Thank you for your reviews, favorites and follows on the first chapter. I really appreciate then and make me incredibly happy.
When they arrived to the hospital they took Regina into surgery, Robin left to find Roland. Emma asked Gold's help but he denied at the beginning. Belle convinced him to help. Robin brought him Roland's monkey and Gold made a location spell. One hour later Roland was back on Robin's hands safe. He asked little John to look after him and return to the hospital. He sat on a chair and he lost in his thoughts.
Robin was in the hospital, waiting to hear from the doctors about Regina's surgery. He had been waiting for over five hours in a room with Henry, Emma, Snow and David while the woman he loved was fighting for her life. He still could hear everyone else's voices , as they came for a long distance.
"Everything will be alright." he heard over and over.
It had taken a while to wash her blood from his hands. Robin was in the ambulance with her, holding her hand all the way to the hospital.
The feel of someone's hand on his shoulder broke him from his trance.
"Robin, are you okay?" Emma asked worried.
"It's my fault. She will die and it's all my fault." Robin whispered.
"Don't say that Robin. " Emma tried to comfort him.
"It's the truth. I have let her down. She was fighting for us and I gave up without a fight." Robin replied
"Listen to me." Emma said and took a seat next to him. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly. "She loves you very much. And she knows you will always on her side. "
Time passed, he had no idea how long before the door opened and Dr. Whale appeared.
"Hey." he greeted them steady.
"How is Regina?" Robin asked frighten.
"She is doing better. Her vitals are steady, no infections. There is no way to tell how long she will be like it.. Her body seems to healing." he replied with a small smile.
"Thanks." Emma said with a relief.
"But I didn't come to inform you only about Regina. I need to tell you something Robin about Zelena." Dr Whale continued "Unfortunately, we weren't able to save the baby. I'm sorry."
Robin didn't say anything. He nodded and sat back to his chair.
"How is she? Did she wake up?" Snow asked.
"She is better than Regina. No, she is unconscious yet. You may need to be ready. She will not take the news good." he responded and turned around to left.
"Can I see her?" Robin asked before he left.
"Yeah. But only for a while." Dr. Whale responded and leaded the way to her room.
Robin entered her room shutting the door behind him. He was unable to move from his spot. Regina looked so pale and she had dark circles underneath her eyes. She still looked beautiful without makeup. Regina wasn't one to ever look vulnerable and she looked like it now. Her strong stature was now destroyed.
It took him some moments before he could move closer to her bed. Robin sat by her side, holding her hand and he whispered sweet nonsenses to her. He promised to never again leave her side and obeying her when she ask him something.
It had been five days since the day she was hit by Zelena. Robin had not left her side. Emma made a protection spell to keep Zelena away from her room. Robin didn't go to see her. He felt sadness about the baby but at the same time relief too. He didn't know if he could compose himself in front of her. She was the only responsible for Regina's state.
The third day, Zelena left the hospital and Emma escorted her back to her cell on the asylum. And from there Emma found a way to open a port to Oz. Zelena was gone finally from their lives. Robin and Regina could be together without barriers but there was a still a problem. Regina was still unconscious and the doctors couldn't find the reason.
Robin left her side to go home and made a shower. When he was back, he found Gold above Regina. Robin was alert immediately and asked him to step away from Regina.
"Relax archer. I'm here to help." Gold said not giving attention to him.
"I don't trust you. Step away from Regina." Robin repeated and step closer to the bed.
"The reason she doesn't wake up isn't physical. But you don't want my help..." Gold said and turned to leave.
"Wait. Do you know why isn't she awake?" Robin asked with a sigh.
"Yeah. I have seen it before." Gold replied looking at Robin. "She is trapped in another world."
"But she is here" Robin said confused.
"Physically yes. But her mentally no. When someone is hurt deeply, sometimes the subconscious takes lead. In our situation, it tries to keep Regina trapping in a different world where she is happy. The person doesn't know that the world they isn't real. There are sighs but they chose to ignore them in their state." Gold explained
"And how can we bring her back?" Robin asked looking at Regina.
"I'm afraid there is no way. The only way to wake up is if Regina understand that world is fake. " Gold replied
"So, do you actually tell me that she will be like it forever?" Robin asked upset. "That there is nothing to do to bring her back?"
"I'm sorry my diarie. You must accept the reality. " Gold said coldly and left.
Later that night Robin met with everybody at library He informed them about Regina's condition and what Gold told him.
"It must be a way to be bring her back." Henry said worried and Emma hugged him softly. "We can't let her."
"That's why I asked you to meet here. " Robin said and pointed the books around them.
Robin placed Roland on a table as they pulled out book after book. It has been four hours and they found nothing yet. He started to gone insane and he continued to search.
"Daddy, when will we see Gina?" Roland asked with a small smile.
"I'm afraid we can't do it now my boy." Robin said and sat beside him and kissed his head. "Gina is to another world. We don't know when she will be back." Robin added.
"Let's go to find her." Roland replied making Robin's heart melted.
"Actually, that's a great idea." Belle said and everybody looked at her. "we tried a way to bring her back to our world. What if we go to hers?" Belle added with a smile and showed them a page of a book.
Emma took the book from her hands and began to read it aloud. The ingredients for the potion were simple except from one. They needed something that belonged to Regina. And it should be something with the most powerful emotional connection to her.
