((Back by popular demand. I think this will be the final chapter. Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed this story. I'm really glad you all enjoyed it.))

One Year Later

Tori Vega couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sight of her fiancee, soon-to-be-wife staring intently at the TV. "You already know how the movie ends, why do you watch it over and over?" Jade West turned to Tori and put a finger up to her lips in a shushing gesture before turning back to the TV. "Because it's one of the best horror movies out there."

Tori rolled her eyes again and smirked as she laid her arm across Jade's shoulders but it didn't seem like she even noticed. The sudden ringing of her phone seemed to shake Jade out of her horror movie trance. She scowled and grabbed the phone as she paused the movie and answered the phone.

"Hello?" Tori couldn't help but notice that after a few moments of listening to the caller, Jade sat up straight and her tone turned to one of disgust. "No, No I don't think so. You weren't exactly the most supportive when you found out. I don't even know how you managed to get a hold of me, I blocked your number after our last conversation." Tori turned to look at Jade with a questioning look on her face but Jade didn't seem to notice. "I don't care if you're sorry! You really hurt me when you did what you did! This conversation is over. Bye."

Tori raised here eyebrows in confusion. "So...going to tell me what that was about?" She asked carefully. Jade stared at the TV screen without moving but her eyes were not focused on the TV. "Jade?" Tori asked again in a slightly more cautious tone. Jade put a hand up to block the side of her face that Tori was facing. Now Tori was concerned. Usually when Jade didn't want to talk about something she said to drop it and people who were wise dropped it lest they face her wrath. This was somewhat new and concerning behavior.

Tori moved a bit closer to her and gently moved Jade's hand away from her face. She was most likely the only one who could get away with something like this but what Tori saw caused her eyes to widen in shock.

Jade was fighting back tears.

"Jade? What's going on? Who called you?" Tori asked in a tone that promised horrible pain and suffering on the one who had hurt her girlfriend. Jade just shook her head as the tears began to flow freely now.


"It was my dad!" Jade snapped angrily through the tears. "I don't know how but he heard about the wedding! He wants to be a part of it!" Jade grabbed a pillow and let a scream of rage into the pillow and a moment later threw it against the wall. Tori couldn't help but feel sorry for Jade. When her father had found out about her relationship with Tori he had thrown her out of the house in the middle of a severe rainstorm and had said some very hurtful things along the lines of her being a mistake. It had taken a while but Jade had been allowed to stay with Tori's family and things had begun to get better for her. In the last five months, Tori and Jade had been able to get their own apartment and had managed to get jobs while they began working on their dream careers.

"Jade, I know your dad hurt you big time. If you want, we can make sure he doesn't get into the wedding. My family has connections." Tori said with a faint smile. Jade brought her fists down on the couch which wiped the smile from Tori's face. Jade was pissed. More pissed then Tori had seen her in a while. "I HATE him!" She snarled. "He was always a jackass to my mom when she was alive! He was always critical of me back when he was still a part of my life and you know what he did when he found out about you and me!"

Tori tried to contain her rising anger at seeing her future wife so upset. "Why? The guy said a lot of hurtful things. He made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with us. We haven't gotten a phone call or anything from him after what he did! He didn't say two words to us when we got your stuff from his house! We didn't even get a card after the wedding announcement in the paper! Why the hell does he want to be a part of it now?!"

"I don't know."

The rest of the night passed with Jade trying to keep herself together. The upcoming wedding was supposed to be the best day of her life. She was going to officially be a part of a family that actually cared about her and made sure she was okay. They had welcomed her into their family after the initial incident with Ryder and had let her stay with them after her father had thrown her out. They had treated her almost like a third daughter. Tori was doing her best to be supportive and had cooked Jade's favorite dinner and had even rented a new horror movie for her.

Nothing had seemed to help.

Later at night, as Tori slept next to her Jade's thoughts were still in turmoil. She couldn't figure out why her asshole of a father would try to be a part of her wedding. Did he want to try and ruin it? Did he want to try and make himself look good to the community? Was he trying to go through the motions of being a good father?

She needed to find out.

It was around 2:00am in the morning when Jade decided to kiss her sleeping future wife gently on the head, sneak out of bed and grabbed her coat and left their apartment with barely a sound. She grabbed her keys on the way out and about twenty minutes later she was sitting in her car outside her father's house. She had been sitting outside for fifteen minutes as she tried to keep her thoughts focused.

Jade was taking deep breaths as she tried to keep her mind focused on what she needed to ask rather then what she wanted to say. A moment later she sharply turned to look at the passenger side window when she heard a knock on said window. Should have turned the damn headlights off.

