Regina is minding her own business in her office doing some work on her computer while it storms outside. She hopes to get some town work done before the storm takes out the power, which it most likely will. Just as she saves her document the lights suddenly go out. Regina jumps, startled by the sudden lack of light in her office. She sighs and powers down her computer. She stands up, gathering her things when she hears a sound rustling in the darkness. She looks up, slightly scared of what might be lurking in the shadows. She waits a couple seconds and then shakes her head, dismissing the sound for a paper moving because of the air conditioning. She looks back down to what she was doing and finally zips up her purse and gets out from behind her desk. She hears a footstep and quickly turns around, but by then it is to late and the attacker is upon her. He puts his hand over her mouth, and she desperately tries to summon up her magic, but it doesn't work and she feels herself feeling drowsy and she knows at the last moment of her conciseness that she has been drugged.
Emma wakes up in the early morning, drowsily. She stretches out and yawns. Looking around she notices that she is awake earlier than normal. She dismisses it as a mere coincidence and she gets out of bed. Drowsily she walks downstairs in her pajamas to find her parents sitting at the table eating.
"Morning Emma, you're up early." Emma's mother, Snow, turns around in her chair and smiles at Emma.
"Yeah well I hadn't intended that." She smiles and walks over to the fridge. She opens the fridge and grabs the orange juice.
"How'd you sleep?" Her father, Charming, asks. He takes a sip of whatever he's drinking and sets the cup back on the table.
"Good, I guess, the storm was kinda loud though." Emma shrugs and pours her herself some orange juice. She takes a sip and looks out the window.
"Hey guys!" Henry comes down the stairs smiling, happy to see everyone awake already.
"Hi kid." Emma smiles and walks over to him. "How was your sleep." He looks up at her and shrugs.
"Fine." He smiles and walks over to the table. He sits down with Charming and Snow.
"Hey don't I have to take you to Regina's soon?" Emma asks Henry. She walks over to the table and sits down next to Henry.
"Oh yeah, I should probably eat first though." He looks over at the fridge, and the obviously hungry kid gets up to find something to eat.
"Right." Emma nods and follows him to make sure he doesn't pick anything unhealthy.
Regina wakes up slowly, she can't see much, but once she remembers what happened she quickly becomes fully awake. She tries to move around, but she realizes that her legs and arms are chained so that she is standing upward. Her body feels like led and she has no idea where she is, which frightens her even more.
"Don't try struggling." A slightly familiar voice says from in the shadows. She knows the voice, but can't remember who it belongs to. "You won't get out." She squints trying to see who it is that's talking to her. "Do you know how much pain you've put everyone through?" She can now tell the voice belongs to a man, but who? She feels a sharp pain in the back of her leg, and she gasps. "There we go, now you won't be able to see me that well." Regina can practically hear the smile in his voice and her vision starts to go blurry. "There there, don't worry. I'm only going to hurt you. A lot." She sees a figure step out, he walks towards her and grabs her cheeks. "And when I'm done with you, you're going to wish you never laid a hair on any of us." He lets go and snickers as he walks back into the darkness. As he leaves Regina slowly starts to regain her vision, but she still can't see much because of the complete darkness around her. She tries to summon up her magic, but for some reason it doesn't work. She needs to get back home, Henry needs her. She tries calling out for help, but the most she can manage is a small dry squeak.
Emma looks through the rear view mirror of her car and smiles when she sees Henry looking through his book like he always does. She looked back to the road and for a slight moment she wished that something new would happen for once in this small town. She quickly shakes that thought out of her head as she pulls into the driveway of Regina's house.
"Come on kid." Emma gets out of the car and locks it once Henry opens his door. Both of them walk up to the door and Emma knocks. They wait there for a little, but no one answers.
"She always answers." Henry looks concerned.
"Shes probably doing something, I'm sure she'll answer any time now." Emma is too a little concerned, but she isn't going to show that to Henry. She knocks again. No answer. Emma looks down at Henry and sees the scared look on her face. She can't just leave because if something did happen to Regina then she obviously had to help. She reaches for the door nob, but hesitates thinking of the consequences that would come if Regina was home and Emma came in. She sighs and turns the nob. Its locked. Confused Emma looks down at Henry.
"She only locks the doors when shes at work, and she doesn't' go this early. Especially if she knows I'm coming over." He looks scared and Emma looks back up at the door.
"Well then, lets go to Regina's office."