Title: Warm Whispers

Pairing: C/G

Rating: T for theme

Disclaimer: LtM characters not mine. Warm Whispers is a Missy Higgins song.

Summary: But there is no laughter, just her voice, desperate and fading in his ringing ears.

A/N: Angst like you wouldn't believe. *Character death*


Your warm whispers

Out of the dark they carry my heart


Gun clattering to the ground, the assailant takes flight. The gun shot wound is a through and through, but that isn't what worries him. It's the fact that all he can hear is her voice. Gentle, soothing, calming. Such a contrast from the hot, slick, urgency. It shouldn't be this way, not when there is so much blood and it's pouring out relentlessly.

Lifting his bloodied hand, his vision blurs and he tries to ignore the searing pain in his chest. This wasn't supposed to happen – drowning in a pool of blood in the shadow of misguided anger and distrust. It wasn't in the cards.

Still, he hears her, growing more and more distant in his ears. At that moment, he longs to hear her laughter; a melodic ring that infuses him with warmth and that elusive joy. But there is no laughter, just her voice, desperate and fading in his ringing ears.

He wipes a tear from her cheek, frowning when a crimson stain follows in the wake of his finger. He can't take it back. He can't take any of it back. Breathing labored, all that can be heard is the distant roar of a cop car and her soft voice, murmuring platitudes.

She whispers something, but he doesn't catch it. Eyebrows pinched together in confusion, he feels the warmth of her whisper against his neck as she repeats her plea.

"Don't leave me."

It escapes as a sigh, and when he pulls away to assure her with the best of his ability, all he sees is the cool blueness of her eyes. They are frozen in that moment of time, caught between pain and fear. Her grip on his shirt loosens and his heart explodes in desolation as he cries out to the abysmal darkness.

Pressing his lips against hers, he pulls her limp body tight against his chest. Even when her lips turn blue, her skin cold, her blood thick, he holds tight.


Your warm whispers

Letting me drown in a pool of you