Sorry for not updating in so long. I've been really busy with school and shit. Hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things soon.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Jade's POV

After we'd gotten everything cleaned up and we'd changed and showered (Though I declined Jade's offer of showering together) we all went to the hospital to see mom. As we drive to the hospital all I have on my mind are two things. Partially on Jade's notion of showering together. I love her but it's still a little soon for that though I was very tempted. But manly I'm thinking about the gun. One time I forgot to unload it and this happens. I haven't thought about it in years.


I've lost track of how many times I've been here on my bed. My dad's revolver open in my hand, a single bullet contained within I spin it Russian Roulette style, not seeing where the bullet lands. I cock it and place it too my temple just like I do every night before I go to sleep. Just like I've done every night since that day.

Flashback within a Flashback

Dad had just been promoted to captain and was next in mind for commissioner. As a high ranking cop he made a lot of enemies. This was the first time any of them actually hit him where he lived. Two guys broke in looking for him but he was out on patrol. Mom and Trina were tied up in the corner while I was held by one guy with a pistol (My dad's spare) to my head while the other guy kept his sawed off trained on the door. Dad got home an hour later and was forced to the couch.

"We finally found you, the guy who killed our sister." Dad looked around confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Our sister Liz, you sent her to the chair." I could see the proverbial light bulb go on.

"You mean Liz "The Legs" Grande? I lead the force to her I didn't make the arrest."

"That doesn't matter. If it weren't for you she'd still be alive. She never played to get even she played to win. So were gonna kill them and make you watch. Starting with the little one." The guy cocks the gun and I wait for deaths embrace but it never comes. With them distracted dad took the opportunity to take them down. Apparently the gun had only been loaded with ,you guessed it, one bullet.

Previous Flashback

After that I started thinking about just how lucky I was. Usually getting the parts I auditioned for, always having my crushes fall head over heels for me, never being badly hurt. I decided to really test my luck. So every night for months now I've loaded that gun with the same bullet and fired. I guess Numbuh 362 was wrong after all. Luck can last forever.

Real Time

Until today. I would always unload it and put the bullet in my desk before returning the gun but at the time I was on sleep meds for my insomnia so I forgot to unload it. That was also the day I'd first met Jade so it was the last time I tried it too. Now dad and Trina are worried about mom, Jade is worried about me, and I don't know what I'm gonna do.

To Be Continued…

Honestly I got the luck thing from Orphan in X-Force. Which I also don't own or KND.

All that's left to say, Good Night and Good Luck.