It was the face of someone she dreaded seeing.

"Dad." She said in a dull tone that had a tinge of uncertainty and anger to it.

"Jade." He said quietly with a similar uncertain tone with something that she couldn't identify.

"Why the hell do you think you can come to my wedding?!" She snarled as the anger began to show. "After all you put me through! After throwing me out! After always fighting with Mom! You ruined my life!" She shouted angrily. "I was lucky Tori's family took me in! I finally have a good life and now your trying to ruin it by becoming a part of it!"

"I know." He said quietly. He had turned his face away from her. Jade's temper was still rising. "Where were you when we needed help moving? You didn't say a damn thing when we came by to pick up my stuff! You didn't try to talk to me! You didn't send a card when we announced the wedding! You don't even try to talk to me or Tori when you see us in publi-."

"I have cancer, Jade."

Jade stopped in mid-tirade and stared at her father. "What?"

"I...found out a few months ago. I have lung cancer. They believe they can treat it but they still think it may get worse if I continue with certain habits. I've been going to chemo for a while now and I'm making progress but the prognosis is still uncertain." Her father finally looked over at her with tears in his eyes.

"I feel horrible. Not because of the cancer though. I said horrible things to you when I found out. I threw you out of the house in the middle of a storm. Do you know why I haven't spoken to you in so long? It's because I couldn't face the shame I felt towards myself. You're my one and only daughter and I disowned you in everything but name. I know I don't deserve to be a part of your wedding but in the event the treatments aren't successful I wanted to make peace with you and show you that despite everything that's happened, I do love you."

"Why did you call me a mistake?" Jade's voice was full of hurt.

Jade's father sighed. "I...It's no excuse but I was raised in a different time. At first I was mad. I couldn't fathom the idea of my daughter dating another woman much less falling in love with one. But when I saw you in public looking so happy I started thinking more and more. It doesn't matter if I'm uncomfortable with it, it's your decision to make and if the decision makes you happy then I support it. If you'll allow me to help with the wedding, even if all I'm allowed to do is set the chairs out, I'll do it."

"I need time to think." Jade said quietly. "Don't expect me to roll out of the red carpet for you though."

Jade's father simply nodded and walked back towards his house and watched as his daughter's car turned around and headed back towards her apartment. He sighed heavily as he went back into his home and looked at a large picture in the living room. A man with a somewhat small smile face on his face was standing next to a woman holding a small infant protectively in her arms.

"I really screwed it up." He said to the empty house. "I hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me."

The Next Day

When Tori woke up, she was somewhat surprised to notice that Jade wasn't sleeping next to her. "Jade?" She called out. When there was no answer she walked out into the living room to see Jade sitting on the couch with an uncertain look on her face. "Hey. You alright?" Tori asked carefully. Jade turned to look at her and sighed heavily.

"I went to see my dad last night." She said simply. Tori's eyes widened in shock and she was filled with quite a few questions but Jade cut her off before she could say anything. "My dad...he has cancer. They're still uncertain but they think he might be okay. We talked last night and in all honesty I haven't been able to sleep since. I don't know what to do. Should I let him come to the wedding? Should I let him help with the wedding? I...I just don't know what to think."

Tori sat down next to Jade and she rested her head against Jade's shoulder.

"We should talk." Tori said.

Five Months Later

The church was packed with many of Tori and Jade's friends from Hollywood arts, Family members from both Tori and Jade's sides of the family were in attendance along with friends of the family. Every pew was packed and nearly every spare chair in the church was being used. Holly West looked at her handiwork around the church and grinned widely at Trina who looked exhausted. "Took us a few hours but we managed to get the entire church decorated." Trina tried to get her breath back. "Why did you have to decorate the rafters?"

"Trina. Why are you here?"

"Because this is where I'm sitting?"

"Your supposed to be the Maid of Honor! Get back there! NOW!" Holly rarely raised her voice but this was a special occasion. Trina looked down and looked back up with a shocked expression. "I can't believe I forgot!" She shrieked as she ran back towards the others. Holly shook her head in wonder. Even though she loved Trina and Tori, sometimes Trina astonished her with how...odd she could be.

The music began to play and echo throughout the church a few minutes later as the ceremony began. Holly watched with tears beginning to form in her eyes as the ceremony progressed. Tori had asked a number of her friends to be her maids of honor including her friend Cat. Tori was smiling widely as her father walked her down the aisle. Tori had been nervous the last few days before the wedding and Jade had been no better. But things were much better now that the day was finally here.

