Hello there. :D
I hope you like this fanfic. The plot is one hundred per cent based on a dream I had the other night about this precise situation, only that of course I added more things as my dreams are like.. broken ^^" well, as every dream. E-erm, if there are imperfections (as "where the hell are the tough guys?") blame it on my brain.("I..I killed them?")
This is a celebration!! Wooh~! Guess what! I finally had a 10(ten) in English writing! ;-; OMG I'm a happy person! xD That gave me the strength to post this. Streeength :DD
Masashi Kishimoto is the one, yeah? He made this possible. And he owns it!
-takes a long sip of her coffee and lift the cup- Enjoy!
The day finally begun.
The day when…
She stepped out of the shower.
He wrapped a towel around his hips.
She took her hairdryer while humming happily.
He roughly dried his hair with other towel while coughing lightly.
Once done, Sakura brushed her teeth and stepped into her big closet.
Once his hair was reasonably damp, he eyed the chair which had his clothes hanging from.
Her smile was bright when she closed the front door of her soon-to-be-gone house and headed to the beauty salon.
His face was blank when he closed his room's door and headed to their main room, where his companions waited for him.
"Sakura! There you are!"
"Sasuke.. What the hell took you so long?"
"Ino!" She grinned.
"Shut it." He murmured.
After producing her image for hours, in the evening, she started dressing between phone calls with congratulating cheers.
After finally reorganizing the whole plan a couple of times, he started to equip.
Her beautiful legs carefully slipped inside the large skirt.
He shoved his hand inside the long black leather glove -fingers uncovered- and made a fist. The leather made a stretching noise and he loosened the grip.
She wrapped the corset around her waist and her maid happily tightened it.
He put on his boats. Old, dirty, silent boats…
She slipped her arms gracefully on the white gloves and looked at her white covered hands with a smile on her face.
He slipped his arms through the sleeves of his black vesture, the Uchiha symbol pride and showing on his back.
Finally, her trembling hands placed the veil above her pink scalp and tried not to bit her lips so the lipstick wouldn't blur.
Finally, he grabbed his sword. His only loyal partner. The raven unsheathed the blade –not entirely- and looked at the reflex of his monotonous eyes. He narrowed them and rudely tucked the cutting edge again in place.
Her green eyes shone with emotion.
The Sharingan activated with anticipation.
Her red, red lips parted to sigh.
His lips traced a thin line but his jaw was tight.
… ….
"Are you ready?"
"Ready now?"
She looked up, clearly hopeful.
He looked down, secretly thoughtful.
… …
"Let's go."
Masshiro bride.
-//ol Chapter one lo\\-
She was so beautiful. Her eyes were now closed with nervousness, but she was telling herself to calm down. The maid, who couldn't get the smile out of her face, waited for her friend to stop walking from one side to the other and held her gloved hands with her own.
"Silly, didn't you say you were ready?"
"What if I trip…?"
"Not going to happen! Look at you, you're shinning tonight, Sakura-sama."
"…Th-thank you."
"Don't cry right now! You have to impress him, remember? And you'll ruin the make up I had so much trouble putting on you!"
Sakura chuckled. "Y-you're right, I need to calm down a bit."
The maid squeezed her hands before letting go. "Don't worry, everything will be perfect."
The bride nodded.
The organ started playing. The candles were lit in line, one after another, and people started to gather to see the couple who decided to marry on the very center of Konoha.
"They are marrying in the Avenue?"
"Mommy, where's the bride?"
"This is so sweet…"
The groom waited on the altar, his hands were joined on his lap and he too, was smiling brightly. All the heads were turned towards the end of the intense red carpet, where the white dressed woman was appearing. Blue eyes watched the situation with endless happiness.
Their Sakura-chan was going to marry.
And there she was. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Her usually straight hair was curled on the ends, her pale skin was exposed at the right places and it looked so soft. Her face showed.. peace. Beside her and intertwining his arm with hers, was Kakashi. The bouquet on her left hand was full and the dress shaped her body perfectly. It looked as if she was made to be like that. White dressed, charming, pure. Sakura.
When she passed through Naruto, she glanced at him and her smile widened.
"Naruto… I'm happy." She mouthed.
And he saw it.
The most beautiful smile ever seen.
A smile that could sprout jealously towards the man standing at the end of that red carpet, waiting for her. Owning her.
And then he looked down once the couple passed through him.
He wished.. that he could be seeing this too.
Kakashi looked at her, smiling behind his mask which curiously was white that night. She smiled back and nodded. Her ex-sensei winked quickly at her before letting go.
She turned and locked her eyes to her future husband.
She was close.
So close.
A few steps for changing her life.
Her life.
Her name.
Green eyes widened so slightly it was barely noticeable.
Her house.
Her family.
Her hand reached out. He also did.
Her bed.
Her ow—
The tips of their fingers were inches away.
And she held her breath.
… …
The ground shook.
H-her owner..../
The door opened without ceremony and hit the wall hard.
