![]() Author has written 11 stories for Victorious, Monster High, X-Men, Totally Spies, Mortal Kombat, X-Men: Evolution, and Kim Possible. HI! Okay so I'm a generally happy and cheerful person, I like chatting with people (anybody can if they want). I also tend to fill the role of novice Therapist/Advice Giver to any who may need it so if you got problems, concerns, or just need someone to talk/vent to without risk of being talked down to or judged feel free to PM me whenever, however the response may not be immediate (sleep, school, potential time difference, etc) but given some time I promise to respond ASAP. Favorite Quotes "And I picked two beautiful kidneys. I FEEL FREAKIN AMAZING!" -Rusty Venture (Venture Bros.) "DISHONOR ON YOU, DISHONOR ON YOUR COW!" -Mushu (Mulan) "Bumpity-Bumpity-Bumpity SPLAT!" -Nightcrawler (X-Men Evolution) "That stuff tastes like Doo-Doo Casserole, with a side of Butt Salad." -Narrator (Battle Block Theater) "LOOK I'M WOODY, HOWDY HOWDY HOWDY!" -Shark (Toy Story) "YOU FUCKED WITH MY TOMATOES YOU ASSHOLES!" -Dom (Gears of War 3) "Vincent, Next time fire the weapon BEFORE it flies out the door." -Throttle (Biker Mice from Mars) "Oh silly me, A SPOON CAN'T PICK UP A STEAK!" -Blooregard Q. Kazoo (Foster's Home or Imaginary Friends) "DUDUDUDUUUUUUUUUUUUH BITCH PUDDING!" -Bitch Pudding (Robot Chicken) "Are liver spots liver shaped? And if not why not? Talk amongst your selves." -Max (Sam & Max Freelance Police) "I AM MRS. NEZBIT!" Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story) "It's a machine that goes...DING." -10th Doctor (Doctor Who) "Overwhelmed, underwhelmed, why isn't anyone ever just whelmed." -Robin/Nightwing (Young Justice) "Oh look, I've been impaled." -Olaf (Frozen) "Evil beware, we have waffles." -Raven (Teen Titans) "Mung said every year Bigfoot shows up and smashes his shmingerbread house before Kinish Krinkle can see it. BUT I'M READY FOR BIGFOOT THIS YEAR!" -Chowder (Chowder) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 95% of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the 5% who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list: AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929,SweetNCrazieSugarmuffin,The Komodo Dragon Phoenix,Bust_A_Groover, Tecna, Triggonseed, The Only Innocent Writer Here-Yumi, Kikyouhater118, Midnight-angel-of-darkness, adngo714,cyber-porygon, the aku dragon of light, PirateCaptainBo; Ski Bo, bleachrules1314, LuffysAngel, The Third Hokage, The Yukikage,ascended ancient,joriholic73 |