As Tori walked past her mother, she flashed her a bright but still somewhat nervous smile. Holly couldn't her mouth the words "Don't be nervous" at her as she passed. She had been far more nervous at her own wedding.

Tori finally reached the front of the church and stood next to her bridesmaid's and shot Trina a quick but confused look. Trina simply shrugged. Apparently Trina's near absence had been noted earlier. Holly couldn't help but notice the dark look Cat was giving her. If Trina thought she was going to be getting off easy for the near miss she was apparently sorely mistaken. Be careful Trina. She thought.

It was at that moment that the church went dead silent as a female figure appeared at the back entrance to the church wearing a black wedding dress that had more layers than Tori's. If Holly had to be honest with herself, she would have to say this was the one part of the wedding she was uncertain of. She was hoping that it was going to go well and it looked like so far it would but there was always the chance that something...or someone could mess it up.

I swear if you ruin this poor girl's wedding day I'll make your life a living hell.

Jade West slowly emerged from the back of the church with her father standing at her side as her father slowly walked her down the aisle. It had taken a lot of thinking time on Jade's part and far too much consideration for her father on Jade's part, at least that's what Holly had thought but Jade had allowed her father to be a part of the wedding. The two were still working on things but she was at least speaking to him and he was showing the poor girl the respect and kindness he had denied her on many occasions. Tori smiled brightly at the sight of her soon-to-be-wife as she approached the front of the church. Jade couldn't help but smile back with an unusually bright smile of her own.

As the two finally reached the front of the church, Jade's father clasped his daughter's hand in his own and whispered something to her. She responded with a brief smile and she gave her father a brief, but sincere hug before he sat down next to the others.

If she can be forgiving then I guess I can as well.

"So...here we are." Tori said nervously as the two looked at each other.

"Yeah. But you know something? I wouldn't have it any other way." Jade said with a smirk as the minister droned on in the background. The two barely heard his words until he asked them if they had written each other vows. The two both nodded and Tori began to speak.

"Jade. As I stand here I can't help but wonder what I did to have such a wonderful woman in my life. You've been there for me through thick and thin. You were there when I needed you most and you've been kind and considerate even when I haven't deserved it. When I first saw you at Hollywood arts I couldn't help but think..."She's beautiful." We've worked past so much over the years, we started off as enemies, then became friends and became more. You've become such a wonderful person...and I am proud to share my life with you."

Tori smiled as Jade's eyes misted up a bit as she took a deep breath and tried to get the words out a few times before finally succeeding.

"Tori...You and I have been through so much together. When I first met you at Hollywood arts, I was such a gank to you and I'm probably going to spend the rest of my...our lives together apologizing for it. You looked inside of me and instead of running away like most people would...you stuck with me. You helped me when others wouldn't and you kept trying to be my friend. I'm only sorry that it took so long for me to open up to you. I never thought you would be the one I would share my life with...But I'm glad I am. I am proud to be your wife."

The two were trying their best not to show their tears as the minister finally finished and simply said. "You may now kiss the bride."

The entire church erupted in cheers and applause as the two finally kissed for the first time as an officially married couple.

It would later be said that the reception for the two was one that would be remembered for years. Trina ended up having a bit too much to drink and trying to sing at various times during the party before Cat managed to finally scare her into stopping. Robbie ended up meeting an actual woman at the party who couldn't stop laughing at his and Rex's jokes. Jade, who had threatened the pair with bodily harm should they say anything rude during the wedding actually spoke up for Robbie, telling the lucky lady he was such a wonderful, caring man.

"What about Rex?"

"You...You mean the puppet? You're asking how the puppet acts?"


Jade had simply forced a smile and melted back into the crowd before looking at Tori and muttering something about the two of them being perfect for each other. "Seriously, why would she ask how the puppet behaves?" She muttered as she went to go and get something to drink. As the night had worn on, the reception hall had finally began getting less and less crowded until it was finally only Tori, Jade and the respective family members.

"I've been meaning to ask you...What did your dad say to you at the church?" Jade couldn't help but smile as she looked over at her father who was sitting with the rest of Tori's family who were actually having a genuine conversation with him.

"He said: "Your mother would be so happy for you. I know I am." ." She said quietly. Tori simply smiled and laid her head on Jade's shoulder.

It was a new beginning.


First of all, thank you to everyone who had read this and reviewed it over the course of it's production. Your enjoyment is what persuaded me to continue it. Keep on keeping on everyone!