Disclaimer-I don't own Victorious or the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Chapter One

"Jade." Jade didn't look up from her computer. "Jade." The voice repeated, sounding annoyed. She still didn't look up from her work. "Jade!" Jade jumped a little and glared up at the AI's nearest camera interface.

"What's so important Angela?" She snapped.

"Mr. Stark has arrived." Angela informed her. Jade sighed and walked over to the closet, changing into a dress.

"I assume he's at the bar?" She said dryly, grabbing a flash drive.

"Of course he is." Her AI assistant said, unlocking the door that led from her part of the West mansion to the rest of the house. Jade scowled and made her way through the guests. She hated when her father threw these big parties. All of his 'friends' were boring, stupid, and shallow. To make matters worse, the majority of them couldn't hold their alcohol at all. Really, it was no wonder Mr. West hated Tony Stark so much. Stark was the exact opposite of the people her father normally associated with. She weaved her way through the crowd, heading for the house bar.

"I'm surprised the security guards let you in." She said, walking behind the bar.

"You'd be amazed at what a fistful of hundred dollar bills can get you." He told her, taking a sip of whiskey. "Now, I believe you have something for me?" Jade ignored him and poured herself a glass of whiskey.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours first." She said, smirking and taking a drink.

"I'm not going to just hand over a piece of my property without reassurance that I'm going to get what I was promised in return." Tony told her, raising an eyebrow.

"Well that's odd, seeing as I'm returning a piece of your property that my dad stole." Jade retorted. Tony nodded, acknowledging this, and pulled out a flash drive.

"Alright, how about we just hand it over at the same time?" He suggested.

"…Agreed." Jade said, pulling the flash drive out of her pocket.

"That has the plans in it?" Tony asked.

"Yep." Jade said, popping the 'P'. "That have Angela's upgrades?"

"No, it's full of porn." Tony said sarcastically.

"It's awfully ballsy of you to be rude to the girl who holds a major piece of your tech in her hands. I might accidentally drop it in a glass of whiskey, and wouldn't that be tragic."

"Right, sorry. Bad day." Tony said. "Yeah, these have the plans for the upgrades you requested."

"Aw." Jade said, rolling her eyes. "Poor baby. Please, tell me how bad your life as a billionaire playboy superhero is. Did you finally meet somebody who could put a dent in that suit of yours?"

"Now you see, anybody else who said that to me would be in for a beating." Tony told her, taking another sip of the whiskey.

"I'll be sure to tell Pepper you said that." Jade said, holding out the flash drive. Tony nodded and held out his, and they swapped.

"You know, I'm going to be restarting the Stark Expo soon." He said, plugging the flash drive into his phone to make sure everything was still secure. Jade raised an eyebrow at this detour in the conversation.

"I know. It's been all over the news, and my dad's been muttering about it ever since you announced it."

"Yeah, it's going to be great. And I'm starting the show with this whole big dance number."

"I know. You sent me one of the dancer's costumes." Jade said dryly.

"You'd look great in that." He told her frankly, pocketing the phone and flash drive. "If you started taking private lessons now, you'd have all the choreography down cold when we started the Expo." He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Okay, there's two problems with that plan." Jade told him, taking another sip. "First of all, I'm seventeen. I don't think the 'lessons' you have in mind would be legal."

"You don't seem to mind drinking." He said, pointing at her glass. She shrugged.

"It's not like I'm leaving the house tonight. Besides, it just leads to the bigger issue. You're not my type."

"How do you know? You've never taken me up on any of my offers." Tony said, smiling.

"I'm pretty sure I don't need to date you to know you're not my type." She told him. "Unless you're secretly a woman with the world's best breast bindings under that suit." Tony winced.

"Ooh, ouch, that hurt." He said, smiling. He looked down at his empty glass. "That was some damn good whiskey. What kind was it?" Jade rolled her eyes and handed him the bottle, which was still half full. "Thanks. We should do this again some time." He said, walking away. Jade rolled her eyes again, finished off the whiskey, and went back to her room.

Four hours later

"Well?" Jade asked when she finished installing the last upgrade to the last of Angela's interfaces.

"All preliminary scans show that the upgrades are fully functional." Angela reported after a moment of silence. "Shall I begin a test run?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Jade said, rolling her chair into the middle of her lab. Jade's father ran West Industries, which was one of the so called 'big three' of technology, along with Stark Industries and Hammer Industries. As a result, Jade had been able to get her portion of the family mansion completely customized. One of these customizations was a lab, where Jade worked on various side projects if she had time. Angela began to count down.

"3…2…1." The lights flickered for a second, then Angela projected in a hologram form in the center of the room just in front of Jade. Jade stared at the projection for a second, then sighed and pinched the skin between her eyes in annoyance.

"Angela, why do you look like Tony Stark?" She demanded.

"They were the only pictures stored in the upgrade package Mr. Stark gave you." Angela informed her. Jade suppressed a shudder. It was deeply creepy to hear Pamela Springsteen's voice come out of Tony Stark's mouth. "Give me a minute while I search for a new form." Jade sighed and made a note to charge Tony extra next time he needed her help with something. "I've got one." Angela finally announced.

