Scooby Doo Zombie Island and HP Cross

By: Sayaalv

(A/N: I don't own and this should probably be considered CRACK! And yes it deserved the capitals. What if Simone and Lena were together? What if Simone got Lena pregnant once but their daughter was kidnapped? What if their daughter was a Female Harry Potter who had the Cat Gods blessing? AU OOC Femslash, Bashings.)

"Lena? Are you alright?" Simone Lenoir asked rushing to her eight month pregnant wifes aid when the black haired woman suddenly grasped her swollen stomach and cried out. Simone and Lena had been together for over two hundred years and eventually their friendship turned into love, which had led to the two of them silently marrying on Moonscar Island. That had led to Lena finding out a small secret that Simone had kept hidden from everyone her whole life. Simone was a she-male, and that was how she had managed to get her beloved Lena pregnant with their soon to be born child.

"Mah water just broke. Simone de baby ahs comin'!" Lena said looking ready to panic while Simone felt ready to faint at the news. The baby wasn't due for another month! Simone probably would have fainted if she hadn't known that her wife needed her badly.

"Okay. Okay. Let's keep calm and get you to the ferry and then to the hospital." Simone said beginning to lead her wife towards the door of the manor when the black haired woman stopped her.

"No! Simone ya know dey won't let ya ahn de room wid meh, 'specially if ya tell them your mah wife an' de baby's 'fatha'. Ah want ya ta be deir when she's born." Lena said causing Simone to stop, especially when she realized that Lena was right. While Simone wanted to make sure her wife got professional help with delivering the baby she also wanted to be there for the baby's birth.

"Alright. Let us get you to our room. It will be more comfortable for you." Simone said changing direction and beginning to lead her wife up the stairs towards their bedroom. Lena had just laid down an hour full of contractions later when she felt a stronger contraction hit her and gasped loudly in pain.

"De babah ahs comin' quahcklah. Ah just felt a stron' contraction." Lena said looking up at her wife worriedly and seeing the flash of panic in the blonds green-blue orbs that were like clouded over emeralds. Simone quickly squashed all outward signs of panic so as to not worry her wife but she could not help her worry. She had helped deliver several babies in her colony days and none of them ever came this fast.

"It…It is probably a side effect of our transformations. Everything will be alright, mon amour." Simone said purposely speaking the last two words in French since it always relaxed her wife to hear her speaking in French and now was no different. Lena smiled slightly as she quickly translated the words she had heard so many times before and felt her shoulders relax a little at her wifes soothing voice.

"There we go. Relax mon amour. Let nature run her course, oui?" Simone said soothingly as she squeezed her lovers hand in support and encouragement, before looking startled when the black haired girl screamed in pain.

"The bebe is on her way oui? I will have to be there to catch her when she decides to grace us with her presence." Simone said trying to gently let her lover know that she couldn't hold her hand through the birthing process lest their daughter fall.

"Al'ight. Long as aht keeps de babah from gettin' hurt." Lena said gasping between the contractions as Simone squeezed her hand one last time before releasing it and quickly striding forward to check on the baby's progress.

"Dear Cat god. The bebe's head is almost out, mon amour. Just a little more and we have our enfant, mon Cher." Simone said purposefully speaking in French repeatedly to make sure her lover stayed as relaxed as she could, so as to not put more stress or pressure on herself or the baby.

"Aht hurts Simone. So much." Lena cried out as she continued to try and push their baby out of her body causing Simone to wince slightly. She hated to see her wife in pain and now was definitely no different.

"Je sais. I know Lena. I know but you are almost done. Un peu plus. Just a little more." Simone soothed and encouraged her wife who screamed out again and gripped the sheets hard enough to rip them, not that Simone minded right now.

"Vous avez presque terminé. You're almost done, love." Simone encouraged just as the baby's shoulders began to appear. Lena gave out one last scream, which sounded more like a yowl than anything else, before she collapsed onto the bed exhausted as the baby slipped from her body and into Simone's waiting arms with a cry of its own. Lena watched as Simone lifted the blood covered baby into her line of sight and smiled at the look of pure amazement on the blonds face.

"You rest, mon amour. I shall clean up our kitten and be right back." Simone said smiling proudly at her exhausted wife who was now staring at their daughter in wonder. Simone was gone and back with a newly cleaned baby girl in her arms wrapped in a spare blanket that the blond had found in less than ten minutes.