"Do you have any idea what it could be?" Emma asked Henry and Robin.
"No idea. Mom isn't attach to her things. I never see her holding something precious to her." Henry said with a grimace.
"Maybe I can help with it." Mother superior said "I can make a spell and locate it. But I need something hers. Anything would work." she continued and Robin pulled out of his pocket Regina's scarf. He passes it to mother superior and she made a move with her stick.
"Follow the light and it will lead you to the objective. " she said and Robin along with the other followed it.
The light leaded them to Regina's vault. They went inside and the light stopped in front of a locker. Henry tried to open it but it was sealed with magic. Emma took the scarf in her hand and tried again with it. The locker opened and they found inside a small box.
Emma removed it carefully and examined it for a while. when she opened it, they exchanged a glance. Inside of the box, there was a ring made of straw. Robin assumed it was from Regina's first true love Daniel.
"Well, this is not what I was waiting for..." Charming said with a chuckle but Robin chose to ignore it.
Two hours later, Emma with Belle's help made the potion. She with Robin and Henry would drink it and went to Regina's dream world. Emma warned them to be carefully. If they hurt in the dream, they would hurt in the real life too. Taking a deep breath, they drunk the potions and everything went dark around them.
Robin woke up first and found himself lying on his back on the grass. Emma and Henry began to stir and they stood up slowly. It was a sunny warm morning and they seemed to be in the Enchanted forest. They were near to a lake, they could hear the water. They started to walk together until they caught with their eyes Regina. She was on a horse and she looked more beautiful than ever.
Robin looked around and started to walk toward Regina. He was so happy to see her. His Regina was there. She hadn't noticed them yet and Robin's eyes followed her gaze and stopped on a man.
Robin's heart squeezed on his chest and he tried to chase the thoughts away. Trying to not think that Regina's happy place was with another man. He tried to hide his sadness and disappointment and he closed his eyes for a few seconds.
"Robin?" he heard Emma calling and he turned to look at her. "You don't have to do it. we can talk to her."
"No, I can do it." Robin said with a low voice.
"Don't stop to hope, Robin. Mom love us. She will come back to us." Henry said hopefully.
Robin tried to calm his heart down and they continued to walk closer. He watched as Regina called Daniel's name and jumped off the horse. She ran to him and he took her in his embrace. Robin didn't know what to do and it was Emma who interrupted them and spoke.
"Hello" Emma said standing in front of Regina.
"Hello. Who are you?" Regina replied with a smile looking at them without recognized them.
"Regina, don't you remember us?" Robin asked nervous.
"No. How do you know my name?" Regina asked curious
"Mom, this is not the real you." Henry said with a frown
"What the hell? What do you want from me?" Regina screamed and took two steps back.
"Regina, we are your family. "Emma replied. "This.." she added and showed with her hand around "isn't our world. Don't you remember Storybrooke? "
"No, stop it." Regina hissed. "I don't know why you are doing it but it's not funny."
"We are your family." Henry hissed. "I'm your son. How can you not remember us?"
"We came here to help you. This is only a dream milady." Robin said "And you need to wake up. You need to come back to us. We miss you."
"Really? A dream? That sounds ridiculous. " Regina replied with a laugh
"It's the truth. We were hurt and we almost lost you. You are the mayor of Storybrooke. You adopt Henry when he was a baby and Emma is his real mother. Their parents are Snow white and Charming. You married her father and you casted a curse and brought us to another world. " Robin explained watching her expression.
"No, I never married the king. I escaped with Daniel." Regina denied.
"Unfortunately no Regina." Emma said serious. "Your mother killed Daniel in front of your eyes. " Emma whispered and Regina was frozen and looked back to Daniel.
Regina's face was in shock. She started to remember and tears filled her eyes. Suddenly an idea came to Robin's mind and he paused for a moment. He hoped it would work. True loves kiss!
Closing the distance Robin grabbed Regina's face and crushed his lips to hers. He kissed her slowly and gentle. Then he pulled away and Robin looked hopefully to Regina. She turned and looked at Daniel for a last time.
"Don't be sad Regina. You knew it wasn't real." Daniel said "I will always love you. And I will always be there for you. All you had to do is close your eyes and I will be there."
"I'm sorry Daniel." Regina whispered and a tear fell from her eye.
"Don't!" Daniel said. "Now, it's time to wake up my love." he added and Regina nodded.
Regina woke up and found herself at the hospital. Regina blinked, her eyes straining against the hospital lights.
"Regina...?" she heard a soft voice and she knew he was Robin. " You are awake." he said and let a sigh of relief. "Welcome back. Henry is outside. Let me get him."
"No... wait." she said and let out a gasp. She turned her eyes on his. "You saved me. Thank you."
"Shhh." Robin replied holding her hand "Don't talk, you need rest." he said with worry.
"Stay with me." Regina whispered and a smile appeared on Robin's face.
"I will never leave you again milady." Robin said serious and brought her hand on his lips. "I'm going to get Dr Whale to check on you. I'll back soon"
Robin left the room , shutting the door behind him. He missed her so much. He missed her eyes, her smile. She was back and he could finally breath again. He wished to give him a second chance. She was the only one who could light his days.