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![]() Author has written 24 stories for Naruto, Diabolik Lovers/ディアボリックラヴァーズ, Vampire Diaries, Kagerou Days/カゲロウデイズ, Psycho-Pass/サイコパス, Kuroshitsuji, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Batman, Power Rangers, and Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club. Before you ask any questions: 1. Yes, I am insane. 2. No, I will not go back to the institution. It sucks there, and my voices totally agree. 3. I will take any request for a fanfiction IF I have seen the anime or support the pairing. (Note* Not all my pairings are on the list.) 4. If you want to collab, message me ;). 5. If you want a squeal to a one-shot that bad, then I'll need at least 10 reviews requesting one 6. If there are any major grammar/spelling mistakes in my writing, please PM me or add it into your review! 7. Reviews make me very happy, like, I-want-to-write-more-SasuSaku-fics-and-revise-some-old-ones happy If you want more from me I am on DeviantART as RavenSnipper, Tumblr as NatsukiSatsukiShinomiya/Raven Whisperer, FictionPress with the League of Extraordinary Ladies, as RavenWhisperer,and youtube as ravenwhispererabc Favorite Pairings: Sakura x Sasuke Naruto x Hinata Tenten x Neji or Juugo Shikamaru X Temari Ino X Sai (?) Choji x Potato Chips Shino x Caterpillars Karin (what a FREAK) x Suigetsu Fang x Max Shinra X Celty Ichigo X Rukia Nial X Irial Donia X Keenan Aislinn X Seth Levi X Hanji Christa X Berthold or Ymir Jean X Marco Kuroh X Kukuri Takane/Ene X Konoha/Kuroha/Haruka Shintaro/Ayano Erwin X Levi X Hanji Erwin X Levi Erwin X Hanji Kogami X Akane X Ginoza Kogami X Akane Kogami X Ginoza Akane X Ginoza Shiro X Allura (Except no because Allura is apparently a teenager) Allura X Lotor Lance X Keith or Lotor (I'm getting on board, not fully aboard the ship yet) Dick X Kori Raven X Kid Flash or Beast Boy or Damien Babs X Luke Bruce X Selina or Clark Pamela X Harleen THE NARUTARD SURVEY! NARUTARDS UNITE! 1. Who is your favorite Naruto character(s)? Sakura (and her precious child, Sarada. Also Chou Chou) 2. What is your favorite pairing(s)? SasuSaku! 3. Are you a Naruto yaoi or hentai fan? Absolutely not, I don't find yaoi appealing. 4. Ever cosplayed Naruto characters? If so, who, where and how many times? I'm not that obsessed, but Karui or Fuu is tempting... 5. List your collection of Naruto junk and merchandise, if any:I have like 6 box sets, six movies, volumes 37-42 and 44-51 (more now, don't wanna check), I also have three video games, an Itachi head band, and over 1,000 pictures on my work computer (by work I mean where I write my FF). 6. Have you ever felt that you were destined to be with a Naruto character? If so, who? NEVER! 7. NaruHina or KibaHina? NaruHina all the way! I love Kiba, but hun, you're gonna fuck the cat lady. 8. SasuSaku or SasuNaru? SasuSaku. What's up with Yaoi? 9. Which team is your favorite? Team 7 or Team Gai? Original Team 7. Sorry, Sai. 10. Do you support the Obito theory? Maybe. Not sure. 11. Do you support the 'Yondaime is Naruto's father' theory? Yes, I already know who his parents are! 12. Your favorite Akatsuki member? Hmm, I think Konan and Sasori. 13. Are you Pro-Sasuke or Anti-Sasuke? Neither, he is an ass and needs to go home and suck it up like the little bitch he is. 14. Have you seen all Naruto episodes so far (including Shippuden and fillers)? No, no, no, no, and NO. Okay, yes, but no. 15. Have you read all the chapters so far? Yep! All caught up. 16. Do you believe Naruto has ADD? YES! 17. Sub or dub? Either works. Yuri Lowenthal has a sexy voice though. 18. Pro-Sakura or Anti-Sakura? PRO-SAKURA WTF! She killed an S-class criminal for Christ's sake! 19. Tobi = Annoying or funny? FUNNY (but I know his dark secret!) 20. Do you even know who Tobi is? Duhh -.- 21. Gai = Sexy beast or Ugly nerd? Both. LOL! 22. Which character would be the best crossdresser? HAKU 23. Rock Lee = Weird or Awesome? Mostly weird. 24. Which character would be best OOC? Who and how? Sasuke.. Or ITACHI! LOL. Uchihas doing things Tobi's doing. LMAO. 25. Do you like Naruto fanfics? If I hated naruto fanfic then why the hell would I be takin' this survey? 26. Do you write Naruto fanfics? Yeahs.. but I'm pretty good *brushes dirt off shoulder as computer crashes due to terrible writing skills* 27. Do you like lemons? If it's related to a story.. Then yes. I dislike most one-shots. 28. Do your parents know about the Naruto characters? Yeah, sorta. They think I'm crazy. LOL 29. Have you watched the Naruto Abridged Series? I watched some of the series. 30. Have you seen The Naruto Ultimate Fanflashers? Those people who make fun of them? No, wish I had. 31. Have you ever gotten someone else hooked on Naruto? Uh..MY SISTER!!!!!!! (GHOST WHISPERER IF NOT HUMAN) 32. Have you ever been drawing Naruto in school and has someone recognized it? No, can't draw Naruto characters. 33. Have you ever been in class drawing Naruto and the teacher came up to you and said 'WTF is this?' I draw only during my free time and I can't draw Naruto. 34. Has Naruto affected your school life and grades? NOPE!!! But my anime addiction overall has. 36. Do you want to read Icha Icha Paradise? Stupid porn book. NEVER!!!!!! (Unless it was SasuSaku...) 37. Do you support the 'Yondaime is the Akatsuki Leader' theory? WTF? HE'S THE 4TH HOKAGE! HOW CAN HE HELP AKATSUKI? 38. Do you draw Naruto fanart? no. 39. Is Sasuke still sexy in his second stage of the cursed seal?OH GOD, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 40. Do you have a Naruto OC? Nope 41. Looking back at some of your answers, do you think Naruto has taken over your life? Like my entire life. |