"Here. It is your turn to hold our little miracle, mon forte amour." Simone said smiling as she gently handed the baby to Lena who gently cradled the child.

"Ah like dat word. Forte. It sounds like a nice name fer her. What do ya think Simone?" Lena asked looking from the black haired baby in her arms to her wife who had sat beside her on the bed and merely watched the two dark haired girls with a smile on her face.

"Forte? Strong. I like it, ma amour. I have a feeling that's exactly what our little one will be, strong." Simone said smiling as she wrapped her arms around her girls. She quite liked the sound of that. Her girls, hers and hers alone.

"De birthin' went so fast, there isn't anythang wrong with de babah is dere Simone?" Lena asked looking at her wife worriedly and earning a soothing look in return.

"No, mon amour. I checked as I cleaned her. There is nothing wrong with notre tout-petit. It must be because we are at least half cat." Simone said soothingly as she hugged her girls a little tighter in reassurance.

"Al'ight." Lena said smiling happily as she trusted her wifes words without hesitation before a startled gasp from Simone caused Lena to look at their daughter in worry.

"It seems our cat sides affected her after all." Simone said weakly as she stared at their daughters two new appendages that weren't there five seconds ago. On top of Forte's head was two small blond cat's ears and there was a small lazily swinging blond cat's tail peeking out from in-between the blankets that the baby was wrapped in. Upon opening her tiny eyes Forte revealed that she had Simone-s eye coloring only with the green being much more prominent than the blue.

"It's a good thing we didn't go to the hospital. Not only would we have not made it in time but we would have had to try and explain that to them." Simone said faintly as she motioned to Fortes small cat appendages while Lena merely continued to stare before finally.

"KAWAII! She's so adorable!" Lena squealed as she hugged her daughter a little too tightly, causing the baby to cry which startled Lena into relaxing her hold while Simone was instantly worried about Forte.

"Yes. She is very cute. I think she gets it from her mere." Simone said sighing in relief when she realized that the baby wasn't injured, her words causing Lena to blush lightly.

"Ah'm not so sure 'bout dat love. She gets de blond on 'er ears an' tail from her pere. As well as de green ahn 'er eyes." Lena said back in an exhausted whisper as she stared at her beautiful baby girl.

"Instead of such formalities why don't you be the mama while I be the papa?" Simone asked smiling at her exhausted lover who merely smiled back tiredly, the birthing process may have been short but it took its toll on the black haired woman.

"Rest now Mon Amour. You are exhausted and have earned it by far. Me and the bebe will be right here when you wake up." Simone said as she easily lifted Lena into her arms and placed her on a clean bed, Lena's old bed in fact, for the black haired woman to get some sleep with the baby still in her arms. Simone quickly returned to her room and replaced the sheets on her own bed before returning to her lover and child.

"You were more exhausted than I thought Mon Amour. Rest now." Simone said smiling at the sight of her sleeping wife while the baby was looking at everything curiously, her green eyes honing in on Simone and Lena. Simone gently sat down on the bed beside her slumbering wife and smiled as she watched how Lena would hold little Forte protectively even in her sleep. Simone's eyes focused on the small baby that was looking up at her curiously and she began to drink in every detail of her daughter for a few minutes before turning back to smile at her wife again, becoming startled when her clouded green eyes met Lena's warm brown ones.

"Come ta bed Simone. Ah can't sleep widout ya holdin' meh." Lena said smiling up at her wife who smiled back fondly, the blond woman quickly slipping under the covers of her bed and holding her wife close as the black haired woman fell back into dreams embrace with Forte still in her arms beginning to look tired herself.

"You're going to be a wonderful mother Lena. I only hope I can be a half as good 'father' to our perfect little angel." Simone whispered as she kissed Lena's forehead, watching how her wife smiled in her sleep at that, before the blond leaned forward slightly to kiss Fortes forehead just as the baby fell into a light sleep as well. Simone smiled as she closed her eyes to rest as well with her arms wrapped protectively around her small family, not hearing Lena's whisper as she did so.

"You'll be a great papa Simone." Lena whispered as she cuddled closer to her wife. That was how Jacques found them half an hour later, the three females cuddled up to one another fast asleep with Simone's arms wrapped protectively around her wife and child.