Re-Edit. Enjoy.
Pain is only the beginning of a path of unpredictable destruction."
"Are you okay Gaia?" questioned Helena, a social worker that was close to my mother who passed away three weeks ago from cancer. I looked up from the photo of my mother and gave her a blank look. I could see her tense up slightly from my piercing gaze. Well, who won't? I mean, having really pale blue eyes that almost look like a greyish-white color would make anybody feel unnerved.
"You don't have to be so tense around me you know," I mumbled silently as I gazed out the passenger side window. I hated it how people still saw me as a freak. "And no. I'm not okay Helena." I could feel her gaze on me. I just could imagine the look on her face. Anger. Annoyed. Hurt. Sad, but mostly hurt. She was the one that was suppose to take care of me if anything happen to my mother but for some odd reason, before my mother died, she changed her mind and demanded that I go with my father. A man I haven't nor have I never seen in my life for fifteen years, that I'm suppose to live with. All I know about this bastard is that he's twenty-nine and lives in some city called Steelport. What kind of name is that? What's even worse is that I was forced to leave Moscow, Russia, the place I was raised in for fifteen years to be sent to America to find a man that is suppose to be my father and live with him.
"Everything will be alright Gaia," replied Helena, breaking the quietness in the car. My head snap in her direction, making her jump and almost caused her to drive off the street. "Gaia!?"
"Alright? Alright?!" I yelled at her, my untamed anger being ignited once more exactly the same way when Helena told me that my dying mother insisted that I live with my father, "I am being sent to live with a man that I barely know and you're saying everything is going to be alright?"
"Gaia! Please calm down!"
I stared at her with a heated look, before closing my eyes and pinching my temple. I shouldn't be mad at her. She's just doing what my mother asked. "I'm sorry Helena, I didn't mean to lash out at you. I'm just stressed." I spoke to her in Russian. Hell, I only spoke out in my native language when I get frustrated by something or get stress out with problems. Lately, I've spoken more Russian than English since my mom died.
"I understand your fiery anger towards your mother for doing this to you, but it's for the best."
"How is this best for me Helena? I want you to raise me, like my mother planned when she found out she had cancer. She wanted you to take me, not one of her damned ex's from the past!"
"She changed her mind at the last second Gaia. You don't think I tried to convince her to let me raise you, but she kept insisting she wanted you to live with your father."
"What happened with the saying, 'What happens in the past stays in the past'?" I questioned bitterly to myself as I crossed my arms across my chest and let out a deep, annoyed breath.
"You have to give him a chance Gaia!"
"Give him a chance? He never gave me a chance so why should I give him a chance Helena?!" I questioned angrily. Helena stayed quiet. She didn't know how to respond to my question. She was as equally confused as I was to why my mother wanted me to live with my father that up and bounced on her when she was pregnant with me fifteen years ago.
"There is a reason behind your mother's decision, Gaia. The reason is for you to figure out. Why she did this, that is for you to figure out also. You know better than I do that your mother did this because she loved you," replied Helena after a few moments, "Not to hurt you."
I could feel a tear slide down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away with my black sleeve. "I know she'd love me, but her sending me away like this. I don't understand."
"I don't understand as much as you do at this moment Gaia," she stated as she parked the car, "But will continue this talk on another time, we're here."
I leaned forward a little, and felt my hair brush over my shoulder. "You sure this is the right address Helena?"
New story. (Re-edited)