To those of you still reading this story; thank you, I suppose. It has come to my attention that there are several anonymous reviewers who have expressed some rather unpleasant sentiments that I would like to clear up.
(And just for the record, I deleted all of the flames, because they do not belong on a web story that was written for the free perusal of those on the Internet with an invested interest in my shitty writing.)
Okay, so I wrote this many years ago, when I was at the height of my own sexual ignorance. I identify as genderfluid, and am also asexual, so exploring sexuality at such an impressionable age left me overcompensating for detail. For that, I apologise. As I still do not understand the appeal of physical intimacy, I struggle constantly with the writing of it. I also only ever write smut now for the sake of character development, because sex in and of itself is superfluous and frankly discomfiting without purpose.
I once bore the intention of revisiting this story and editing the fuck out of it in the wake of noticing all of these mistakes, but I no longer have the time or the inclination to do so. So I will just say this. I was young. I was inexperienced. I was struggling with my sexual identity. Hell, I'm still struggling with it. But even so, I do not want this story to become the reflection of who I am as both a person and as a writer. I wrote this to find some kind of understanding, but I found none. Never the less, this story is but a drop in an ever expanding pond of ideas that I have since left behind me.
I am not the same person, or author (amateur that I am), that I was when I wrote this. If you need some kind of proof of this, please feel free to check out my more recent stories. After over five years of no writing when I was on hiatus, I changed a lot, and I like to think that this is reflected in my writing now. I am an adult without pretence, and I live by my own convictions. For those of you who have expressed negativity regarding this or some of my other old stories: do not fault me for demonstrating my childishness in my writing, when I was still a child when I wrote them.
We all mature at a different pace, and while I may have had a more mature outlook of life at the time, when it came to my sexuality, I was lost and very confused. Now that I have come to terms with this, I can safely say that my writing has matured immensely. Don't hold me to the standards that I set when I was young. I am not the same person anymore.
Once upon a time, I would have gotten upset over the criticism. Now, I actually couldn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about me or my writing. I do it because I love it, and no amount of negativity will change that. I don't have to post my stories here, but I do. Respect the craft, and respect the time, effort and courage the authors on this site have demonstrated in the sharing of their work with you all. If you don't have the guts to leave a name to call yourself by so that we can have a chance to explain ourselves and our motivations to you, then you can take your opinions and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.
As it stands now, I don't think there will be a sequel to this. I am focusing on my art, which is my primary craft, and my newer stories. I thank you for all of the kind reviews over the years, and hope for many more in future updates. Thank you all so much for loving my stories, and having faith in me when no one else did. I have become a better person for it.
I hope to see you all in future updates!
Kindest regards,
Your terribad author frond.