![]() Author has written 25 stories for Runaways, Halo, Mortal Engines Quartet, Bolt, Code Lyoko, Leviathan series, Uglies, Maximum Ride, Hunger Games, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (God this profile is a mess, I have REAAALLLYYY gotta edit this shit) About Me: Hometown: Seattle, WA Gender: Male Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Blue Religion: Atheist (So None) Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Playing Video Games, Model Rocketry, SCUBA Diving, Skiing, Snowboarding, Biking, Making Giant Lego Sculptures, Weapons and Vehicles, Making Movies, Weaponry Titles On Other Sites: Straif5 on DeviantArt A Note on my Avatar: Behold the glory of the Darwin's Fist Second Squad Patch. My Main OCs (In order of creation): Name: Jacob "Jake" Hunter Name: Colin Name: Christian-122 Name: Randal "Rex" Anderson Name: Chris Malar Name: Sergeant David Marasco Quotes: "Sir, permission to leave the station." "For what purposes, Master Chief?" "To give the Covenant back their bomb." (Master Chief and Lord Hood, Halo 2) "For a brick, he flew pretty good." (Sgt. Johnson, Halo 2) "I know what your thinking. And it's crazy." "So, stay here." "Unfortunately for us both, I like crazy" (Master Chief and Cortana, Halo 2) "Wait, so 117 rides a bomb into an enemy ship...but there's no cowboy hat in sight? What the hell?!" (Me, after witnesssing the Master Chief ride the bomb at the end of Cairo Station for the first time). "I...I am a monument to all your sins." (The Gravemind, Halo 2) "When in doubt, blow their brains out." (Unknown USMC Sniper) "My nose! My nose is in my brain" "Hey, hold still! Let me see!" "Well?" "You're a dork." (Chowder and DJ, Monster House) "Less yapin', more blastin'! (Hevy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars) "Hey dude, look, a forklif- OH SHIT YOU CAN DRIVE IT!" (My friend Kenny, finding out you can drive forklifts in Halo Reach) "Yes, yes! FEAR THE FORKLIFT OF DOOM!" (Me, whilst slaughtering Grunts with a forklift in Halo Reach) "What the fuck was that?!" "Jorge just died to destroy that Supercarrier." "Yeah, I know that, but I mean what the fuck? Why did he die?" "Because he had to set off the bomb." "But it's not a bomb, it's a Slipspace drive! He should have had time to escape!" "Not that much. Besides, time is different in Slipspace." "But he's a SPARTAN-II! He could have escaped! DAMN YOU BUNGIE AND YOUR PLOTHOLES!!!!!" "This isn't a plothole." "Then why wasn't any of this mentioned in Fall of Reach?" "...Okay, it's a plothole." (Me, Kenny, and my other friend Kenan discussing Jorge-052's death during The Long Night of Solace) “Go forth, Jorge. Continue to live, fight, win. May you, and your mustache of mightiness, continue to haunt the dreams of the Covenant.” (My OC David-A415, created for Spartan-A128's We Are Spartans, after saving Jorge-052) "Dude this is amazing! It's like a Halo players dream come true! I lov- (starts twitching and yammering on the floor.) "What the hell was that noise?" "Fangasm." (Me and Kenny discussing Kenan freaking out over Reach) "IS THERE NOTHING YOU CAN'T DRIVE IN THIS GAME?" (Me, as I find yet another drivable vehicle in Reach). "Hey, bitch! Tim Burton called! He wants his shit back!" (Me, after encountering the weird Black Tear armies in Brutal Legend) "So... they have cars, bikes, rock instruments, amps, beer, girls in rock clothing, and T-Shirts. But it's supposed to be the past. What the hell?" "Dude, think less, stare at Ophelia and Lita more." (Me and another friend, Tom, discussing Brutal Legend) Oh, I've got my mighty Farg, and I'm killing Grunts with it, it may slow down the framerate, but I don't give a shit! (First corus of Kenny's "Firefight Slaughter Song") "Behold the idea for the greatest weapon ever; three firing modes, the three round burst of the BR55 Battle Rifle, the full auto of the M4 carbine, the single shot of the FAL. Plus, the scope of the M14, magazine size of the M7 SMG, and an M203 grenade launcher underslung. Oh, and a chainsaw bayonet like on the Lancer." "You forgot the orbital strike targeting laser." "Oh, right, that too." (Tom and myself discussing the perfect weapon) "Stop whacking my balls, you're making me testy!" (Kenny, during a HaloBall Extreme match on Reach, via Pokemon; The Abridged Series) "I wanna get a Killionare, so freaking bad, kill all of them damn Covies as they make me sad..." (Opening of my "Killionare Song", sung while playing Firefight) "Yes, Armor Lock if you wish! It will not save you!" (Me, to Norman Reedus and Patrick Sean Flanery, AKA the Boondock Saints, while kicking both their asses on the Condemed map of the then-new Defiant Map Pack at the Halo booth of the 2011 Emerald City Comic Con. Final score, for those interested; 50 to -2.) "Ah, whatever. I would have kicked his ass in real life." "Certainly you would have, Mr. Reedus. I can see it now; you, an actor, versus a genetically-enhanced soldier, trained from the age of four to fight, and sealed in strength-boosting shielded armor. Yes, you would completely kill him. (Laughter from all the Halo fans around me) (Me, and Norman Reedus, after I finished mopping the floor with him) "Anya, it's a giant worm! They're sinking cities with a GIANT WORM!" (Marcus Fenix, Gears