"Okay, show me it." Jade said. "Holographic interface, take two." Jade blinked again, this time far more surprised by what she was seeing. She really wasn't all that shocked that Tony had only given her pictures of himself to use for the hologram. This though… "Angela, why the hell are you Tori Vega now? I know for a fact that I have clips of Pamela Springsteen you could have used."

"Biological scans show that you are feeling stressed." Angela said. Jade frowned. Between her homework, writing a screenplay, and all the various chemistry projects she was working on, she supposed she was pretty stressed. That didn't really answer her question though.

"What does that have to do with you looking like Tori?" She demanded.

"Scans of your subconscious, taken both at this point in time and on previous occasions, have shown that this is the image you most associate with happiness."

"You mean, she's happy most of the time so I associate happy with her?" Jade asked, not entirely sure where this was going. Angela shook her head.

"No. The image of Tori Vega is what your subconscious associates with being happy. As in, Tori Vega makes you happy." Jade scowled. This was not what she wanted to hear.

"Yeah, well, change your form again. Go with Pamela Springsteen." Angela frowned.

"Very well. But I feel I must inform you, your mind associates the image of Pamela Springsteen's Angela Baker with violence and anger."

"That's because Sleepaway Camp is full of violence and anger." Jade told her. "Now fix your image." Angela rolled her eyes, blinked out for a moment, and then reappeared. "That's better." Jade said, smirking. "Now, can you bring up the holoboards at the same time as the hologram?" Angela paused for a moment, then several holographic chalk boards appeared around Jade. "Alright, I have to admit, that is pretty cool." Jade said, looking around and smiling.

Six hours later

"Jade, I must insist that you get some sleep." Angela said. Jade took a sip of coffee, glancing at the clock.

"No point, school starts in an hour. Might as well just pull an all-nighter." She told Angela, returning to her work.

"May I ask why you're so concerned with inventing a new form of Kevlar?"

"Stark's invented the ultimate weapon with his arc reactor." Jade said, adjusting a few molecules on the board in front of her. "And just like the atomic bomb and nuclear warhead before it, the arc reactor is going to start an arms race. Sooner or later, somebody who isn't Tony Stark is going to build their own. I want to be prepared for when that happens.

"Are you planning on fighting Iron Man sometime soon?" Angela asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but a material that can stop anything, including a blast from and arc reactor, would be incredibly valuable." Jade said, not looking up. "I'll perfect it, and then sell it to somebody. The government perhaps or Hammer Industries. Who knows, maybe Stark Industries will be interested." She chuckled.

"I assume that's why you copied the plans for a miniaturized arc reactor?" Jade nodded.

"Yeah, could you get working on that? I need something so I can test the material." Angela nodded, and turned her hologram off.

"I shall begin working on it now."

"Thanks." Jade said absently, taking another sip of coffee.

"Don't forget that you do need to get ready to go to school at some point." Angela reminded her.

"I won't." Jade said, sounding exasperated. "I didn't spend three hours writing a script to not show up the day its due."

"I don't know, you've been known to get pretty absentminded when you work on something that'll make you a lot of money." Angela said warningly.

"Shut up Mom." Jade said, rolling her eyes.

One hour later

"Here you go Jade." Tori said, handing her a cup of coffee. Jade took it, frowning.

"May I ask why you got me a cup of coffee Vega?" She asked, taking a sip. Tori shrugged.

"I know your dad was throwing a party last night, and you don't sleep well when he does that."

"Have I complained about it at some point?" Jade asked, confused.

"No, I've just noticed the trend." Tori said, shrugging again. Then she gave a small smile. "Besides, they were having a two for one sail at the Starbucks down the street." Jade laughed.

"You've clearly been spending too much time with me. The Tori Vega I first met would never have given her friend a cup of coffee she got for free." She said, taking a gulp. "Clearly Sikowitz needs to stop pairing us together." Tori frowned thoughtfully.

"Yeah, he has been putting us together for plays a lot lately, hasn't he?"

"Maybe it's because you're so good at playing a man." Jade said with a smirk.

"Hey! Don't be rude, I got you coffee." Tori protested, hitting her on the shoulder.

"Coffee that you got for free." Jade pointed out, heading for Sikowitz's class.

"It's still coffee!" Tori argued, following her.

"Stop acting like you got me a huge gift. It was free." Jade said over her shoulder.

"I'm feeding your addiction! You should thank me." Tori said, catching up.

"I'm not addicted to coffee." Jade protested, taking another sip. Tori laughed.

"She said as she took a sip of coffee." She pointed out. Jade opened her mouth to retort, then realized that Tori had a point.

"Shut up." She muttered, walking into class. Tori laughed and followed her in.

Author's Notes

Here we go! The first chapter of my Marvel Jori story.

Alright, show of hands-who wants to see a snark battle between Robert Downey Junior and Elizabeth Gillies?

Also, did I do a good Tony Stark? I think I did, I watched both Iron Man movies several times in preparation.

I've set this to start at the point in time where Jade and Tori aren't dating, but they are friends.

Thanks for reading guys! Please tell me if you think this sucks!