by peter pan, got possessed. I think I can handle being alone in the woods for a while" Henry stated

"Yup, Henry has definitely been through a lot" Neal said patting his son on the shoulder

"You heard the kid, let's get this over with" Emma groaned

"You're anxious" David chuckled

"Anxious to get this trip over with and relax in front of my T.V." Emma added, her mother and father shook their heads

"Let's get going then" Snow said taking the lead into the forest, He watched the adults disappear into the thick lush forest

There was his chance to finally talk to himself alone, he didn't know how to approach himself hoping that his younger self wouldn't scream and make his mission harder. He slowly walked from the bush raising his hands to maybe lighten the mood, he had no idea how this was going to turn out.

"Who are you?" Henry asked taking a step back from the man who just emerged from a bush

"I'm you from the future!"

"No way!" he smiled "Prove it!" he said suspiciously

"Operation Cobra"

"Whoa, you are me!" the eight year old exclaimed

"Yes, I have a very important mission for you"

"Okay" he said with wide eyes

"Someone named Marian is going to try and break up your mom Regina and Robin. You have to tell your mom that, the lady isn't Robin's old wife. The imposter may be Zelena, Regina's sister who is the wicked witch of the west or your future sister Vanessa" he explained

"Okay, Robin's wife Marian isn't actually her she is mom's sister or my sister"

"Exactly, don't let Regina kill either of them. Don't tell anyone about this, don't tell your mom until after your camping trip too okay?"

"Sure, sure. But what if-"

"No what if kid, our family is capable of all things Henry, have faith everything will be okay. I have to go now, I've changed too much already" A portal opened up behind him, "Any last minute questions?"

"What if she doesn't believe me?" Henry asked

"Just say you know about the man with the lion tattoo" he said smiling "Good luck kid" he turned around facing the portal and jumped through

A/N : I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to offend anyone. I do care about all of your reviews! Sorry again it took me so long to update... Anyways thanks for reading and keep reviewing dearies!

Xoxo, RM