The Hokage placed the crystal ball which had been transmitting her pupil's wedding to her -…and which had showed her an unpleasant image a second ago, something was wrong- on the corner of her desk and looked at Shizune worriedly.
"We are under attack!!"
She heard the words she had been afraid to hear and broke the pencil on her hand.
"What… what did you say?!"
"We still don't distinguish the enemy! But they are using explosion methods to alarm the citizens on purpose!"
"SHIT! Tonight?! We are being attacked… tonight!?"
"…" Shizune looked down. "Yes…"
"Shit… Send the Anbu! Quickly! I want them exterminated… So they'll learn not to mess with my student's weeding."
The door was closed as hurriedly as when opened and the blond woman was left alone. She made a tsk noise and stood up from her chair to look at her city, it seemed that the enemy still hadn't reach that region… but it was only a matter of minutes.
"Damn it… Not there. Not tonight!" She punched the window.
The people screamed and ran in pure chaos. The sky gained a thin layer of red by the flames engulfing the buildings, trees and streets. The smoke hid the stars.
"Look for hurt people!"
"Naruto, we have to save the people now!"
"Where's Sakura-chan?!"
"I saw her, she's not hurt! Come on!"
"…!" The Uzumaki took a good impulse on his heel and took race.
His eyes scanned the places he passed through and he tried not to breath in the smoke too much. His eyes widened and he stopped running when a cry alarmed his senses. He looked for the source of the sound; it seemed that it was a kid.
"W-whhaa—ahhh! Aah!"
Damn it, where was the enemy?! All he saw was innocent people running and crying! They were surely doing all this purposely, those fucking bastards. He finally perceived the little boy curled up, hidden by the alleyway he was in, and caught up to him.
"Can you stand up?"
He nodded while stuttering. "U-uh-h---"
"Waaaahh!!!" The poor kid started crying again and covered his ears with his palms, scared by the sound of the explosions.
"Sh… calm down, I'm here." Naruto stretched a hand out. "Come on, let's go to a safer place."
"…" He took the hand and stood up, rubbing an eye.
Tchik. He showed the body a kunai. "You know how to use these?"
"M-m-more or less..-"
"Take it, and use it only for self-defense in any case, you hear me?"
The blond shinobi held the boy's hand as he ran and looked for some hint of the enemy.
"Damn it, those bastards!! Don't look back!" He said to the child.
The kid nodded and gripped the kunai he had on his hands tighter.
"Just keep running, keep--"
But… as kids were kids, he got curious when he heard footsteps running right behind them and looked over his shoulder to see who it was.
…And regretted doing so.
"What are you—"
The frightened boy freed his hand and turned around to throw his kunai.
"HEY! Don—"
TCHIIN!The high reverberation of metal hitting metal was heard.
Why did that… sound so quickly?
A kid couldn't have such speed at throwing kunais…
Which meant...
Whoever was behind them… was very close.
So his breathing hardened and he looked back too.
To find Uchiha Sasuke.
A meter away.
The fire was enlightening and shadowing his face in a sinister way. His head was tilted upward slightly and his black eyes… were scary, threatening. He was gripping his sword in a position which told that he was the one who blocked the weak attack from the child. The blade was exposed.
…And stained.
"…What are you doing here?" Naruto barely asked, too shocked.
His clothes were stained too. Blood on them.
"Answer me!"
The confused little boy looked from Naruto to Sasuke. From Sasuke to Naruto. They knew each other…? That couldn't be good. He whined and ran away from the situation as quickly as he could.
"Oe! Don-- woh?!"
The blond had to dodge a fierce slash. He then quickly turned around and saw Sasuke in a fighting position.
"Don't show your back to the enemy, idiot."
No, no.. nonono— NO.
"I am going to kill you." He took a step closer.
"I am going to destroy Konoha." Closer.
"And I'm going to enjoy it."
"But. I'll leave you to the end. First things first." He halted and placed his long blade above his shoulders, almost in a mockery position.
"That's… bullshit…"
"…" He stared at Naruto as if the red boiling chakra sprouting from his body was irrelevant. He closed his eyes. "…Don't bother me now."
"SHUT UP!" He showed his claws and run to his ex teammate desperately.
And Sasuke opened his eyes again, revealing his most fearful weapon.
Mangekyou Sharingan. Kaleidoscope.
"I said.. Don't bother me now."
"Sleep well dobe."
Dream now before waking up in hell.
o////--- To be continued.-----
Can you just imagine how hard it was to open my eyes once I started to see black again? T-T
I stopped the chapter there because that was the moment where I woke up... snif snifs... It was so fun because I wasn't watching this but reading it XD On my dream, it was a "special edition" of Naruto manga series and I bought it. I started reading and I just want to share the experience of seeing the most beautiful Sasuke I ever saw in my life XDDD IT WAS SO PERFECT. (It was the scene which he first appears --took two pages of the imaginary manga :P And you don't really care XD")
And dun worry, next chapter the "lovebirds" will meet.
Enough said xD
Only and only if you wish so, review please.