of War 2) "Huh. You'd think that almost a decade of development would have given them time to make a better game. (Me, after finishing my playthrough of Duke Nukem Forever). "A life? Cool! Where do I download one of those?" (Unknown) "Wake me...when you need me." (Master Chief, Halo 3) "Contacts? It's the damn Covenant!" (Jorge-052, Halo Reach) "The message just repeats. Regret, regret, regret." "Charming. Any idea what it means?" "Dear humanity...we regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most certainly regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!" (Cortana, Commander Miranda Keyes, and Sergeant Johnson, Halo 2) "So, what are you going to spend your mad bank on when you get it?" "A life-sized, solid gold orca." "...Okay, someone else." (Me and my (now thankfully former) boss at a team meeting. I still want a solid gold orca, though) "Holy shit, it's a smaller retard Leviathan!" (Me, referencing a Locust creature from Gears of War 3) "Is that a Memory Dolphin in your pocket, Sergeant, or are you just happy to see me." (My friend Sophie quoting her Darwin's Fist character Lieutenant MacPherson)
"Behold! The glorious combination of Chevy and Time Lord technology! I call it...the Tarpala." (Clementine Jones, from Runaways Remix, describing her invention; a Chevy Impala with a TARDIS implanted in the body)
"Well that shouldn't be a problem. She could just smother them with her tits or something. Its what she does to Tsukune all the time." "That's Kurumu. This is Mizure we're talking about. The ice chick." "Oh...woops. Still, I'd think that would be Kururmu's reaction to being married to someone other than Tsukune" "(laugh) Yeah, I can see it now...'It wasn't my fault! He fell in my cleavage and suffocated before I could pull him out!'" (Me, and my friends Jasmine and Sophie discussing Rosario Vampire)
"But...I could have stopped this. I could have DONE something-" "Sure you could have. You would have become Emperor, and saved the barking world. And then what? You'd die. Either the Clankers would wax you, or you'd make a dumb mistake and Lt. MacPherson would send Sarge Marasco and me to turn you into spare parts. And, oh yeah, Deryn would have left you for someone who's NOT Clanker royalty. Maybe Marasco, actually. HE'D knows how to treat a girl..." "No, she wouldn't! She's not that kind of person-" "(Harsh, nasty laugh) Wow, how fucking thick are you? Do you REALLY think Sharp is the kinda girl to happily sit next to you on a throne in a dress and hold your hand while she squeezes out your kids? FUCK...NO. She'd probably kill you before we could. So get on your feet, pull yourself together, and shut your fucking mouth about your missed chance to get turned into bloody pulp. Before I ram a Combustible Lemon into it. Let's see Deryn swap spit with you with half your face burned off." (Corporal Hester Shaw (Darwin's Fist OC) and Aleksander Ferdinand (Canon character from Leviathan universe) "discussing" the latter's constant moping)
(Me, during a Red Bull-fueled rant against the Leviathan universe and it's lack of anything suitably WWI-ish)
"God my life sucks-WHEEE-I really hate myself-WHEEE-I feel so empty-WHEEE." (The internal thoughts of just about every whiny/angsty superpowered being) "Tally had a pretty gentle childhood. Her worst problem was, what, angst? Katniss had death reaching under her shirt and trying to grope her all the time." (Me, on Tally Youngblood Vs. Katniss Everdeen) "This is the prototype NOVA bomb, nine fusion warheads encased in lithium triteride armor. When detonated, it compresses its fissionable material to neutron-star density, boosting the thermonuclear yield a hundredfold. I am Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb, temporarily in command of the UNSC military base Reach. To the Covenant uglies that might be listening, you have a few seconds to pray to your damned heathen gods. You all have a nice day in hell..." (UNSC Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb, in a recording attached to the NOVA bomb prototype moments before it detonates) Minne: lets call it, minnesota mk 2! Dolphins: we have returned with the steampunk boobs *holds up a random person* Percy: um, I'm almost certain that's a man... (From the Scott Westerfeld's Forum's Bloodbath Thread) Robots are like vampires; they sparkle when you hit them with incindiary rounds They should have won the war, but oh no, a Daft prince and a horny lassy single handedly kept history the same as per OTL And we shall know them by the name I will give them; THE SPACE BUGS OF DEATH! "Nurgle, I hate you and everything you stand for...but phantom itching is probably the best thing you ever invented!" "Soon enough, the Antethema won't stand the succulent itching (slurp)-in his decaying body anymore." "And then he'll explode, destroying mankind and then he will join us as a new Chaos God. JUST AS PLANNED! Neheheheheh" (Tzeetch and Nurgle, "If The Emperor Had a Text To Speech Device") How to Write a Popular Fanfiction: 1. Chose a section that doesn't have a lot of stuff, but not no stuff 2. Investigate and understand (as much as you can) the series you wish to FF 3. Make it fit. Canonialism is your best friend. Stories I Plan On Continuing At Some Point: Darwin's Fist |